Appointment of public moderators - page 5

C-4 :

coaster - 1 warning. For misunderstanding the policy of the Soviet Union and blatant insult of one of the ideologues of our movement.

Sorento - 1 warning. For ultra-rightist views and human rights activities towards the convicts on this forum.

vasya_vasya - 1 warning. "For one" (for profiling).

To the rest: If you find abuses in the posts immediately report to an authorized moderator via personal kabenet. Until such time as there are moderators in charge, please report the incidents to me. Cooperation with our organization will be rewarded. Any violation of this rule will be severely punished. May the MQL5 High be with us!

C-4 ("C4") - 44 warnings at once, for terrorist destructive activities.


HideYourRichess :

Heh heh, where in all that diarrhea, or whatever your head is full of, is the answer to the question? - Where did I write about the "stick"?

And in general, it's amazing, to manage to make a semantic mistake in every word - that takes some skill. CBM - as it were.

Do you know any other way of governing besides "carrot and stick"? Why do you need public moderation? What do you want to moderate here? Your moderation is your stick! What's not to like: first the stick (delete the text), and if you also do not HATE (!!!!!), then in the banja such for it. All assholes with a carrot, stand up for the sycophants if anything, deal with the abusers. If not, why do you need moderator rights? What for? So that everyone would be afraid of you, and sort of respect you for it? Do not make people laugh. Tired of laughing already. )))))


coaster - 1 warning. For misunderstanding the politics of the USSR and blatant insulting of one of the ideologues of our movement.

Sorento - 1 warning. For ultra-right-wing views and human rights activities in relation to the convicts on this forum.

vasya_vasya - 1 warning. "For one" (for profiling).

To the rest: If you find abuses in the posts immediately report to an authorized moderator via personal kabenet. Until such time as there are moderators in charge, please report the incidents to me. Cooperation with our organization will be rewarded. Any violation of this rule will be severely punished. May MQL5 High be with us!

I warn you that for repeated flubbing, I will ban you for a week to begin with. )))

coaster :

Do you know any other way of managing besides the carrot and stick? Why do you need public moderation? What do you want to govern here? Your moderation is your stick! What's not to like: first the stick (delete the text), and if you also do not HATE (!!!!!), then in the banja such for it. All assholes with a carrot, stand up for the sycophants if anything, deal with the abusers. If not, why do you need moderator rights? What for? So that everyone would be afraid of you, and sort of respect you for it? Do not make people laugh. Tired of laughing already. )))))

Once again, for the especially gifted. You attribute to me words and thoughts that are not peculiar to me, I ask you carefully - where is the proof? No need to wiggle, or tell me where and admit you lied.

HideYourRichess :

Once again, for the especially gifted. You have attributed to me words and thoughts that are not peculiar to me, I am asking you carefully - where is the proof? There is no need to wiggle, or tell me where and admit that you lied.

I hope the subject of the whip has been perfectly covered by me?

Ask yourself what is peculiar to you and what is not. And don't ask any more idiotic off-topic questions.

In fact, get your personality out of the way. I don't give a fuck... what your thoughts are.

We're not talking about you here, we're talking about community moderators. Not about YOU (as a moderator), but about WE ALL (under public moderators) !!!

Generalizing the opposite point of view, I rather attributed to myself the words and thoughts that are not peculiar to me, and on your behalf (I thought I'd give it to you, no offense) as well - all kinds of things happened, and even third parties were perfectly able to demonstrate the point, but you still do not understand the lesson. Learn, and do not teach in any case, especially - management.

coaster :


coaster :

Is this about your rating? Lying from the start?

257 posts !!!

Oh, come on. Keep lying.

There is no deception whatsoever. The rating is for publishing an article

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Новая система публикации статей на
  • 2012.06.06
  • MetaQuotes Software Corp.
Представляем вам новую систему публикации статей на В ней мы постарались сделать весь процесс написания статьи максимально понятным и детализированным, разбив его на несколько последовательных этапов. На каждом из этих этапов мы будем давать вам полезные советы и рекомендации, своего рода квинтэссенцию опыта написания статей. Мы надеемся, что после прочтения этой статьи многие ваши вопросы отпадут сами собой. От вас же мы ждем новых интересных материалов, которые обязательно будут оценены по достоинству

There's no cheating. Rating received for the publication of an article

Thank you for the information. I didn't know that. My apologies to TheXpert, but only for the "shitty cinematography", but for the "cowardly mules" I wouldn't think of repenting. )))). I'll delete the message myself.


Something about the potential introduction of public moderation into the forum has made me super pissed off.


Okay, maybe it's for the best, I'll hang out on the forum less, more time will be left for work.

coaster :

Thank you for the information. I had no idea. My apologies. I'll delete the message myself.


Something made me overly angry about the potential introduction of public moderation into the forum.

It's OK!

The main thing is the result.

Looks like there will be no "public" moderators in the way the topicstarter intends.

And information on other "characters" with the same IP address really did not hurt.

Next to the name before the date. Like a badge (R).

And in the profile for nothing binding info - at the addresses from which the name was posted also posted - then the list.

Is it really difficult to realize?

Then the "silently with itself" will disappear. And sudden "supporters" will disappear.


coaster :

I hope the subject of the whip has been perfectly covered by me?

Ask yourself what is peculiar to you and what is not. And don't ask any more idiotic off-topic questions.

In fact, get your personality out of the way. I don't give a fuck... what your thoughts are.

We're not talking about you here, we're talking about community moderators. Not about YOU (as a moderator), but about WE ALL (under public moderators) !!!

Generalizing the opposite point of view, I rather attributed to myself the words and thoughts that are not peculiar to me, and on your behalf (I thought I'd give it to you, no offense) as well - all kinds of things happened, and even third parties were perfectly able to demonstrate the point, but you still do not understand the lesson. Learn, and do not teach, especially not management.

In each of your statements, either nonsense or deception.

ZS, kudos to the moderators who deleted my previous post.

Sorento :
It's OK!

The main thing is the result.

It seems that there will be no "public" moderators in the way the topicstarter intended.

And information on the presence of other "characters" at the same IP address really wouldn't hurt.

Next to the name before the date. Like a badge (R).

And in the profile for nothing binding info - the addresses from which the name was logged in - then the list.

Is it really difficult to implement?

Then the "silently with itself" will disappear. And sudden "supporters" will disappear.


The idea is promising - I have not seen this on any forum. And quite neutral. But MQ, in general, they can see better from there what chips to add.


In each of your statements, either stupidity or deception.

ZS, prelude to the moderators who erased my previous post.

Best wishes! :) Success in the enterprise!!!