Lance Begs' postulates - page 9

You can't become a millionaire by growing tomatoes on your six acres.
Just for the fun of it.
Как на огурцах сделать миллионы
Как на огурцах сделать миллионы
Когда стало понятно, что на государственных харчах хорошую сельскую жизнь не построить, колхозники самой большой белорусской деревни Ольшаны, что в Брестской об

Well, where does this desire to measure up come from? An acquaintance of mine had a position in shares for 18 million dollars and that was without leverage. He kept it for over a year and came out in the money, after taxes he got 30 m. One deal, and a bonus of half a million.

Of course, and this position was withdrawn via webmoney.


Scalpers are very cool, but alas there are none among any capital financiers rankings. Some people like the process, for me the result is enough.

Ratings of financiers are great, but what do scalpers have to do with it, and what do you have to do with it.

By the way, in case you don't know, a few years ago one htf owner had an annual income of 2800 mln. Now of course it's not possible.

2% of the amount managed. You can't become a millionaire by growing tomatoes on your six acres. Better to be the manager of a multi-million dollar fund and live off the remuneration than to blow 100 quid into space.
I seem to be behind the times, enlighten me. Somewhere there are fund owners who pay the manager 2% of the amount managed, regardless of management performance???

Of course, and that position was withdrawn via webmoney.

The ratings of financiers are great, but what about scalpers, and what about you.

By the way, if you do not know, a few years ago one htf owner had an annual income of 2800 mln. Of course it is not possible now.

well the other day a geek sold a server with pics and pics for 100,000 million...

Z.U. 2800 he earned on MT and withdrew via peypel?

I seem to be behind the times, enlighten me. Are there any fund owners who pay 2% of the amount managed to the manager, regardless of the results of the management???
It varies from fund to fund, but as a rule a management company commission of 1-2% is paid regardless of annual results . And there is no concept of fund owners, there are shareholders.
It varies from fund to fund, but as a rule a management fee of 1-2% is paid regardless of the annual result.
Thank you. It must be mega-cool to be a manager and live off the commission. It has nothing to do with trading though :)
Thank you. It must be mega-cool to be a manager and live off the rewards. Really, it has nothing to do with trading :)
It's an attempt to offend or justify your inefficiency by being cool.

well the other day a geek sold a server with pics and pics for 100,000 million...

Z.I. Did he make 2,800 on MT and get it out via pipelines?

There can be no doubt, all through WebMoney and the Ukrainian exchange, forex lots.
is an attempt to offend or to justify your ineffectiveness by being cool.
I don't quite get the point. Just to be clear, I'm not trying to offend anyone. I'm just surprised that foundations are giving away money for free. That's it, I'm stopping the off-topic.
is an attempt to offend or justify your ineffectiveness by being cool.
You remind me of a first grader who has discovered the multiplication table and keeps telling it to all the adults he meets and marveling at their ignorance))