Looking for a [trading] teacher! - page 5


You have very general expressions when describing the situation and I don't know the essence of the issue, so it's difficult for me...

It is better to communicate not with brokers and DCs, but with specific Vasya, Petya and Natasha working in these organisations, and you should clearly understand that their status may not correspond to their personal knowledge and experience, it is better to communicate with people rather than with the organisation... more useful.

I've met good traders, I've met talented programmers..... but I don't know them personally.... maybe there are some on the forum, it would be nice to have a good person... :-)

If they do not know each other, they simply do not know them... If they do not know each other, they simply do not know how to do it.

They are all administration and their helpers. He's a practicing trader with 15 years experience, but he's not a programmer.

He doesn't give an answer to "tough questions" about the market's structure and its organization. He does not know programming, only mystifies with general phrases about neural networks, genetic algorithms, etc.


Doesn't give an answer to "skinny questions" about the structure of the market and how they are organised. And programming does not know, only mystifies with common phrases about neural networks, genetic algorithms, etc.

:-) What the hell do you need him for, he might also be convinced of some fact and can't let it go.... Or maybe he has never known and did not ask the question, and you have confused him, and he is complexed by the opinion of others.

I'm not sure that a practicing trader is interested in the inner workings of a brokerage company:-)))))

It's alarming that you have to communicate with people like that, the world is our reflection....

Change yourself - and you will change the world....


As for mql5, we can also assume that the purpose of training clients from such interested parties may be the opposite. And the training will be extremely lengthy, confusing and with an emphasis on the flush algorithms like martin.


I've met good traders, I've met talented programmers..... but in one person...

Have you tried to separate the flies from the cutlets?

Maybe "learning to program in mcl5" is one thing, but "learning trading systems" is another?


So you need to look for a practicing programmer-trader, but not an employee or associated with the promotion of brokers. And a "specific question-short answer" communication technique, not a "long monologue-question clarifying question".

Usually in order to ask questions you need to understand the subject. Therefore, specific questions are always preceded by "long monologues" which are called a "lecture" in common parlance. And the purpose of this "monologue-lecture" is to give a systematic/comprehensive understanding of the subject

p.s. In order to find a teacher - first you need to find a student.


Have you tried separating the flies from the cutlets?

Maybe "learning to program in mcl5" is one thing, but "learning trading systems" is another?

Usually, in order to ask questions, you have to understand the subject. Therefore, specific questions are always preceded by "long monologues", which are called "lectures" in common parlance. And the purpose of this "monologue-lecture" is to give a systematic/comprehensive understanding of the subject

p.s. In order to look for a teacher, one must first find a learner in oneself.

Here we go again..... the programmer's specs are here....... now they're going to explain to us how lame we are..... :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))

p.s. To look for a teacher, you must first find the learner in you.

Who have you found in yourself?
Here we go again..... the programming specs are on their way up....... we're about to be told how lame we are..... :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))
why explain it?
why explain it?

So, wanted to hear your reality about the people around you, the world is a mirror after all.... By talking about us/others you are talking about yourself....

Iron logic of life and no lag or bugs.....


Usually, in order to ask questions, you have to understand the subject. Therefore, specific questions are always preceded by "long monologues", which are colloquially called "lectures". The goal of such a "monologue-lecture" is to provide a systematic/comprehensive understanding of the subject

All of this is true, but the knowledge is usually accumulated from many sources, something you read somewhere, something you look up in code, something you invent yourself. For example, I've visited courses for beginners in TC, then a private interview, then I've read that part of the manual where the basics are explained (<300), read a lot of messages on the forum and got answers to some questions. Played with the demo, etc.

I have had some experience with it. I don't have to listen to the lectures or some fragments of them that I have already assimilated. For example I am interested in some topic, I book private lesson with fixed rate per hour. Obviously, I don't need to listen to the parts I already know and I want my teacher to be able to unload these parts on demand. This needs to be factored into the rate per hour. I do not intend to listen to the same thing three times for money, sorry, I'm not a horse.

