Interesting and Humour - page 3717


... About the meatballs and noodles: yes, the catering in general was not up to par, although I remember a lovely canteen at the university, excellent and not expensive...

That's a good place to start (classic of the genre) and you wouldn't have to write anything else. I'm sorry, but there's nothing to talk about after that.

Our institute also had an excellent canteen, the food was good and not expensive, and the lunch break was... Now the best part - the break started at 1:15, and classes started at 8:00. If you ran very fast after the bell, you would have lunch; if you just ran, you would stand in line for about 40 minutes.

Speaking of the army regimen in the training camp, breakfast was 8:30, lunch was 3pm.

Dmitry Fedoseev:
That should have been the stamp to start with (a classic of the genre) and there would have been no need to write anything else. I'm sorry, but there's nothing to talk about after that.
Are all canteens cool now? Not much has changed in this industry and you can get sick in a restaurant. I prefer to eat my own food.
Are all canteens cool now? In my opinion, not much has changed in this industry and you can get sick in a restaurant. I prefer home-cooked food.
Can I guess what kind of home-cooked food? Chicken and buckwheat?
...I don't think much has changed in this industry and you can get sick in a restaurant...
...and it won't change.

Refreshments (Refreshments on rainy day) by Tim Santasombat

Refreshments, by Tim Santasombat

Dmitry Fedoseev:
Can I guess what kind of food is homemade? Chicken and buckwheat?

Didn't get it. No cereals except rye bread - diabetes. Various meats with various vegetables (except potatoes and beetroot). Fruits, nuts. Coffee with cream, sour cream, cottage cheese.

Didn't get it right. No cereals except rye bread - diabetes. Various meats with various vegetables (except potatoes). Fruit, nuts. Coffee with cream, sour cream, cottage cheese.

You know the psychological basis of diabetes? Greed. Get better.
Dmitry Fedoseev:

Do you know the psychological basis for diabetes? Greed. Get better.
If you were greedy, you'd be fat. I weigh 70 kilos and I'm 5'7". I've always had a sweet tooth, three spoonfuls of sugar in my tea and coffee. I got it from my mother, too.
If I was greedy, I'd be fat. I weigh 70 kg and I'm 5'8". I always liked sweets, I used to put three spoonfuls of sugar in my tea and coffee. And my mother's heredity.
That heredity is the reason. I always put a lot of sugar in my tea, but no diabetes, thank God. And my teeth don't rot. And doctors convince us that sweets spoil teeth...
Alexey Viktorov:
Heredity is the cause. I've always put a lot of sugar in my tea too, but no diabetes, thank God. And my teeth don't rot. And doctors tell us that sweets make our teeth rot...

That's probably true.