Current Status - page 8


let's roll!!!


That's good. I love when you say "Ready" Now the FX Fisherman Client is 98% completed. After it's finished, I will test drive it for two weeks or so, then once it's considered stable for betatesting, it's your turn to help me testing the bot. Ok?

Well, I'm looking forward to saying "Ready" back to you.


Sounds good.


That's good. I love when you say "Ready" Now the FX Fisherman Client is 98% completed. After it's finished, I will test drive it for two weeks or so, then once it's considered stable for betatesting, it's your turn to help me testing the bot. Ok? Well, I'm looking forward to saying "Ready" back to you.

Yup sounds good... when you are ready for beta-testing it may be helpful if you write up a short guide on the basics of setting up the client with an applicable demo account.. and any other stuff you think we should know.


Well in the meantime, I'm starting a business by myself... I wouldn't really call it a business but mostly a hobby.

I'm making a website with games (some with high scores, some without). most of it is for fun but sometimes there'll be a contest on how many people can you refer etc where the prizes really depend on how many visitors I get and how much I make from the banner ads. To start off I'm starting with a $25 reward in a raffle (every visitor through the ref link = 1 ticket). I think its a pretty good investment to use 25 dollars to "advertise" without actually spamming or anything...

Wow look at me rambling on

If anyone wants to join or just see the site don't hesitate to PM me and I'll send you the link



I got some good news. FXFisherman Client is now 99.7% completed, and FXFisherman as a whole will be finished around March 24th or 25th. However, I alone will be live testing it for 2 weeks or so to ensure that it's somewhat stable for public beta release. If everything goes fine, the beta released will be out in the first or second week of April.



Thats splendid news!

Does that mean it will be able to be open to public beta testing around April 5th if it is stable enough?


Oops! Maybe around 17th-24nd of April. I will be very busy during 12th-16th by the way, because it is Khmer New Year days, so I gotta join some parties here and there.

However, I will update the trades journal during my live testing.

Oops! Maybe around 17th-24nd of April. I will be very busy during 12th-16th by the way, because it is Khmer New Year days, so I gotta join some parties here and there. However, I will update the trades journal during my live testing.

Sounds good Scorpion ...

Hey in addition to possibly a small guide on how to set up the client with a proper demo account, I had a question... I understand that FxFisherman will be set up so that each client does it's work through a central server which you will control... so that you can curtail any possibly foul play and generally control and oversee the operation of the system... perhaps doing automatic charity $ extraction, etc.

That's cool... but I just wonder... what if we all get the clients... and they work great and all... but then, what if something happens to you some time where you can't operate or oversee the server any more, then all our clients would be useless?? I mean, I'm sure we would probably be fine, but I just wonder if you had planned for such things... ... not always so good to have a "single point of failure" or total dependence on one person for a system to work for many people, etc... just wondering your views.... it's not like we're in any position to make any demands or anything... :-P :^D.

And I'm sure it will all go fine anyway... even if only you are running it, I bet it will still be fine... but I just like to think of "robustness" being a software developer myself..


Well, I haven't got any plan to deal with such issue yet. You guys would be fine; I mean at least you won't lose money when FXFisherman is down. It's just down (no more signal feeds to clients) Ok, if you got money, you would be supposed to do something else like open a big company, be a self-reliant boss, and employ a thousand employees.

Remember: Nothing lasts forever.