Bitcoin and everything associated with it. The home of cryptomaniacs and their adversaries. - page 254


they, the financial power brokers, are afraid that the "universal equivalent, measure of value and means of accumulation" might not be under their control.


they, the financial power brokers, are afraid that the "universal equivalent, measure of value and means of accumulation" might not be under their control.

Yeah, that's about right. And rightly so.

interesting times these days.

Проблемы биржи Mt. Gox привели к падению курса
Проблемы биржи Mt. Gox привели к падению курса
  • 2014.02.08
  • Bit Novosti
Mt Gox сегодня разместила на сайте заявление, в котором говорится: Наши усилия по урегулированию проблем, с которой столкнулись некоторые заявки на вывод средств, затруднены тем, что рост объема трафика по заявкам сбивает нашу работу на техническом уровне. Для того, чтобы более точно изучить процесс, вся система должна находиться в статичном...

"Dear participants of the project!

Due to the decisions made in relation to cryptocurrency in Russia, work with Qiwi is suspended indefinitely, as well as with other payment systems in Russia.

All financial obligations will be fulfilled in full by the available methods without charging any additional fees.

We recommend you to use system okpay (USD, EUR), the interest on a conclusion on it is reduced to zero.

We apologize for any inconvenience.

Regards support".


a little bit about the short:

bought nimes 84.6963 coins at 5.136 apiece

From then on, the deposit currency is neimes.

by some artful manipulation on the shorts I traded up to 89.91 i.e. ~6.16%

during this period naim fell from 5.136 to 4.4, i.e. ~14.33%.

in the currency of the deposit (neem) we have ~6.16% profit

in fiat the loss is not ~14.33% as it would be if we would not play from the short, but only ~9.05%

i.e. in such a way (at shorts) it is possible to trade crypto more than it will fall than just sit and wait till it will grow, and i will get profits in fiat.

SZZ: exactly the same strategy with the same initial deposit (in fiat), but with the currency of deposit USD traded ~ 7.62%, if you add everything together, the loss will be 1.43%

which can easily be repaid after 3-6 trades, or if neime will rise ~ by 3%, which is very likely.


There is a chance thatMt Gox will not resume withdrawals on Monday ,

which means there's only Sunday left to get rid of bitcoin at a still fairly high price...

There is a possibility thatMt Gox will not resume withdrawals on Monday ,

So what? No one in their right mind holds money there except the Japanese.
Apple испугалась bitcoin
Apple испугалась bitcoin
Blockchain было скачано лишь 120 тыс. раз за два года. Удаление приложений для биткоинов фактически означает, что валюта перестает быть доступной пользователям iOS-устройств. Одним из предположений о том, почему Apple пошла на такой шаг, является то, что компания опасается срыва ее попыток монополизировать платежные системы на iOS...
Where is the promised panic?
  • @coindesk
Mt. Gox, the World’s First Bitcoin Exchange, is Dead  Tip @Techmeme
Yes, damn it. Where's the panic?