Lance Begs' postulates - page 5

All normal guys got over it a long time ago.

Not all guys are normal, are they?

It's just another mathematical nerd, which doesn't reflect the market processes at all. That's why it's useless.
It's useless to you because you learned arithmetic in school. But for crazy kids it seems very promising, this nerd stuff.

He has a pretty sound reasoning and most importantly no mysticism or kabbalah, as is fashionable these days, here is some obscure video, but he is quite entertaining :)

It's about how he suggests playing these things. On the stock,

Or in forex, for example

Says stops on the edges of the 'channel' are misleading and wrong. He states that it is better to do as he says.

"Channel" is not a good term, but it's not easy to formalise this frequent pattern. Although with the eyes, with some skill, one can see it immediately. I know several people who use this pattern very successfully. Of course, there are many subtleties there, except for the way the pattern appears on the chart. You cannot just grail it. :) In fact, this is always the case with patterns. Especially when someone uses the simplest way to code a pattern from a book, runs it on history and is surprised that the result is 50/50. The whole secret is in the context.

HideYourRichess: It's about how he suggests playing these things.
Yes I read it, it's quite sensible, thanks again, I've been going round in circles from Eliot to Gann, then to Fibonacci etc. for years now, but Advers' tactics with his "imaginary point from the past" = sacral point is absolutely mind-blowing ))))

Well, not all nerds are normal, are they?

:) No, not everyone is normal.

It is useless for you because you learned arithmetic at school. But for abnormal guys it seems very promising, this same nerdiness.

Alas, the results of nerd and trading clearly show what prospects are real. The market is not chaos, there are quite definite processes going on there, based on the balance of supply and demand. The challenge is to recognise those processes. And that's not easy, I agree.

Just in case, one of the sections of mathematics, at the level of a profession which for many years brought me my daily bread, is no stranger to me.

Yes, I read it quite sensibly, thanks again, I've been going round in circles from Eliot to Gann, then to Fibonacci etc, but Advers' tactics with his "imaginary point from the past" = sacral point is a total mind-breaker ))))

:) I think there's still a debate going on on the spider about whether TAdv is a sect or not at all.

Concerning Lance's methodology (not postulates described in topicstart) - the ideas there are sensible to my mind, price-action, etc. They have been known for a long time. They have long been known, and "many" are using them one way or another. The question is the direct adoption. That is, from theory to practice. Not everyone manages to do it. Well, I haven't studied it thoroughly but it seems that not everything can be formalized in the form of a code. And this means goodbye to the dream of mechanical dough - hello to hard day-to-day work.

Chaos theory, especially as it applies to the market, was fashionable years ago. All normal guys got over it a long time ago. It is just another mathematical nerd, which does not reflect the processes on the market at all. That's why it's useless.
I would argue, but that's not the point. The problem is not a specific chaos theory, but that any theory and approach can be turned into a stale scientific book disconnected from life.
I would argue, but that's not what we're talking about now. The problem is not a specific chaos theory, but that any theory and approach can be turned into a stale scholarly book disconnected from life.

If I am asked: I wonder, dear man, do you know people who use, and successfully use, levels in their trading, for example? I will list the names, surnames, names, and you will not be able to shut me up. And about the chaos, my list is very short, almost zero.

That's if we move from theory to practice.

PS. my deep conviction is that the market is a very practical place, and if one method does not produce an immediate profit, you need to mercilessly cut this method and look for another. otherwise, the years of sitting on forums, numero uno and "0 calories".


Otherwise, years of sitting on forums, numerology and "0 calories".

By the way, how do you do with the results? Or the market is a hobby, but you earn money by sitting around in the research institute (I had an experience after uni, one year in the institute of electrodynamics, I would have cut everyone down - the syduns).

Z.I. The point of the joke is not understood, a construction shop is prosaic for a locksmith and chaos for a housewife. It's all about experience.

You are just staggeringly blind.
You're just amazingly blind.

Does he have it written on his forehead that he's a millionaire?

I don't see any people with that avatar on Forbes. ....