Well, or agree on the "price of the issue" without reference to the hourly rate. That is, there are a number of questions and wishes in what format to get an answer and the price. That may be the best way.

I'm already talking to 3 potential candidates and I'm getting the feeling that such an obvious request may not be accepted.

I don't need a template course on topics that are covered here in the articles and are in the handbook. I'm a great learner myself, I need tips to increase my learning speed, many times over. That's the only thing I'm willing to pay money for.

Elementary level I can raise myself, I want to learn how to manipulate with the huge set of class functions, how to navigate in them a professional without memorizing all the data, how the programmer operates with code templates to quickly build typical code from ready-made blogs and how to form these blocks, etc..

In general, you need to map the hierarchical growth of experience from the general to the specific, rather than dive into the maze of some particularities. Above all, the adequacy of teaching not to be offended when he is interrupted if the material is not interesting.

For this they pay above average money, but without extremes of course. At the border of supply and demand, as usual...


All true, but knowledge is usually accumulated from many sources, somewhere you read, somewhere you peeked in the code, something you invented. For example, I have attended courses for beginners in brokerage companies, then attended a private audience, then read the basic part of the manual (<300), read a lot of messages on the forum and got answers to some questions. Played with the demo, etc.

I have had some experience with it. I don't have to listen to the lectures or some fragments of them that I have already assimilated. For example I am interested in some topic, I book private lesson with fixed rate per hour. Obviously, I don't need to listen to the parts I already know and I want my teacher to be able to unload these parts on demand. This has to be considered in the rate per hour. I do not intend to listen to the same thing three times for money, sorry, I'm not a horse.

Well, or agree on the "price of the issue" without reference to the hourly rate. That is, there are a number of questions and wishes in what format to get an answer and the price. That may be the best way.

I'm already talking to 3 potential candidates and I'm getting the feeling that such an obvious request may not be accepted.

I don't need a template course on topics that are covered here in the articles and are in the handbook. I'm a great learner myself, I need tips to increase my learning speed, many times over. That's the only thing I'm willing to pay money for.

Elementary level I can raise myself, I want to know how to manipulate with the huge set of class functions, how professionals navigate in them, without memorizing all the data, how programmers manage with code templates to quickly build typical code from ready-made blogs and how to form these blocks, etc..

In general, you need to map the hierarchical growth of experience from the general to the specific, rather than dive into the maze of some particularities. Above all, the adequacy of teaching not to be offended when he is interrupted if the material is not interesting.

For this they pay above average money, but without extremes of course. At the border of supply and demand, as usual...

You've got some pretty good queries.... Saxobank try it... you've grown out of the level of rank-and-file DCs, you just don't realise.... it's about the market and i'll check on the programming tomorrow... unless you've grown out of it too... :-)))))
Good call,..... Sachsobank... you've grown out of the level of the average dc, you just don't realise.... it's about the market, but i'll check the programming tomorrow... unless you've grown out of it too... :-)))))

You're exaggerating, how could I have grown out of something I've only tried on a demo, and that's in chaotic mode. I'm just trying to apply the learning methods that have been effective in teaching the "hard parts" in mathematics and physics. There you have to go hierarchically and with understanding, rote learning makes no sense at all.

I hope this is true here too, in programming I think so. Probably everything is more complicated with the market.

I will try only demo brokerage companies or banks and I am not going to try them in real trading without checking demo-grale with a sensible and adequate principle.

I will not even start to try real trading without tested demo-granalysis tool.

Many people claim that real trading is very different from demo trading, but this applies to manual trading(hopefully). I am not going to do manual trading seriously, I am not a plodding inattentive, I do not have those abilities that are attributed to successful manual traders.

I rely solely on the logical aspect. So I see no reason at all to train on a small real account to check how I psychologically behave. I'm a pretty irresponsible person as a matter of fact. And I know for a fact that I'm going to maximize my risk out of lack of restraint and lose everything. Which is exactly the opposite of how I plan to trade the algorithm.

It's just functions for me. I need to find the extremes of the function, semi-empirically. All this rhetoric about psychology does not apply to me, and if it does, it means that I am unfit for this job.

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  • www.mql5.com
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