Interesting and Humour - page 3429


Oh, also Cuba's population is about 11 million, and the Cuban diaspora that migrated from Liberty Island is over 2 million in the US alone.

And that's just in the U.S.

A lot of Cubans studied at our institute (Moscow Institute of Chemical Technology), all of them were cheerful, wavy, cheerful fellows. After all, Cuba was originally the domain of rich people, their holiday destination. Why did they need a revolution? But, they had decided to, and it was their inalienable right. How could they, or we, know that they could never build communism: from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs. And this, while eradicating private ownership of the means of production, was the communists' greatest mistake.
Yousufkhodja Sultonov:
We had a lot of Cubans at the Institute (MITHT), all cheerful, curly-haired, cheerful fellows. After all, Cuba was originally the fiefdom of rich people, their holiday destination. Why did they need a revolution? But, they had decided to, and it was their inalienable right. How could they, or we, know that they could never build communism: from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs. And that, while eliminating private ownership of the means of production, was the greatest mistake the communists made.
Oh, well, if the guys from Cuba who went to school with you were curmudgeonly, then - fine!

It is for us, who see the outcome of this experiment, to judge its results - as soon as the annual USSR subsidies to Cuba ended, Cuba turned out to be a poor island, mired in drug addiction with a population of more than 80% infected with venereal diseases.

As a witness I have been there twice, in the 90's and early 2000's.

This is not the result of this experiment, this is implicit control by a global parasite lurking behind a screen, which, having seized power over the planet and having enormous resources afterwards, puppeteers this way. This shop has been going on for three thousand years. There is no end in sight. The only way to stop all experiments is to eliminate the global parasite.
Yousufkhodja Sultonov:
We had a lot of Cubans at the Institute (MITHT), all cheerful, curly-haired, fun-loving guys. After all, Cuba was originally the fiefdom of rich people, their holiday destination. Why did they need a revolution? But, they had decided to, and it was their inalienable right. How could they, or we, know that they could never build communism: from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs. And this, with the eradication of private ownership of the means of production, is the greatest mistake of the communists.
It's not a communist mistake, it's the puppeteering of a global parasite. And the global parasite didn't intend any communism. Communism was a carrot that was hung on a rod in front of a hungry donkey (the people) to pull the yoke around his neck all the time.
Nikolay Kositsin:
This is not a communist mistake, it is the puppeteering of a global parasite. And the global parasite did not intend any communism. Communism was a carrot that was hung on a rod in front of a hungry donkey (people) to pull the yoke around their necks all the time.
Who or what do you mean by 'global parasite'? If it is capitalism, then of course it is evil, but humanity has not yet invented a better one. If the system of kickbacks to the people works properly, for example, by progressive taxation of super-profits, then capitalism is able to provide everyone with a decent living, as, for example, in Switzerland, where they thought of paying 2500 francs a month to every citizen.

Schoolchildren in a mountain village in Sichuan province have to climb an 800-metre cliff to get to school.In May 2016, internet users drew attention to small villagers in China who were making the dangerous 800-metre mountain crossing every day just to get to school.The government took notice of the problem and funded the construction of a sturdy metal ladder that made the transition much easier.

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:
Who or what do you mean by "global parasite"? If it is capitalism, then of course it is evil, but humanity has not yet invented a better one. If the system of kickbacks towards the people works properly, for example, by progressive taxation of super-profits, then capitalism is able to provide everyone with a decent living, like, for example, in Switzerland, where they thought of paying 2500 francs a month to every citizen.
The global parasite is a shobla that has privatised the machines that print dough all over the world. In robbing the planet, the parasite is forced to share the loot with certain nations and so for the time being it allows such imbalances. The global parasite has already sentenced Europe and is going to replace all its population with less demanding Indians with their iron caste system. The states too have lost the war to the global parasites, Trump is the drive belt of the global parasites. The global parasite is forced to eliminate the US with its unthinkable absorption of natural resources.
Server Muradasilov:

Schoolchildren in a mountain village in Sichuan province have to climb an 800-metre cliff to get to school.In May 2016, internet users drew attention to small villagers in China who were making the dangerous 800-metre mountain crossing every day just to get to school.The government took notice of the problem and funded the construction of a sturdy metal ladder, which made the transition much easier.

Amazing! With such a zeal for knowledge, the Chinese will conquer the world in the foreseeable future because they have understood the true value of knowledge. Our children have to be lured by force to the school which is 100 paces away on a level road.
Yousufkhodja Sultonov:
Amazing! With such a zeal for knowledge, the Chinese will conquer the world for the foreseeable future, because they have understood the true value of knowledge. Our children have to be lured by force to the school which is 100 paces away on a level road.

This is an example of how the Chinese, with their "zeal for knowledge", clamp down on "global parasites".