Interesting and Humour - page 2763


A climber at 2,000 metres above sea level in the Swiss Alps

A climber at 2,000 metres above sea level in the Swiss Alps this is the kind of thing worth slipping into tesla cars...
Elfe- энергия из магнитного поля Земли и ваша энергонезависимость!
Elfe- энергия из магнитного поля Земли и ваша энергонезависимость!
  • 2015.09.03
Первая "ласточка" свободной энергии- бестопливный фонарик доступен для заказа- Помочь нам в продвижении новых технологий- http://...
Ilnur Khasanov: this is the kind of thing worth slipping into tesla cars...

Купить генератор Теслы
Купить генератор Теслы
Тесла Ген энергосистемы и источники питания здесь и сейчас Вечная батарея Электрогенератор вырабатывает электроэнергию, не потребляя какого-либо топлива. Для выработки электроэнергии также нет необходимости во внешней энергии ветра, солнца, воды и т.п.
Rustamzhan Salidzhanov:

So there it is! A perpetual motion machine! All that remains is to "bolt" such an alternator onto the car.
Rustamzhan Salidzhanov:

I hope they get cheaper and smaller in size. I want to order...

Hurry up before they go on the run. It is very interesting how they explain to customers later what they took money for and why there is no electricity.

If you go to the police to make a complaint, they will tell you the address and take you there themselves, they won't even call 03.

Just look at the list of services provided by the company -!

  • ! Go to the Angels' Reception Desk
  • ! Become a virgin!
  • Get out of the matrix !
  • Celebrate the wedding of the Gods !
  • Take the path of multidimensional evolution !
  • ! Create your universe!
  • ! Get a brain massage
  • Discover your stellar origins !
  • ! Debt forgiveness to banks
  • Change the category of Earth
Dmitry Fedoseev:

Hurry up before they go on the run. It is very interesting how they explain to customers later what they took money for and why there is no electricity.

If you go to the police to make a complaint, they will tell you the address and take you there themselves, they won't even call 03.

Just look at the list of services provided by the company -!

  • ! Go to the Angels' Reception Desk
  • ! Become a virgin!
  • Get out of the matrix !
  • Celebrate the wedding of the Gods !
  • Take the path of multidimensional evolution !
  • ! Create your universe!
  • ! Get a brain massage
  • Discover your stellar origins !
  • ! Debt forgiveness to banks
  • Change the category of Earth
Nicolo Tesla spins around in a coffin, and produces a ball of energy that is transmitted through the air to this device )))

A mind-turning film about other people.