Machine learning in trading: theory, models, practice and algo-trading - page 339


Why is a sigmoid used to calculate a neuron?

Not necessarily at all. The activation functions can range from a step to a sloping straight line. There are at least a dozen of them in any package, and they are also adjustable for specific needs.

Why is a sigmoid used to calculate a neuron? Isn't it better to have a linear distribution (from zero to the number of inputs)? After all, "the function has a smooth form on the interval [-5,5]".

It's good if you have only 5 inputs, but what if you have a hundred? Then practically all of the inputs will be outside of that area. The article applies an addition factor to account for 10 inputs. So for each network, you would have to recalculate this factor.

I wonder, didn't you find more recent articles on neural networks on this site?

I have the impression that I got to a forum ten years ago. Surprised

Vladimir Perervenko:

I wonder, have you found any more recent articles on neural networks on this site?

I have the impression that I got to a forum ten years ago. Surprised

I liked using ALGLIB, but firstly it is not adjusted to the trading Expert Advisor and needs more work,
Secondly, as he says.

Maxim Dmitrievsky:
I'm not going to use MLP for market forecasting, see above videos, I need RNN, i.e. network with memory

If I have missed such a network, with an example of implementation in MT5, please tell me). So far, I'm going from simple, I'll try to understand your last article (on the penultimate one, I see comments that, due to changes in the R language, something does not work anymore)

Also I would like to have an implementation without external program, but purely in MT5, and to be able to distribute calculations across cores and network with cloud - for speed. Or can external network programs do this?
Нейросеть: Самооптимизирующийся советник
Нейросеть: Самооптимизирующийся советник
  • 2016.10.03
  • Jose Miguel Soriano
Возможно ли создать советник, который согласно командам кода автоматически оптимизировал бы критерии открытия и закрытия позиций с определенной периодичностью? Что произойдет, если реализовать в советнике нейросеть (многослойный персептрон), которая, будучи модулем, анализировала бы историю и оценивала стратегию? Можно дать коду команду на ежемесячную (еженедельную, ежедневную или ежечасную) оптимизацию нейросети с последующим продолжением работы. Таким образом возможно создать самооптимизирующийся советник.

here is the link

what is interesting I have never seen free libraries with similar implementation of genetic programming...all only networks networks networks....

Genetic programming package

Good luck

CRAN - Package rgp
Oliver Flasch

I liked using ALGLIB, but firstly it is not finalized as a trading Expert Advisor and needs further work,
And secondly, as elibrarius says

If I missed such a network, with an example of implementation in MT5 - advise)

I would also like to have an implementation without external program, but purely in MT5, and to be able to distribute calculations across cores of the computer and into a network with the cloud - for speed. Or external network programs can do it?

Take a look at This, This, This, and maybe This.

Not everything will be clear, but some basic neural network concepts will hopefully come through.

Good luck

Vladimir Perervenko:

Take a look at This, This, This, and maybe This.

Not everything will be clear, but some basic neural network concepts will hopefully come through.

Good luck

Thank you, I will be working on it.
Vladimir Perervenko:

Take a look at This, This, This, and maybe This.

Not everything will be clear, but some basic neural network concepts will hopefully come through.

Good luck

I'm studying R as well :) Do you know where I can find LSTM, maybe some other links on the subject?
Maxim Dmitrievsky:

I also have started studying R :) Could you please advise where to find LSTM, any other links on this topic?

R has a nice mxnet package. But more advanced models should be looked at in Pythone.

Good luck

Vladimir Perervenko:

R has a nice mxnet package. But more advanced models should be looked at in Pythone.

Good luck

Thanks, should there be some in tensorflow?
Maxim Dmitrievsky:

Thank you, should tensorflow have it?

I don't think you can start with TensorFlow. This is a low-level package. There is a sea of packages in Python that implement different kinds of LSTM. But that's the hard way.

If you program in Python start with keras, R has a package called kerasr (API).

For TensorFlow(Python) there is also an API in R - tensorflow. Try it out.

Good luck