Interesting and Humour - page 3712


Two people are arguing about pears.

A third and a fourth came along and it started:

- and not pears at all, but tractors

- and not tractors but planes

- and they didn't fly, they floated.

- and they were purple

- and again you're all lying...


Somehow the minions have been forgotten...

About maths

Собаки-десантники во время Второй мировой войны
Собаки-десантники во время Второй мировой войны
  • 2017.05.15
Прыжок, приземление, лакомство! В борьбе против нацистской Германии 13-й воздушно- десантный батальон британской армии применил необычное оружие – собак-десантников. Несмотря на соблазнительное вознаграждение, четвероногие герои не всегда добровольно выпрыгивали из самолета. Брайан был смелым десантником. Он упорно тренировался, чтобы попасть в...
Quote from the "first post":
  • Dogs in WWII: carried the wounded out of the battlefield, searched for mines, served the fatherland in general...

Explanation of the quote - no, the quote does not say "sanitation dogs" anywhere.

Why are you talking this nonsense again?

If I make a mistake in a word, will you pick up on it too? I wrote in a hurry and had no time to type a long text - those who wanted to understand what we are talking about, those understood, and those who wanted to be stubborn - he was.



The amazing Avatar night light is made in the form of quirky Pandora mushrooms. During the day they're just pretty plants in a pot, but as soon as evening dusk reigns in the room, they burst into a soft glow!

The amazing Avatar nightlight

Vladimir Karputov:

The amazing Avatar night light is made in the form of whimsical mushrooms from Pandora. During the day they're just pretty plants in a pot, but as soon as evening dusk falls in the room, they burst into a soft glow!

Well these aren't really fancy mushrooms, they're very recognisable.)
Quote from the "first post":
  • Dogs in World War II: carried the wounded out of the battlefield, searched for mines, served the fatherland in general...

Explanation of the quote - no, the quote does not say "sanitation dogs" anywhere.

Why are you talking this nonsense again?

There are two posts quoted in my post. 1 is SanSanych's, 2 is your reaction to SanSanych's post.

What, was I supposed to number those quotes? So it's not clear where the first post is, even though the words "sanitation dogs" are highlighted in red?

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Well, these are not really fancy mushrooms, but very recognisable.)

At first I thought it was a pale toadstool... But no, it doesn't look like much.

My post quotes two posts. 1 is SanSanych's and 2 is your reaction to SanSanych's post.

What, was I supposed to number these quotes? So it's not clear where the first post is, even though the words "sanitation dogs" are highlighted in red?

Sorry, it's my fault - I read the written "first post" and went looking for my first post.

And that's what you wrote - there's no point in looking for any logic here.

The tractor is green and it flies.

Every Chinese person in San Francisco has a Parking Car. In fact, the Chinaman has other cars, a tesla for himself and his wife, and a big car for a picnic. They are all parked in the garage and in front of the garage. But parking is always a problem in San Francisco, so the Chinaman also has a Parking Car, which is parked outside the house just in case and takes up space. When a Chinaman is visited by another Chinaman from Communist China, who has not yethad time to steal a house in San Francisco and who has not yet had time to be shot for it in a stadium, he needs somewhere to park. Then the Chinaman gets into his Parking Car and drives off, and the Chinese wife watches to make sure no one gets up while another Chinaman, who has not yet been shot at the stadium for having stolen from Communist China for a cabin in San Francisco, parks in that spot. Then the Chinese wife gets into her tesla and follows her husband, who is also driving in the Parking Car to Golden Gate Park, where there is plenty of free parking. And the Chinaman parks the Parking Car there because he doesn't feel bad about getting smashed or stolen. Then the Chinaman gets into his Chinese wife's tesla and drives back home. And they are all together: the Chinese man, the Chinese wife and the other Chinese man, who has not yet stolen a house in San Francisco and who has not been shot at a stadium for it, eat their Chinese noodles. (с)