Appointment of public moderators - page 6

Sorento :

And information about the presence of other "characters" at the same IP address really wouldn't hurt.

Next to the name before the date. Like a badge (R).

And in the profile for nothing binding info - at the addresses from which the name was logged in also - further the list.

Is it so hard to implement?

Wonderful tendency, ardent supporters of democracy on the forum, want to arrange a totalitarian surveillance.

HideYourRichess :

Wonderful trend, the rabid supporters of democracy on the forum, want to have a totalitarian surveillance.


There will simply be no speculation - just the naked truth.

Sorento :


There will simply be no speculation - just the naked truth.

What truth? The address of another anonymous server? Or a one-off e-mail? What will you do with this truth?

How do you reconcile "liberty" and "surveillance" in your heads? Schizophrenia?

TheXpert :


Where, my dear? Quote it clearly.
HideYourRichess :

What's the truth? The address of another anonymous server? Or a one-off email? What will you do with this truth?

How do you reconcile "libertinism" and "surveillance" in your heads?

Your own doctor? ;)

And a moderator to boot...

Sorento :

Your own doctor? ;)

And a moderator to boot...

So that's it, right? There's nothing to counter the diagnosis that you're schizophrenic?

I have an idea. Why would not the maîtres of the forum (whose rating for example over 1000) allow others to add rating. For example, every month give this "maestro" conditional currency, say, 100 - 200 rating units, and he will distribute it among participants he likes. But restrictions should be introduced: one cannot give rating to himself, and one cannot give all the units to one user. We have many "masters", so there will be pluralism of opinion, and memorable posts will be rewarded with parrots!
C-4 :
I have an idea. Why would not the maîtres of the forum (whose rating is over 1000 for example) to give others the opportunity to charge rating. For example, each month give a "maestro" conditional currency, say, 100 - 200 rating units, and he himself on his own will distribute it among his favorite members. But restrictions should be introduced: one cannot give rating to himself, and one user can't give all the units to one person. We have a lot of "maestros", so pluralism of opinion will be present, and memorable posts will be rewarded with parrots!

It's easier to add a button to every post with a score.

rated or passed over.

Points multiplied by the rating of the voter. and in the piggy bank.

Bots do not pass - one IP - one vote. And also on the adjusted rating.

In the newcomers (for example, I'm just over a month here) 0 - in the beginning the rating = 0.00000%.

Will write an article, or else - can vote.


Sorento :


Bots don't pass - one ipi, one vote. And then there's the adjusted rating.

you can also see who gave out the + (or - ) and for what

Primus has that kind of shit on his forum, with turnips - it looks like kindergarten, strappy trousers.