Appointment of public moderators - page 4

Sorento :

I'm going to be a little provocative...

But still.

You and DeDoctorFoe are just hanging out here.

You don't need anything. You know everything. Et cetera.


And are you gently derailing any topic.

What's that? Flooding?

Or just self-assertion - like "with yourself" is already a diagnosis.

maybe you should read what the characters are talking about.

If I don't understand - I ask.


I'm asking.

I am of the opinion that a person should answer their own questions, especially a forex-connected person. You can find 90% of the answers to your questions without asking them, but by using search engines. this is harder than "just asking", but much more effective in the brain. I've noticed that too. and all your threads are of a "general", "philosophical" and "provocative" nature, which is much closer to the definition of "flooding". my struggle with spam is because it's not difficult for me. when searching for information, I have to sift through a lot of rubbish. this is my fee for using the resource, so that other seekers may feel better. I once posed a question to a hacker who doesn't know much about programming - "what's the purpose of your visit to the forum?" the answer was "none of your business". Your "general-philosophical and provocative" styles are very similar... and most importantly, no specifics... so that you can trace the thought and direction of your stay... here... I am responsible for any post at MQL resource, and I think this is right. If you ask some people to comment on THEIR statements, you won't get an answer, or "no answer again"... I'm not going to philosophize with you - different footing...

DDFedor :

I am of the opinion that a person should answer their own questions, especially a forex-connected person. You can find 90% of the answers to your questions without asking them, but by using search engines. this is harder than "just asking", but much more effective in the brain. I've noticed that too. and all of your threads are of a "general", "philosophical" and "provocative" nature, which is much closer to the definition of "flood". my struggle with spam is because it's not difficult for me. when searching for information, you have to sift through a lot of rubbish. this is my fee for using the resource, so that other seekers may feel better. I once posed a question to a hacker who doesn't know much about programming - "what's the purpose of your visit to the forum?" the answer was "none of your business". Your "general-philosophical and provocative" styles are very similar... and most importantly, no specifics... so that you can trace the thought and direction of your stay... here... I am responsible for any post at MQL resource, and I think this is right. If you ask some people to comment on THEIR statements, you won't get an answer, or "no answer again"... I'm not going to philosophize with you - different footing...

Sorento :

that's interesting.

I also ask you to use my nickname (DDFedor) as a reference to me or when referring to my posts, otherwise it would fall under violation of forum rules.

vasya_vasya :

And what prevents a bunch of clones of one member from banning one innocent due to personal animosity

Read my suggestions again - it says that the author of a thread can ban any user in his thread (of those who have written there; and those who haven't, can always do so at least once).

This is a permissive access rule, it will allow the formation of actual "clubs" of interest, and is not as radical as the banning right given to moderators. Moderators are inadequate too.

However, I'm already used to filter the flooding and harassment, so you can not change anything at all ;-).

I see that there are democracy enthusiasts here who have never run a collective in their lives. Consequently, they don't understand what it is and how difficult it is. And what it takes.
HideYourRichess :
I see that there are democracy enthusiasts here who have never run a collective in their lives. Consequently, they don't understand what it is and how difficult it is. And what it takes.

The main thing is to yakakuyte more to give the words more weight. Then you may even gain managerial authority. Or maybe you can't do without the moderator's whip? Or maybe you're going to lobby your interests to MQ? And it does not work out...... , so far, all sorts of coauthors are getting in the way with their "against". Well, if they give me the whip, I'll shut him up and do as I please.
coaster :

You just keep yakking to give more weight to your words. Then you may even gain managerial authority. Or maybe you can't do without the moderator's whip? Or maybe you're going to lobby your interests to MQ? And it does not work out...... , so far, all sorts of coauthors are getting in the way with their "against". Well, if they give me the whip, I'll shut it for a long time and do as I please.

Don't do that. Don't attribute your own delusions and misconceptions about life to me. Those are your delusions, not mine.

Where, in what place did I write about a "whip"? I see that you have no idea that governance does not consist of the concept of "whip" - you just don't understand it. Obviously, you have never governed.

In fact, you have funny fantasies about my intentions. As they say, write again - I'm your packmate.

HideYourRichess :

Don't do that. Don't attribute your own delusions and misconceptions about life to me. Those are your delusions, not mine.

Where, in what place did I write about a "whip"? I can see that you have no idea that governance does not consist of the concept of "whip" - you just don't understand it. Obviously you have never governed.

In fact, you have funny fantasies about my intentions. As they say, write again - I'm your packmate.

Finally, the uncle has calmed down. Congratulations on that. I haven't given you all the arguments against it yet. The policy of public moderation is similar to the rotten policy of our former Soviet countries, where the problems of the people do not reach the top, but are strangled on the way up the endless ladder of the so-called "responsible" for their flock, supposedly volunteers, and supposedly from the people, persons. And what is the result? Lawlessness and the Major Dymovsky effect. A tipsy officer made Russia famous around the world! Although everybody understands that this is not only happening in Russia, and everybody knows that something must be done about it! But what should be done? Nobody knows. So you should not go back to the old ways. They tell you - everything at MQ is fine. In case of something everyone can go to Renat. What's your problem? The weekend drunken traders setting up shop here? So they'll sober up on Monday and they'll clean it up themselves. It's OK - There's no need to manage anything here, MQ is doing just fine without you.

coaster - 1 warning. For misunderstanding the politics of the USSR and blatant insulting of one of the ideologues of our movement.

Sorento - 1 warning. For ultra-right-wing views and human rights activities in relation to the convicts on this forum.

vasya_vasya - 1 warning. "For one" (for profiling).

To the rest: If you find abuses in the posts immediately report to an authorized moderator via personal kabenet. Until such time as there are moderators in charge, please report the incidents to me. Cooperation with our organization will be rewarded. Any violation of this rule will be severely punished. May MQL5 High be with us!

coaster :

Well, you've finally calmed down, uncle. Congratulations. I have not yet given you all the arguments "against". The policy of public moderation is similar to the rotten politics of our former Soviet countries, where the problems of the people do not get to the top, but choke on the way up the endless ladder of the so-called "responsible" for their flock, supposedly volunteers, and supposedly from the people, individuals. And what is the result? Lawlessness and the Major Dymovsky effect. A tipsy officer made Russia famous around the world! Although everybody understands that this is not only happening in Russia, and everybody knows that something must be done about it! But what should be done? Nobody knows. So you should not go back to the old ways. They tell you - everything at MQ is fine. In case of something everyone can go to Renat. What's your problem? The weekend drunken traders setting up shop here? So they'll sober up on Monday and they'll clean it up themselves. It's OK - There's no need to manage anything here, MQ is doing just fine without you.

Heh heh, where, in all that diarrhea, or whatever you have in your head, is the answer to the question? - Where did I write about the "whip"?

And in general, it's amazing how you can manage to make a semantic mistake in every word. CBM is what it is.