Interesting and Humour - page 3742


A good example of how you can fool a group of people who think they are clever and don't even allow the idea that they could be wrong).

A new teacher came to the class and found that one boy was being teased and called a fool. At recess, he asked the boys why they were calling him that.
- He really is a fool, teacher. If you give him a big five-rouble coin and a small ten-rouble coin, he'll choose the five because he thinks it's bigger. Here, look... The boy takes out two coins and offers the boy to choose. The boy, as usual, chooses five. The teacher asks in amazement:
- So why did you choose a five rouble coin and not a ten?
- Look, it's bigger, Mr. Teacher!
After the lesson, the teacher approaches the boy.
- Don't you realise that five roubles is bigger only in size,
but you can buy more with ten roubles?
- Of course I do, Mr. Teacher.
- So why do you choose five?
- Because if I choose ten, they will stop giving me money!

That's the way it is with DCs, you can't make too much money from them or they'll stop giving it to you).

What if I try to open an account at different brokerage companies? You work a month in one and then in the other! You may withdraw your money once a year (if you earned it) from one brokerage company and nobody will remember about you.


I've been working with one brokerage company for a month and then the other. You work for a month in one and then in the other! And such an inconspicuous withdrawal once a year (if you have earned it) from one brokerage house and no one remembers about you.

I meant it that way. You have to have a lot of accounts with different brokerage companies to make money. If you will use cent accounts, it may be good enough to earn in total. With cent accounts there is another advantage that they attract less attention and they usually have automatic quoting and pretty good order execution.

I've been working with one brokerage company for a month and then the other. You work for a month in one and then in the other! You may withdraw your money once a year (if you earned it) from one brokerage house and nobody remembers about you.

Why so complicated? There is a stock exchange and a broker. At the exchange, the broker does not give a shit how much you earn - he only executes your orders. The broker is even directly interested in your earning. I have been on the stock exchange for many years and I have no complaints against the broker.
Alexander Antoshkin:

So, options:

This isn't Rio de Janeiro.

It's not that.

It's not picking pennies in your pocket.

This ain't no hoochie-poochie.

It's not like showing your winks to mosquitoes.

It 's not picking your nose.

It's all at once!

Watched and cried)Excerpt from a Korean action movie!


Watched and cried)Excerpt from a Korean action movie!

What a flying tank! В 2:00

The expert believes that the WannaCry attacks could have been designed to manipulate cryptocurrency rates, namely Bitcoin.

In explaining his theory, the researcher refers to Metcalfe's law: which states that the utility of a network is proportional to the square of the number of users in that network ≈n2. When applied to bitcoin, this means that the cryptocurrency's capitalisation is directly proportional to the square of the number of active users. And the theory that there is a direct correlation between the number of users and the value of the currency has been around for a long time.

Thus, in order to sharply increase bitcoin's value, the number of users needs to increase just as sharply. The "ransomware apocalypse" triggered by WannaCry would be ideal for this purpose. The crypto-attacker, which attacks everyone and demands a ransom in bitcoins, has forced not only the immediate victims of the attacks, but also just as prudent users and organizations that opted to simply have a wallet just in case.

SecurityWeek journalists note that if Carson's theory is correct, the world has never seen an exchange rate manipulation of this magnitude.

Эксперт полагает, что целью WannaCry были манипуляции с курсом криптовалюты
Эксперт полагает, что целью WannaCry были манипуляции с курсом криптовалюты
  • 2017.05.31
  • Мария Нефёдова
Пока одни специалисты пытаются установить, на ком лежит ответственность за разработку WannaCry, обвиняя то северокорейских, то китайских хакеров, другие пытаются понять, каковы были истинные цели и мотивы авторов вымогателя. Несмотря на огромное количество пострадавших (их число уже превышает 400 000) операторы малвари сумели заработать лишь...

A cup of coffee?

are they already selling it in Moscow?
Can you give me a link?
I don't know what to do with my forex money


The Stratolaunch is the largest aircraft in the world.

In the US, the largest transport aircraft, the Stratolaunch, rolled out of its hangar for the first time in the state of California. It was developed as an aerial platform for launching launch vehicles into Earth orbit.
The first flight is scheduled for 2019.
The Stratolaunch has a wingspan of 117 metres and is 92 metres long. It weighs almost 600 tonnes at maximum equipment.
The aircraft has 28-wheeled landing gear, allowing it to withstand enormous loads.