Interesting and Humour - page 1522

Back on payday,
I've fallen on my bed,
# You gently took my shoes off #
¶ kissed me on the cheek ¶

¶¶ I got a little bit of a puff of booze ¶¶
¶¶ You just made me wince a little ¶¶
¶¶ And then you quickly got two bottles of cognac ¶¶
♪ Two bottles of cognac ♪

♪ I rushed to the cognac ♪
♪ You rushed to your jacket ♪
¶ and there's nothing in my pocket ¶
¶ boo-ga-ga-ga-ga ¶
# Boo-ga-ga-ga-ga #

¶ if a grown-up mouse ¶
¶ if you take a grown mouse and gently hold it ¶
♪ and shove a needle in it ♪
You get a hedgehog.
If you take that hedgehog,
♪ with its nose plugged up so it can't breathe ♪
Where it's deepest, throw it into the river.
You get a ruffe.
If this ruffe,
With his head in a vise,
and pull it hard by the tail...
you get a snake.
If you get a turtle..,
with two knives...
He'll probably die, though:
But it's a good idea!


No, dara's a fool. With ...... taped up so pets don't crawl in at night, no ... well ... .....


No, dara's a fool. With ...... taped up so pets don't crawl in at night, no ... well ... .....

Why stupid? I heard about it a long time ago, back in my youth. I haven't been surprised since. Although I haven't checked the facts myself.
Why stupid? I heard that a long time ago too, in my youth. I haven't been surprised by it since. Although I have not verified the facts myself.
A bear eats weed a few days before, which corrects the digestive process
The bear eats grass a few days beforehand, which corrects the digestive process.

))) From here (first paragraph).

Bear. Who is he?
A bear is a dweller in the woods you say, and you'll be wrong beforehand. A bear is not just a forest dweller, he's also a bear. He doesn't just live in the woods, he exists! That's what a bear is. Can you imagine how he spends his life? I'll tell you.
The bear wakes up early in the morning, on the cold ground, he wants to eat, and his mouth is like a cat shit. There's no toothpaste! So he has to chew on a wood to clean his teeth. Then the bear, excuse me, licks itself. What for? It just doesn't have a soul either.
No one knows for sure, but maybe he wants to eat and sleep at the same time, all the time. Next, the bear goes into the woods. To eat raspberries, bilberries, bear cubs, mushroom pickers, and anything else he comes across that day. You think the bear has nothing to do? He's got a lot to do. He has to go around his patch, poop everywhere (that's how they mark the territory), pee somewhere, maul everyone, eat, and do the rest of the bear's business.
It's safe to say that a bear plows from morning till night. He doesn't get any work done. It's bad enough being a bear. But all animals in the forest have nothing to eat, like fox, but I will tell you about fox and its products another time.
So the bear. He's hungry, he's cold, and once a year he wants to get laid. And in winter, the bear sleeps. But before he sleeps, he eats clay. Why, you ask me, my young reader. The answer is. So he doesn't have to shit. He eats the clay, gets his asshole sticky, and sleeps.
Thinks everything, about the poor bear? No, not everything. He's also being hunted. Can you believe that? That's fucked up. A bear wakes up in the woods, shit in his mouth, hungry and cold. And then over the ear, or not, in the ass with a buckshot eight and five! That's lucky. Not every day such a holiday.
That's why hunters are very brave people and it's a pity for the bear.

And here's more(from here):

Before going to the den the bear clears its stomach with cranberries and other food, mainly of vegetable origin.
At this time, he can be seen more often in the marshes. The beast is constantly on the moor. When the lying-in time is almost approaching, the bear weaves a tourniquet, which is about 50 cm long, or even longer, from clay, moss and wool, and, excuse me for the details, shoves it into its anus. Some hunters think of such a plug as a cork consisting of animal's wool and hard feces. This is necessary for bears so that during hibernation no germs can penetrate the animal from outside by involuntary fecal excretion.
In spring, when the bear is not quite comfortable with a cork in its butt, it takes it out in a very original way. He climbs a tall tree and falls backwards to the ground. Of course, he howls in pain and swears like a bear, but climbs up again and crashes to the ground until the plug is out.
The bear's corks are accompanied by a solid stream of accumulated organic muck, which flies out from up to five meters away. It's a stunning sight!

Tough. )))


))) From here (first paragraph).

And here's another one(from here):

Tough. )))

No, come on, spin it, there's a new topic "The Bear and the Ass" Only on our channel.)

It falls from five meters, why so little? Let's do it from a hundred.

No, come on, spin it, a new theme "Bear and Ass" Only on our channel )

Have you prepared for winter yet? Have you knitted a tourniquet? )))

It falls from five meters, yeah, why so little? Let's do it from a hundred.

I didn't make that up. )) I do not know any hunters who hunt bears, so I do not know whether it's true or not really. But it was very funny to read. Haven't laughed like that in a long time. )))


Have you prepared for winter yet? Have you knitted a tourniquet? )))

I didn't make that up. )) I don't know any bear hunters I know, so I don't know if it's really true or not. But it was very funny to read. Haven't laughed like that in a long time. )))

I haven't seen it myself ...

You go in the winter, check it out. And take Artemis. He'll check the clay.

You'll have a laugh there. For the last time.

"The leaves of the maple fall from the ash tree...


I haven't seen it myself...

Go in the winter, check it out. And take Artemis. He'll check the clay.

You'll have a laugh there. For the last time.

"The leaves of the maple fall from the ash tree...

That's what you want. You're a bear. Now you have full information from different sources and you can proceed to check whether it's all true or not. ))

But you don't have to do the same if that's the case. You're a special species, after all. Urban-domesticated. )))