Looking for a [trading] teacher! - page 4

It depends on what is considered interest!

Interest is $30-50 per hour for a thesis-based, concentrated dialogue on the client's scenario to begin with. Then the price can increase many times if the test run reveals that the guru is preaching real information insider rather than tongue twistering.

You can start with questions. For example, there are 10 questions and we agree on the price for the clear answers.


Strangely enough this even applies to the purely practical aspect of learning mql5. Obviously, I can read the guidebook myself, as well as the articles on this great website. That is, I need a mql5 program from a teacher on how to operate all this amount of data as quickly as possible, with minimal effort.

I do not need to explain what is in the public domain. This is not logical. I'm not a fool, excuse me for this.

By mql5, I am interested in a hierarchical presentation of the material, from simple to complex, but immediately with practical examples and ways to quickly navigate the guide. I doubt that even a super pro can remember all functions, variables and classes by heart, but unlike a beginner, he has a mental reference database of orientation, like a map. If anything, he knows where to look for it and if it is there at all. That is what I am interested in.

Again, I would like to get a bunch of newcomers together and make a group proposal. Put some money together, get some answers and post them in the public domain. This should benefit everyone, including the esteemed MQs, as it popularises their software and lowers the entry threshold.

Yeah, maybe it's art too :-) I also do not consider myself dumb, but I failed to take mkl from scratch, I tried three times, I realized for myself, "full documentation on mkl - not for dummies", in the sinful case found a good tutorial on c++ the first day I baked a simple console application

In a month I've made about 12 pieces on the tutorial, but I still think I should do more basic art, trading, although every now and then I go back to c++ - it's fascinating stuff...

:-) And how are they passed on?
A real trader doesn't have time. And this is hard work. And everyone has a different view of the market. Just pay attention to those who sit in trading schools. They teach everybody, but they live off the paycheck. It's like a game of chess, you get the basic knowledge, and then it's up to you.

Interest is $30-50 an hour.

Or maybe a person - just no one to talk to, have you considered this option.... so little understanding in this world.....

There are other potential interests....

There's another problem here......

A real trader has no time. And this is hard work. And everyone has his own view of the market. Just look at those who are sitting in trading schools. They teach everybody, but they live off the paycheck. It's like a game of chess, you get the basic knowledge, and then it's up to you.

If you mean pips... I agree... titanic and nerve-racking work, especially if you don't really know what you're doing and the results are unstable.

I know traders who are more into tanks... or build a business in the physical universe....

What do you mean by the term "real trader"?


Yeah, maybe it's art too :-) I don't consider myself dumb either, but I'm not able to start from scratch, I tried three times, I realized for myself, "full documentation for mcl is not for dummies", but I found a good tutorial on c++ and the first day I baked a simple console application

I made about 12 copies of it within a month, but I'm still thinking that I should master this art, the trading one, though I'm coming back to C++, it's very interesting...

That's right, it's an art. That's what you're supposed to pay for.

I understand that in 2 years I myself will become a professional in mql, just by gut feeling method, studying reference books, articles and ready-made codes in kodobase, and it will formally be free, but if there is a guru, who can implement the same experience in 2 months, for example for 500 $, then it's great. The point is to speed things up, that's all.

As for the market, the situation is different, I haven't even figured out the horizons yet. Everything is very confusing, contradictory and paradoxical at times.


Or maybe the person - just no one to talk to, have you considered this option.... so little understanding in this world.....

There are other potential interests....

There's another problem here......

I think this is super rare. From my experience, I know that when you are a pro in something, it is not interesting to explain the basics to beginners, it pisses you off. Therefore, the financial aspect is the main thing.

It's another thing if you are not a pro but a simple windbag. We are trying to explain that we are not interested in this kind of stuff. If a person has an hourly rate of $ 1000, what is the reason for him to teach for $ 50? It is not logical.

If he is teaching at this price there are doubts about his profitability as a successful trader.

That is why I doubt that I will get in contact with a real market guru, but the situation is more prosaic with mql , it is only a language and there should be plenty of worthy teachers.

I just need to find someone who can play by my rules.


...but with mql the situation is more prosaic, it's just a language and there should be more than enough worthy professors.

I just need to find someone who can play by my rules.

Today I talked to a broker about it, some broker has a school for learning mql, I won't lie, I'll ask again tomorrow...

In addition, there is a service at another broker where they code their own advisors for clients, for a bonus, if only the formalization is clear, but the entrance to them is expensive, the minimum deposit is measured in thousands of green...

I'm still leaning towards contacts among programmers... although i recently became once again disappointed in advisors.... but i blame it on lack of knowledge of trading on my part...


Today I talked to a broker about it, some broker has a school for learning mql, I won't lie, I'll ask again tomorrow...

And another broker has a service where they code EAs for clients themselves, as a bonus, as long as the formalisation is clear, but the entrance to them is expensive, the minimum deposit is measured in thousands of greenbacks...

I'm leaning towards contacts among programmers... although i recently became once again disappointed in advisors.... But I blame it on inadequate knowledge of trading on my part...

This is logical. I'm afraid to use potentially interested people from "the other side", such as CA's staff, as a source of information.

For example, before consulting with an employee of DC I downloaded on the website of Boston Technologies, a business plan for organizing a broker, incidentally highly recommended, there are a lot of interesting things about the infrastructure of the broker, and the structure of the market Forex, I have a number of questions about it naturally, well, it turned out that it is like a taboo subject. I've found out that this is a kind of taboo subject, but I don't know what to do about it.

For mql5, too, we can assume that the purpose of customer education for such interested parties may be opposite. And the training will be extremely long, confusing and stressed on the flush algorithms like martin. I have different objectives. So you need to look for a practicing programmer-trader, but not an employee or associated with the promotion of brokers. And a "specific question-short answer" communication technique rather than "long monologue-question clarification".

Perhaps there are no such teachers at all. For the above-mentioned reasons. Then you are left with self-study.


This makes sense. I am now afraid to use potentially interested people from "the other side", such as the DC's employees, as a source of information.

For example, before consulting with an employee of DC I downloaded on the website of Boston Technologies, a business plan for a broker, by the way I recommend it, there are a lot of interesting things about the infrastructure of a broker, and the structure of the Forex market, I have a number of questions about it, of course, but it turned out that it is like a taboo subject. I've got a lot of interesting information about the infrastructure of brokerage and structure of Forex market, I've raised some questions about it, of course, it turned out that it's a taboo subject.

As for mql5, one can also assume that the purpose of training customers from such interested persons may be the opposite. I have different objectives, so we have to use the mql5. My goals are different, so you need to look for a practicing programmer-trader, but not an employee or associated with the promotion of brokers. And a "specific question - short answer" communication technique, rather than a "long monologue - clarifying question".

Perhaps there are no such teachers at all. For the above-mentioned reasons. Then that leaves self-study.

You have very general expressions when describing the situation and I do not know the essence of the issue, so it is difficult for me...

It's better to communicate not with brokers and brokerages, but with specific people like Vasya, Petya and Natasha working in these organizations, and you should clearly understand that their status may not correspond to their personal knowledge and experience, it is better to communicate with people, not with the organization... more useful.

I've met good traders, I've met talented programmers..... but I don't know them personally.... maybe there are some on the forum, it would be nice to have a good person... :-)