Interesting and Humour - page 3725


Wife of Russian national in England gets £453m in divorce

Жена выходца из РФ в Англии получит при разводе £453 млн
Жена выходца из РФ в Англии получит при разводе £453 млн
Жена выходца из РФ в Соединенном Королевстве получит при разводе рекордную сумму в £453 млн. Об этом решении суда Великобритании написала газета Telegraph. Бракоразводный процесс между 61-летним трейдером, выходцем из кавказского региона, и его 44-летней супруги, чьи имена не раскрываются по решению суда, завершился распоряжением передать ей...
Artyom Trishkin:

Everyone has the right to think as they please.

The only place to get banned is for malicious violation of forum rules...

Artyom, moderators need a caption at the bottom: "If you haven't been banned, it's not your fault, it's our fault".

Wife of Russian national in England gets £453m in divorce

Marriage + divorce, it's a business. It is essentially the same as trading, the woman first looks for a successful candidate, then there is a lull for a few years and waiting for the profit - the profit is actually created by the man.

Services - like: - I do the laundry and take care of the kids, wash the dishes - can't cost that much! And the wife can even work somewhere, so she doesn't have to stay at home.

The wife of this trader is really VERY successful out of the deal with a good profit - learn traders!

Vitaly Muzichenko:
Artyom, moderators need a caption at the bottom: "If you haven't been banned, it's not your fault, it's our fault"
Well, not all moderators are so evil and totalitarian.

Friday Kupaju

by Cumbler
On that optimistic note, let's launch Friday's demon.
Pegboard Nerds – Swamp Thing
Pegboard Nerds – Swamp Thing
by Donter
On that optimistic note, let's trigger Friday's demon.


Better to break through the support with resistance:

Yuriy Zaytsev:

Marriage + divorce is a business. This is essentially also trading, the woman first searches for a successful candidate - then there is a lull for several years and waiting for the profit - the profit is actually created by the man.

Services - like: - I do the laundry and take care of the kids, wash the dishes - cannot cost that much! And maybe even work somewhere so that I don't have to stay at home.

The wife of the trader really got out of the deal with a good profit - learn traders!

Exactly. The woman is practical and there is no lyricism, she thought: what for do I need this old man, with this money I can support two young people).

I can imagine her ex-husband's state of mind, he probably thinks: Oh bitch, with this money I could support a harem for the rest of my life instead of you!


Lucky nesting).