Appointment of public moderators - page 3

HideYourRichess :

That was the lesson.

Which you never understood
I taught it. And I gave him D's.
HideYourRichess :
I taught him. And I got F's.


The kind of teacher you have, the kind of performance you get.

marketeer :

I have long had the idea of establishing a relative order on the forms. However, it may seem a bit complicated to implement, as it requires some social networking elements to be coded. The main point of the idea is not to smother an opportunity to say something nasty or to unravel a flame, but that it will be possible to do this not in every thread. Anyway, here's the idea.

Each user's rights are set by the site for each topic separately.

When a user creates a topic, they become a sort of semi-moderator for that topic, gaining rights to add other users to the 'whitelist' of that topic.

The whitelisted user may always post to a thread in that thread.

When a user replies to a topic (other than their own) at least once, they will be given the right to blacklist any other member (other than the author or whitelist member) of that topic.

If a user has accumulated more than N 'blacklists' from other users in any thread, the user shall be banned in that thread.

If the author of the topic considers that the ban was made incorrectly, he will add such user to the "white list" and thereby allow him to write to the topic again.

That seems to be all. If anything has been missed, add it to taste.

And what prevents a bunch of one member's clones from banning one innocent because of a personal grudge
coaster :

Strongly against public "democracy". Otherwise, in the end - there will be one clan of public moderators left to dominate their backlash. Such nauseating forums with dwindling attendance up to X........ On the internet. The decision to remove text and ban should only be made by meta-quotes, and by no one else.

And the public can be used, in principle, to make the job easier for the actual moderators from MQ. Let them send them links to violations. And that just might be done with a button: "forum rule violation!" for each user.

I totally agree, everything is fine on MT4 forum, no need to change anything.

And public moderators tend to become moderators because they are obsessed with this forum and their personal authority. Such a psycholgical portrait for a moderator is not suitable, a moderator should only be attached to the monetary component.

Folks, if the methinks can afford to hire a moderator, then why spoil yourself and others by adding upstarts to the whole thing?

You're making trouble for yourself.

vasya_vasya :

And what prevents a bunch of clones of one member to ban one innocent because of personal animosity

And with the clones of the MegaQuota could have been solved.

Tired of repeating :

Very often and in any forum there are instances of "inappropriate" virtual behaviour.

The user profile is part of the forum service.

Therefore, proposals have been made to give the topic creator rights - to block posts by undesirable characters, etc.

In addition, it was proposed to give statistics on the presence of additional characters in the same (which communicates or was registered comrade) IP-address.

It was also proposed to modify the rating system. on the weighting and validity.

Make the virtuality of communication more vital. ;)

For example, it is not a bad idea to allow the creation of closed branches, where access is given only by the author of the branch.

There are many options for improvement. But bots should be dealt with immediately.

Certainly not by blocking different shades of personality in realization of its avatar.

But by informing interlocutors about the presence of these very shades.

About ratings

Give an opportunity to rate not the number of meaningless (sometimes) comments, but their scores (posts, comments, topics and prog) the rest of the community. And ratings take into account rating of evaluator. When creating a profile give 0.0000% rating - away from bots ;)

About Blacklists of the theme creator:

The right to create these lists can be given for example after reaching a certain rating.

But anyone who has a rating above can overcome ignoring and write their weighty word.

An example in a branch of citizen N ;) On the first page.

Don't give us the wrong deuce. ;)

vasya_vasya :

I totally agree, there is nothing wrong with MT4 forum, no need to change anything.

Of course, everything is fine with MQ's censorship and their policy, so. ..


By the way, the average attendance of is now around 35,000 unique visitors per day.

But incorrect interference in this "organism" can cause the opposite effect.

Especially if the reins are handed over to "absolute" idiots. :)


On the mcl4 forum I have already given my opinion and vision on the matter.

The best moderator is yourself!

So equipping the user with the right "iron tools" (or rather software)

It is possible to get a result without human factor and live moderation.

And even then, it's only as a measure, and so, and in the current situation, without moderators and ignore button does not bother me much anybody and nothing.

The admins only clearly advertising themes and to cut posts...

kombat :

On the mcl4 forum I have already given my opinion and vision on the matter.

The best moderator is yourself!

So equipping the user with the right "iron tools" (or rather software)

It is possible to get a result without human factor and live moderation.

And even then, it's only as a measure, and so, and in the current situation, without moderators and ignore button I do not particularly hinder anyone or anything.

The admins are just clearly advertising threads and cutting up posts...

I'm going to be a little provocative...

But still.

Here you and DeDoctorFoe are just hanging out here.

You don't need anything. know everything. etc.


And are you gently derailing any topic.

What's that? Flooding?

Or just self-assertion - like "with yourself" is already a diagnosis.

maybe you should read what the characters are talking about.

If I don't understand - I ask.


So I asked.

Sorento :

I'm going to be a little provocative...

But still.

You and DeDoctorFoe are just hanging out here.

You don't need anything. You know everything. Et cetera.


And are you gently derailing any topic.

How is that? Flooding?

Or just self-assertion - like "with yourself" is already a diagnosis.

maybe you should read what the characters are talking about.

If I don't understand - I ask.


Here's a question.

Honestly, I don't understand the question...

One thing I do know is that no one can know EVERYTHING.

So by the way unnecessary to mention the necronym "IMHO", just because every user's post is already his opinion.

Which can be understood and accepted by the majority, or vice versa, but still be true in its essence!

That's why the work of moderators, especially if there are several of them, can be extremely inefficient...

And will always annoy ordinary users. Speaking from both simple communication and experience of administering themed forums.

As for flooding, flaming, and other things, it's usually a subjective assessment of both users and moderator.

If something gets in the way, users themselves write about it, saying "no need to", and as a rule, this "extra" stops ...

As an example, you can cite topics on LOK.

Can you imagine how a moderator can work in them without bias?

Same thing about wolves, martins etc...

To think of yourself as God and decide the fate of the sheep of the lost by mowing down their posts?

Or did you mean something else?