Interesting and Humour - page 3394

Andrey Dik:

I'm not offended, what makes you think that... I'm trying to put the facts together. I don't recall a single post of yours where you were just happy for your homeland, for your country, on the contrary - any interesting, or even noteworthy events or figures about Russia plunged you into a malicious, snide state. The most innocuous explanation would be your age, denial, maximalism and all that... But I suspect things are worse. Worse for you.

What am I supposed to do? Take a flag and, waving it and occasionally shouting "hurrah", go out into the street and demonstrate? Or initiate a procession for glory?
You should read that Strugatsky novel after all. There, for example, it says how those who did not periodically rejoice for their homeland were put in an asylum and prison.

And they were right. An ant or a bee, if it does not rejoice with others, if it denies the achievements of the anthill, if it starts carrying straws to another anthill, it is eaten, so it is more useful of it, fodder for society.

What have you and your namesake done for your anthill, why do you think you should not be eaten?

Dmitry Fedoseev:
What am I supposed to do? Take a flag and, waving it and occasionally shouting "hurrah", go out into the street and demonstrate? Or initiate a procession for glory?
Yes, age is most likely to be to blame. Why wave flags? Just be happy for your country. You went out in the sun - rejoiced, you saw birch trees - rejoiced, a record wheat harvest - rejoiced, the Americans shit their pants when they saw a Russian fighter jet dive on their destroyer - rejoiced... So why wave flags? - Just live and rejoice in the simple achievements of your country.
Andrey Dik:

And they were right. An ant or a bee, if it does not rejoice with others, if it denies the achievements of the anthill, if it starts carrying straws to another anthill, it is eaten, so it is more useful of it, fodder for society.

What have you and your namesake done for your anthill, why do you think you don't need to be eaten?

It depends on what the "achievements" of the anthill are.

Some "achievements" are to be ashamed of (at the very least).

For example, someone being happy that someone else is "shitting themselves" is, according to you, an achievement....

Andrey Dik:
Yeah, it's probably because of age. So why wave the flags? Just be happy for your country. You go out in the sun - you rejoice, you see birches - you rejoice, a record wheat harvest - you rejoice, the Americans shit their pants when they see a Russian fighter jet dive on their destroyer - you rejoice... So why wave flags? - Just live and rejoice in the simple achievements of your country.

I wonder... What's the connection between the sun and the country? It's the same with birch trees.

Is it the fighter jet over the destroyer that's the achievement I should be happy for?


It depends on what the "achievements" of the anthill are.

Some 'achievements' are to be ashamed of (at the very least).

For example, someone being happy when someone else "shits their pants" is, according to you, an achievement....

In your terms, it depends whois shitting themselves. If the enemy shitshimself on seeing the army you're marching in - then yes, that's a very good thing.
Andrey Dik:
In your terms, it depends on whois shitting themselves. If the enemyshits his pants when he sees the army you're marching in, then yes, that's very good.

An enemy? Doesn't the leader always say - our American partners?

And where does the army "march" - across the fields of Alaska or the roads of California?

Dmitry Fedoseev:

I wonder... What's the connection between the sun and the country? It's the same with the birches.

Is it the fighter jet over the destroyer that's the achievement for which I should rejoice?

Well, don't be, if it makes you feel better. Keep snickering at the sight of another achievement of the national economy, especially if you haven't done anything for it..... You're an odd one to say the least.

Looked at the constitution, and even the military manual, everything I could find about love and patriotism:

Мы, многонациональный народ Российской Федерации,

united by a common destiny in their land,

affirming human rights and freedoms, civil peace and harmony,

preserving the historically established state unity,

based on the universally recognized principles of equal rights and self-determination of peoples

Honouring the memory of our ancestors who transmitted to us their love and respect for the Fatherland and their belief in good and justice

reviving the sovereign statehood of Russia and asserting the firmness of its democratic foundation

seeking to ensure the well-being and prosperity of Russia,

proceeding from the responsibility for their Motherland to the present and future generations

conscious of ourselves as part of the world community,


Note couple more lines:"asserting the inviolability of itsdemocratic foundation". So, don't you think that everyone who opposes democracy (which has become so fashionable among patriots) is violating the foundation of the Russian Federation - the constitution.

Note one more place -"conscious of being part of the world community". So, when I am told how awful it is in the USA, Europe, how awful Americans and Europeans are, it greatly disturbs my consciousness of being a part of the world community. I.e. again, it violates the constitution of the Russian Federation.

Show me at least one place where I have violated the constitution, the military regulations or any other law of the Criminal Code or the Civil Code?