Looking for a [trading] teacher! - page 14

I watched a two-hour forex video on youtube yesterday.

the author makes videos for youtube and conducts educational seminars.

and I thought, "how many of these tutors there are on YouTube..." And they don't show their own stats, they can't trade.

i was thinking, "how many of these trainers on the web site are there? they don't show their own stats and they themselves don't know how to trade.

People who, if they themselves trade, only trade at a disadvantage - they plant harmful information in the viewers' heads on YouTube.
I think they should be able to stop there and take the wrong profit.

"As a result, lovers of such youtube channels end up with a mess of incorrect and dishonest information.

The first thing that a person has to do is to monitor, and then you can only watch him to avoid overloading your head with trash.

ps: there is a pseudo-guru n. He wants to teach, but he does not want to show monitoring.
He says: "I won't show monitoring, because I have billions there, and bandits will come, put a soldering iron in my ass and take away my billions". he has billions in his account, but is ready to teach for 2 rubles))

The man is doing useful work, by the way! If he doesn't teach you how to drain properly, there will be too many smart people in the market and it will become harder to make money... What do we need? It's not easy for me as it is, and if it gets any harder, I won't be able to keep up.

he wants to teach, but he won't show the monitoring.
He says: "I won't show you monitoring, because I have billions there, and bandits will come and put a soldering iron in my ass and take my billions.

ahahahahahah I always find it amusing... you're such a successful hasla, why are you wasting your precious time on a three penny training. Advertising and advertising, but common sense...

Most of the time, free is just a simple lure. Maybe you should look for paid trading courses? Perhaps there are some.
Here's a book for you. Don't see that it's about business. It's about principles. And besides, it's good for putting brains in the right place. And forex is also a business. So it's all there. The file is attached.
3f7aw5.zip  148 kb

I've read this thread. The point is not how cool the teacher has to be. The point is, what exactly does this particular seeker need from forex? How far is he willing to go down this path? I think, topicstarter, that you do not need a teacher, but a firm goal setting. If you had a clearly defined ultimate goal, and if you knew exactly why you want it so badly, you wouldn't have created a topic about the teacher. Instead, you would have created a clear plan of action from your ultimate goal to the means that are at your disposal. This is called strategic planning. With a clear, time-bound plan in hand that takes into account both the short- and long-term prospects, you would simply begin to implement it, instead of wasting time looking for a guru.

If you do not have a guru, you are not in need of a teacher but rather a rigid self-organization, a reorganization of your entire way of doing things and an internal discipline to implement your decisions in a new and more effective way. These are nothing short of INTRODUCTORY BATTLES. No one else is going to do it for you. All you need right now are 2 things: 1) someone to dump a bowl of cold water on your head (if you can understand this comment, you are lucky), and 2) you are lucky enough to learn about discoveries made by others in your area of interest. With the second point, there is no problem at all. If you put the right questions to a search engine or on a forum you will easily get the information you need. The only question is whether you will be able to take it, whether you are strong enough to do so.

I want to be a master trader!

You can be a shoemaker as well as a shoe factory founder-owner. This is a very vaguely formulated wishful thinking. If you try the logical operation of reducing the volume of the concept, it is a straightforward way to being specific. The ideal would be to arrive at a single concept altogether.


I have a sports club next door. In big letters above the entrance it says:"To achieve a goal, you just have to go for it". Is that a good principle? It describes our natural pattern of behaviour. If you are not on the goal right now, then you still have some doubts, some unresolved issues, something that is causing you to tread painfully in place. Maybe it is even you who has chained yourself to a huge rock :) (it can happen) :))))

No teacher can tell you what it is that torments you. You are the only one who knows what you are going through. You must have the courage to be honest with yourself. Don't look for recognition in other people's eyes, but in your own eyes. Well, let's just say, why tell people that you're doing 15 pull-ups if you know that you're not really doing more than 10? Why should you tell people how many pull-ups you're doing? You're doing it for yourself. And you're trading for yourself, too. You don't tell your friends: "I'm a pull-up!!!" :) You say to yourself: "I do pull-up, I like it, and if somebody doesn't like it - let them go to hell". It's the same with trading, and with other areas of activity. I have attached a business book to the post above for a reason. Roughly speaking, it is a straightforward guide to "exercising on the bar". The value of this book is that it describes exactly the exercises, and not about what colour sports uniforms are needed, what types of steel should be made of the bar, etc. :)

I want to be a master trader!

Tell me, why is your profile disabled, why can't I write you a private message?

In many countries, forex is banned or equated to bookmakers. There is a reason for this. I think ALL forex tutors are either naive profiteers or outright crooks
Vladimir Baskakov:
In many countries Forex is banned or equated to bookmakers. There is a reason for this. I think ALL forex tutors are either naive profiteers or outright crooks

If you think a little with your head, you can remember that regardless of anyone's opinion, there are 5% of Successful Traders in forex, who KNOW how to make a stable profit when trading...

It is from these Successful Traders and one should look for a Teacher or a Mentor.