Bitcoin and everything associated with it. The home of cryptomaniacs and their adversaries. - page 257

What's not to understand? Sooner or later all the dough will end up in someone else's pocket. It's kind of obvious. The question is when.

I missed the best part ))))

What's cool, the buy bot made only $30 (from $468), and the sell bot made ~130 (from 90) nimes.

ZS: even if the nime drops to 2 now I won't be at a loss.

can anyone say in russian what the gox did there?
can anyone say in russian what the gox are up to?

One dark night, quietly out of the woods, a group of greedy hackers decided to go digging into Gox's software.

The Gox was frightened, hid, covered himself in a cloak and began to meditate. The entire Gox team takes part in the meditation.

As soon as they give birth to something and put barbed wire around the soft, everything will be as before and even better.


One dark night, quietly out of the woods, a group of greedy hackers decided to go digging into Gox's software.

The Gox was frightened, hid, covered himself in a cloak and began to meditate. The entire Gox team takes part in the meditation.

As soon as they give birth to something and put barbed wire around the software, everything will be as it was before and even better.

All right, let's keep playing.

Come on, looking at everything now, it amazes me how they managed to be the main bitcoin exchange for a long time.

Mischek:... everything will be just like before and even better.

That's right!

Some bigwig must have had a freeze-out.)
Some bigwig must have had a freeze-out.)
Not just one, Stepa was worth more than a grand...
the exchange screwed the mt-people, ay I got out in time )))
can anyone tell me in russian what gox did there?
Addressing Transaction Malleability
 MtGox has detected unusual activity on its Bitcoin wallets and performed investigations during the past weeks. 
This confirmed the presence of transactions which need to be examined more closely. 

Non-technical Explanation: 
 A bug in the bitcoin software makes it possible for someone to use the Bitcoin network to alter transaction 
details to make it seem like a sending of bitcoins to a bitcoin wallet did not occur when in fact it did occur. 
Since the transaction appears as if it has not proceeded correctly, the bitcoins may be resent. 
MtGox is working with the Bitcoin core development team and others to mitigate this issue.

A free translation (not verbatim):

Гибкость адресной транзакции ("transaction malleability")

MtGox обнаружил необычную активность на своих биткоин-кошельках и провёл исследование на протяжении последних недель, которое подтвердило присутствие транзакций, 
которые должны быть изучены более детально.

Нетехническое объяснение 

Баг в ПО биткоина делает возможным некоторым образом использовать сеть биткоин для изменения деталей (полей) транзакиции, чтобы сделать её такой, 
как будто-бы посылаемые на кошелёк монеты - не пришли, хотя по факту они пришли. Как только транзакция появлялась как не обработанная корректно, 
биткоины могли быть высланы повторно. MtGox работает вместе с командой разработчиков ядра Bitcoin и др. людьми для смягчения проблемы.

The attackers made a withdrawal, changed the transaction (I won't translate it, because I'm swimming in details and the translation will be ridiculous) and wrote to the support team that the withdrawal failed. The exchange was withdrawing again.

After a while, the flow of double withdrawals was apparently significant and they noticed it. Then they mowed down that it was a bitcoin vulnerability.

But people on forums are writing that mtgox progoders were checking wrong fields and some transaction fields were not checked at all -> bug in mtgox software, not bitcoin kernel. Hence the panic today was short lived. Somewhere like this, in general.