Interesting and Humour - page 3283

СанСаныч Фоменко:
Only what is in the nightstand is called money. Everything else is assets and liabilities with some valuation.
A turner (T) is turning bearings. Some journalists come to him:
- Tell me, do you drink?
(T) - I do!
(R) - And if a bottle of vodka costs 500 roubles, will you drink?
(T) Why wouldn't I drink it?
(W) What if it costs 1,000 rubles?
(T) - I will!
(W) What if it costs 5000?
(T) - Do you see the bearings? A bottle of vodka is still worth 2 bearings.
and it'll still be worth it!
Nikolay Demko:
Worth a turner (T), turns bearings. Here come the journalists (G):
- Tell me, do you drink?
(T) - I do!
(R) - And if a bottle of vodka costs 500 roubles, will you drink?
(T) Why wouldn't I drink it?
(W) What if it costs 1,000 rubles?
(T) - I will!
(W) What if it costs 5000?
(T) - Do you see the bearings? A bottle of vodka is still worth 2 bearings.
and it'll still be worth it!

In the USSR GOSPLAN it was called 'plan in kind'. This is how the country was built: from the turner plumber to the highest levels of government.

Everything else is pure mystification. All these quotes.... market value... and other bullshit.

Nikolay Demko:
A turner (T) is turning bearings. A journalist (G) comes to him:
- Tell me, do you drink?
(T) - I do!
(R) - And if a bottle of vodka costs 500 roubles, will you drink?
(T) Why wouldn't I drink it?
(W) What if it costs 1,000 rubles?
(T) - I will!
(W) - What if it costs 5,000?
(T) - Do you see the bearings? A bottle of vodka is still worth 2 bearings.
and it will still cost!
everybody says crisis, crisis, and a bottle of vodka cost 3.62 ($4) 40 years ago and it still does....
Alexandr Saprykin:
everybody says crisis, crisis, but a bottle of vodka cost 3.62 a day 40 years ago (4 dollars) and it still costs .....

Only it turns out that stability is not with us, but in the States )))

P. S. At the Soviet exchange rate, it comes out to almost $6 (at that time the dollar was worth about 60 kopecks).


Have a happy weekend everyone

Aleksey Levashov:
The Archangel Michael has been entrusted with eradicating corruption in Russia.

At the initiative of Alexander Bastrykin, Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia , in the interests of strengthening the spiritual and moral foundations of the staff of the Investigative Committee of Russia
His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia has blessed to designate the Holy Archangel of God Michael as the spiritual (heavenly) patron of the agency.
Sergey Golubev:
  • For example, our people might ask the Chinese: "Build us a factory!"
  • The Chinese: "There's nothing there, it's just a field.
  • Ours: "But first you build us roads, kindergartens, schools, residential buildings, electricity and internet. And then on top of that infrastructure - a factory for us.
  • The Chinese: "No, first you build roads, kindergartens, schools, houses, get electricity and internet. And then we will come here and build a factory for ourselves.

They built Singapore, didn't they?

but probably half of Signapur belongs to Chinese capital.

Photographer Galina Yunyaeva (Zelenograd)


Today is Cheburashka's Birthday

Cheburashka turns 48.

Cheburashka salad


  • chicken fillet 300-400 gr,
  • 1-2 fresh cucumbers,
  • 1 carrot,
  • 2 small onions
  • can of pickled mushrooms
  • 1 egg,
  • hard cheese,
  • walnuts,
  • mayonnaise,
  • Green onions and olives for decoration

Grate carrots and then stew in a pan with water.

Chop fillet, cucumbers, mushrooms, onion and mix everything. Add some carrots, cut the egg white for eyes and the rest is cut into the salad. Mix everything with mayonnaise and put it on a plate in the shape of Cheburashka.

Then sprinkle with cheese, make a mayonnaise net and proceed with decoration. Carrots are used for laying muzzle and breast (it requires a lot of patience). Then finely chop walnuts and fill them all around the shape of our animal, around muzzle and breast. When it's done - cut out the eyes from the protein, put them in the right place, on top of the olive cut in half (the white part should be a little bigger). Put a little drop of mayonnaise in the middle of the olive, make the nose, eyebrows and nails from the olives, and make the mouth from a tiny slice of tomato.

День рождения Чебурашки в 2016 году: какого числа отмечают, дата и история праздника
День рождения Чебурашки отмечается 20 августа. Праздник возник в 2005 году, когда на очередной благотворительной акции для детей-сирот детский писатель-сказочник Э.Успенский назвал эту дату днем рождения своего персонажа.

Tastes argue.

TV series fans in Bangladesh disagree: more than 100 injured

A mass stabbing massacre took place in eastern Bangladesh's Dhol village. The brawl stemmed from the plot of an Indian TV serial.
It started with an argument in a cafe between two onlookers. The verbal altercation then escalated into a group clash.
The fight, in which knives and sticks were used, lasted all night. The spectators vandalised the cafe and continued to fight on the street.
The police arrived and had to use rubber bullets and tear gas. As a result of the conflict about 100 people were injured, 15 of them ended up in hospital.
The controversy was sparked by the Indian fantasy series Kiranmala, starring a warrior princess who saves the world from evil.