Interesting and Humour - page 3427

I'm no expert, but according to my data, women cheat many times more than men
There are also fewer men than women.


In the Omsk region, Vladimir Krupko, head of the planetarium, met a 12-year-old schoolchild with an uncontrollable ability to move objects.

Vladimir Krupko, head of the Omsk Planetarium, told NGS.OMSK that about 1.5-2 months ago strange phenomena started happening to a 12-year-old schoolboy in Pavlogradsky District. "The phenomena occur where he is. And not always, but quite often: furniture moves, objects fall down, tables are raised and lowered, porcelain objects are broken," specified Vladimir Krupko. The scientist noted that nothing happens to people around the boy, he affects them only psychologically: some feel very calm, while others are nervous on the contrary: "There doesn't seem to be any fright, but some girls almost cry there, because something happens that they can't explain."

Daniel, a 12-year-old with paranormal powers, has no emotions about what is going on. "He is as calm as Chuck Norris," said Vladimir Krupko. According to him, children during puberty often have the ability to change the space around them, but it usually goes away after 3 months.

A schoolboy from Pavlogradsky district does not know how to control what happens, everything happens by itself, specified Vladimir Krupko. According to him, during today's visit to the rural school, he saw a chair fall one metre away from the teenager, a heavy metal bench move, and the toilet cistern lid break in the toilet. The child cannot repeat any of what happened intentionally.

The expert also added that in the near future the planetarium will host a lecture on poltergeist phenomena among teenagers. According to him, this is not the first time in the Omsk region when unusual things have happened to children.

Руководитель Омского планетария нашел в области мальчика с паранормальными способностями
Руководитель Омского планетария нашел в области мальчика с паранормальными способностями
  • 2016.11.22
В Омской области руководитель планетария Владимир Крупко познакомился с 12-летним школьником с неконтролируемой способностью двигать предметы. Как рассказал НГС.ОМСК руководитель Омского планетария Владимир Крупко, около 1,5–2 месяцев назад в Павлоградском районе с 12-летним школьником начали происходить странные явления. «Явления происходят...
В Японии построят самый мощный в мире суперкомпьютер
В Японии построят самый мощный в мире суперкомпьютер
  • 2016.11.25
  • Денис Яковлев
По словам источника Reuters, принимающего участие в проекте, суперкомпьютер, который должен быть построен уже в следующем году, сможет выполнять 130 квадриллионов вычислений в секунду. Таким образом, его производительность составит 130 петафлопс. Для сравнения, первое место в мире сейчас занимает китайский Sunway Taihulight производительностью...

There's one more ..................

Путин вручил Стивену Сигалу российский паспорт
Путин вручил Стивену Сигалу российский паспорт
  • 2016.11.25
  • Александр Юнашев
Известный актёр Стивен Сигал официально стал российским гражданином — глава государства Владимир Путин вручил ему паспорт. Это произошло в представительском кабинете Кремля, в том самом, где накануне лидер страны встречался с главой ООН, а также где он обычно ведёт переговоры с президентами иностранных государств. — Поздравляю и выражаю...

It's kind of boring here, and the humour is in the next thread - machine learning (MO)

2016.11.25 18:23 RU

Реter Konow:
If we're talking about 1000 or even 3000 thousand lines of code, it's not a problem. An experienced developer is perfectly capable of solving this problem. You just have to get to the bottom of this MO and write it. I would do it, but I am busy with graphics at the moment. Maybe there are some enthusiasts?

I like your enthusiasm, however MO is not riveting graphics, it is difficult, you need to be smart, for example MLP with backprops in C++ about 100-150 lines of code, but all mankind invented backprops for 20 years, which in a common project not more than 30-50 lines of code, how some novice can produce 10000 lines of code in a couple of hours without getting into code using visual tools in Dreamweaver, so code isn't just code. there were 200 pages long threads about neural networks which ended up with nothing

Retug Konow2016.11.25 18:27 RU

SanSanych Fomenko:

We are all busy...

How about dropping everything and demonstrating by deed how it would look beautiful with randomforest algorithm on mcl. Specifically. At least one algorithm, the most common in machine learning. You can also help the metaquotes...

Let's put it this way:

You are an adherent of R and MO, and hence knowledgeable about both.

You explain to me the essence and principles of MO, and I'll tell you if I can write it and how long it will take.

Based on that, you can find some free time and start implementing it. You may need some helpers.

SanSanych Fomenko2016.11.25 18:29RU

Retag Konow:

Let's put it this way:

You are a follower of R and MO, and hence have a grasp of both.

You explain to me the essence and principles of MO and I will tell you if I can write it and how long it will take.

Based on that, you can find free time and start implementation. Perhaps some helpers will be required.

MO (probably "machine learning") is a thousand algorithms. Which one do you need?

