Looking for a [trading] teacher! - page 2

what are the requirements for a candidate teacher?

Good question!

Similar to the martial arts - a practitioner with access to the higher mind and inner harmony.


A trading teacher may not be a practical trader. And practical traders often just can't explain why they opened a short or a long at any given moment. It's just like a teacher in a business school :)

It's better to learn on forums.

If a trader cannot explain what he does it means he does not know what he is doing - I do not need it, I want to understand what I am doing and why.

:) successful trading experience over a period of one year or more; how, on what withdrawn; no language, moral or financial barriers; having a methodology/training plan; responsibility for the result;

as i remember in the story about the "turtle" group of traders the training is brief.... and most of that group got results, their teachers as I recall bet a dollar on the outcome of that event.

There was that - some of them published books and points of view look different, but overall I admire them...

The topic turns into a farce.

The question was addressed to the topicstarter.

I would like to ask the pupil what kind of teacher he/she wants, what requirements does the pupil have for the teacher ?

Is he looking for a teacher in the right place, or is it a joke after a Saturday night out?

Thanks for the question on the criteria, I'll run it through my head today tomorrow......

As for the place, it does not matter in any search at all - as it is material - matter is secondary, I've met trading practitioners on the forum here, but they tend to be swindled and not taken seriously.

:-) How is it transmitted?
By airborne droplets, like the common cold.

Thanks for the question on the criteria, I'll run it through my head tomorrow......

Place, does not matter in any search at all - as it is material - matter is secondary, I have met some trading practitioners on the forum here, but they tend to be swindled and not taken seriously.

Yes, the criteria are interesting, then, after that - you'll just choose from the queue (some will be rejected, some will not ...) :) :)

Have you studied the teachers' market? There are more people who want to learn ... Learning trading is not learning how to drive a car...

I will pass on the sacred knowledge.
please contact me, I will pass on the sacred knowledge.

We'll wait for the criteria.

you may not be a match yet. ;)


It may happen that when a teacher is found, the pupil is not a good match for the teacher.

The teacher market is a monopsony. With all the choices available, there is not much to choose from.


Yes, the criteria are interesting, then, after that - you will just select from the queue (some will be rejected, some will not ...) :) :)

Have you studied the teacher market? There are more people who want to learn ... Learning trading is not learning how to drive a car...

I don't know to be honest - I wondered, I don't know...

The only thing that comes to mind is Eastern motifs, they are divided into classes, one direction is where pupils look for and choose their own teacher... in the other direction, the teachers look for their own pupils...

Of fuzzy expectations - stability in periods of a week, a month, years....

from a form of what is called a personal example, to sit so close to the monitor - to follow the teacher's thought process, trying to understand the essence of the decisions made....

About the teacher market!

.......... there is something about trading that is not quite clear to me, if it is a science then why most of the courses and educational programs are useless. One has to assume that trading is an art... Then we have to pay attention to how art is taught in society....

Is it realistic to teach e.g. drawing.... or do you have to dig into karma...
