Interesting and Humour - page 3388

Dmitry Fedoseev:
Notice, propagandists for advice, reduce everything to just food. As if people had no other needs.
"Fed" doesn't mean natural. It means "allocation of funds".
Andrey Dik:
I don't know where the soda came from in Ukraine. It doesn't matter, each republic was 'tailored' to its own tasks, where they made this and that, depending on many factors, climate, geographic location and so on. My relatives lived in Tajikistan during the Soviet Union, and they say they had such cool toys from all over the world that their children had never seen in Russia, so what? The important thing is that funds were not distributed fairly across the republics, hence the skewed well-being of the people. If you want to live well, change things around you without complaining about politicians, there is plenty of free land, grow wheat, fish and cattle, anyone who is not lazy does so and thrives, while the rest whines and complains about the government.

Just now I wrote that it all comes down to munching,

It's funny, like they are serious about bringing in soda pop. They didn't bring it in, they made it themselves. And you are so happy to support an absurd idea of bringing in soda pop from somewhere just to support your idea. So does SanSanych's twisted interpretation of statistics.

Where did you see me complaining?

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Just now I wrote that it all comes down to munching,

It's funny, you are so serious about bringing in soda pop. They didn't bring it in, they made it themselves. And you are so happy to support an absurd idea of bringing soda from somewhere just to support your idea. So does SanSanych's twisted interpretation of statistics.

Where do you see me complaining?

Well, they were making soda and they're making it, all right! So why the fuck do they suck now that they have soda? They wanted to sell their soda to the EU and live off it? Only it turns out the EU doesn't want their soda. They thought they would sit high on the transit of oil and goods? No way, it did not work either. And it is the same with all the republics.

Yes, you complain all the time, the government is to blame, me, the SS. Just not you.


A story, based on real events, of a man who worked at a defence factory in the Soviet Union.

Terrarium. Solomatin A.V.

Соломатин Артем Викторович. Террариум
Оценка: 4.64*40  Ваша оценка:
Andrey Dik:

So they were making soda and they're making soda, all right! So why the fuck do they suck now that they have soda? They wanted to sell their soda to the EU and live off it? Only it turns out the EU doesn't need their soda. They thought they would sit high on the transit of oil and goods? No way, it did not work either. And it is the same with all the republics.

Yes, you complain all the time, the government is to blame, me, the SS. Just not you.

Why does it suck?
Andrey Dik:

So they were making soda and they're making soda, all right! So why the fuck do they suck now that they have soda? They wanted to sell their soda to the EU and live off it? Only it turns out the EU doesn't need their soda. They thought they would sit high on the transit of oil and goods? No way, it did not work either. And it is the same with all the republics.

Yes, you complain all the time, the government is to blame, me, the SS. Just not you.

Here, to make things clear, you have to write things that could get you banned. So I am done. If you have more questions, send me a summons, I will come write an explanation.

In what place did I complain?

Why does it suck?

Because if it did not suck, they would not complain about everything to the EC and would not ask for multi-billion dollar loans. They wouldn't complain that no one wants to buy their products but Russia, they wouldn't ask for weapons from the United States.

And Russia, despite the "shattered economy" (c) Obama, continues quietly to launch spacecrafts, build and every month launches the newest destroyers and nuclear-powered submarines, the newest aircrafts of unparalleled 5th generation, hypersonic ballistic missiles of intercontinental activity, which can not be intercepted by modern means of defense; it builds, lives and develops. It does not forget to pull old friends Chechnya and others around its neck, it helps the poor and sick - Syria, protects the world from terror, and countries are turning to it for help. The Seagales consider it an honour to receive a passport, not Georgian, not Ukrainian, not Belarusian, but Russian.

Vladimir Tkach:

A story, based on real events, of a man who worked at a defence factory in the Soviet Union.

Terrarium. Solomatin A.V.

Thank you! Five points-
Andrey Dik:

Wouldn't complain that no one wants to buy their products but Russia now

You're joking, right?

ТОП стран по товарообороту агропродукции из Украины
ТОП стран по товарообороту агропродукции из Украины
В 2015 г. ветер перемен оказался для Украины попутным в сфере торговли аграрной продукцией. Согласно данным Министерства аграрной политики и продовольствия Украины, в числе ключевых достижений можно назвать стремительный рост экспорта в страны Азии, выход на новые рынки сбыта, рекордное положительное сальдо. Общий товарооборот за год составил...
Andrey Dik:

Because if it did not suck, they would not complain about everything to the EC and would not ask for multi-billion dollar loans. They wouldn't complain that no one wants to buy their products but Russia, they wouldn't ask for weapons from the United States.

And Russia, despite the "shattered economy" (c) Obama, continues quietly to launch spacecrafts, build and every month launches the newest destroyers and nuclear-powered submarines, the newest aircrafts of unparalleled 5th generation, hypersonic ballistic missiles of intercontinental activity, which can not be intercepted by modern means of defense; it builds, lives and develops. It does not forget to pull old friends Chechnya and others around its neck, it helps the poor and sick - Syria, protects the world from terror, and countries are turning to it for help. The Seagales consider it an honour to receive a passport, not Georgian, not Ukrainian, not Belarusian, but Russian.

It reminds me of the joke about the two Chukchi:

- doyu spik inglish?

- ez of kos........... and what's the use...