Retug Konow2016.11.25 18:30 RU

I like your enthusiasm:
I like your enthusiasm, but MO is not a riveting graphic, it is difficult, you have to be clever, for example MLP with C++ backend is about 100-150 lines of code, but all mankind invented backend for 20 years, which in general project is not more than 30-50 lines of code, how some zerobie in Dreamviewer without getting into code using visual tools can produce 10000 lines of code in a couple of hours, so code is not the same thing, there were 200 pages long threads about neural networks which ended up with nothing

Obviously, the problem is in formulating the essence. You really have to be clever to do it).

Be precise in formulating the essence. That's enough to estimate the complexity of the task.

2016.11.25 18:39 RU

Tag Konow:

Obviously the problem is formulating the essence. You really have to be clever to do that).

Formulate the gist accurately. That's enough to assess the complexity of the task.

By the way, quality graphics are the hardest thing, in case you didn't know.

That's like asking "formulate the essence of higher mathematics", go to a tech school in 3-5 years you will be formulated in general terms.machine learning 2014 here look at the basics

Retug Konow 2016.11.25 18:44 RU
It's like asking "formulate the essence of higher mathematics", go to technical university in 3-5 years they will formulate it for you in general.machine learning 2014 here look the basics

Well the gist can be formulated in a set of sentences. That's all I ask.

The task now is not to study the topic, but to preliminarily estimate its scope. That's why I say formulate (if you understand).

Retug Konow2016.11.25 18:52 RU
SanSanych Fomenko:
The gist, no problem. You take it and do it.

So there are 200 pages here discussing a topic whose essence no one can articulate? Why do you frustrate me so much).

Белорус месяц ночевал в машине, чтобы узнать, кто постоянно ее царапает
Белорус месяц ночевал в машине, чтобы узнать, кто постоянно ее царапает
Житель Минска столкнулся с систематической порчей краски его автомобиля — за полгода машину поцарапали 20 раз. Правоохранительные органы ему помочь не смогли, после чего автомобилист взялся решить проблему самостоятельно. Об этом он сам рассказал на одном из белорусских форумов. Владелец небольшого хэтчбека VW Polo утверждает, что постоянно...
Alexey Volchanskiy:
So, something happened that no one expected. No, really! Just a week ago there was a rather sharp note about untouchability of "new nobility" and here is a rather unexpected result.

Russia's Economic Development Minister Alexey Ulyukayev has been arrested! And arrested, the Investigative Committee said, for a trivial bribe. Although the word "trivial" is not very appropriate here. Big, "trivial" people take bribes that are not "trivial" either.

Speaking of not trivial and not trivial people:

Here's another FSO general being detained for bribery.

The Prosecutor General's Office has asked the Investigative Committee to open a criminal case against the CEO of Russian Post

Следователи рассказали о деле генерала ФСО Лопырева
Следователи рассказали о деле генерала ФСО Лопырева
  • 2016.11.25
  • Сафрон Голиков / «Коммерсантъ»
В отношении генерала Федеральной службы охраны (ФСО) России Геннадия Лопырева возбуждено уголовное дело по фактам получения взяток в особо крупном размере (часть 6 статьи 290 УК РФ). Об этом говорится в поступившем в редакцию «Ленты.ру» пресс-релизе Следственного комитета (СК). Отмечается, что взятки начальник Службы охраны на Кавказе ФСО...
Server Muradasilov:

Well, there's one more ..................

[ ] one more lucky one.


[ ] one unhappy

Alexey Volchanskiy:

San Sanych, the polyclinic is nothing special. At the State Duma elections the day before last, my neighbour, an alcoholic, came up to me. I saw that he was clean and sober. He proposed voting for the United Russia party, and I was given 500 rubles to sign for it. And then Putya was astonished at the dashing victory of United Russia, the magician Churov counted 49% in favor of United Russia, which no one expected.

I do not see anything wrong with that!

We vote for someone who will somehow improve our lives and give us some happiness, a man's fee is 500 rubles, a couple of three bottles of cheap vodka.

I will honestly vote for anyone who offers me a lifetime allowance or at least a lump sum, say, a car or at least a new laptop.

When we vote, we will not vote if a candidate says honestly: You see, I have no money, but I wish you health. I may be ready to vote for my health, but I want the damn money.

We will vote for the one who says, guys, I will take the country out of the black hole, I promise a minimum income of $ 1000, a minimum pension of $ 1500, each young family a flat at the time of marriage, and the flat will be seized and given to the couple that gets back together.

The birth rate will go up, taxes will be so high in 20 years, and we will elect him four times or better for life, and there will be fewer divorces. And the birds will sing in winter.

And I will also vote for the deputy who will write in the election program, I am going to be a deputy to have a 800,000 soms salary, a deputy's flat in Moscow and I will not do anything for the entire term in the Duma.

Мини экскаватор для ремонта квартиры, привет соседям))
Мини экскаватор для ремонта квартиры, привет соседям))
  • 2016.11.16
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