Current Status - page 6


I was surprised of how good and thought thru it all looks like. Great work scorpion. Congratulations.


One suggestion is maybe put the IP by the UID of the broker or by the name or address. Unless it is in another part of the system that we cannot see right now...


What are you trying say? I'm confused. Are you talking about the order of list columns?


Again, thanks for your compliments.

What are you trying say? I'm confused. Are you talking about the order of list columns?

I'm talking about the first screenshot you put on there..

It says "Broker UID", "Broker's Name", and "Broker's website" maybe you should also add "Broker IP" just to be sure we know if the problem could be because the IP is wrong or a switch in the IP if any. For example I know that InterbankFX gave me the IP to register and log in. Maybe it could be a good idea to add that between the "Broker's name" and "Broker's website".

Just an idea that people might ask for and might be useful for later use.


You're right!

I've gotta add Server IP, Port Number, and plus the account ID too.

Actually, all the lists are for read only. I've to use a separated configuration editor to view and edit the irrelevant information.


Hi Scorpian,

First i would like to congratulate you on the completion of server part.I am looking at the forum after couple of days.The interface looks good and full of functionality.It's really been long time we all waited to see this post.I know developing such thing takes time and it's a tough job as well.All we need is think positive.

Congrats to all the members.



It would be interesting to know about the current status, if it is possible.


Ah forgot to update the status. Now the client is 47% completed. 3% to go to have it half completed, because I am slow in database programming at da moment. Things would have gone faster if Microsoft hadn't made System.Diagnostics.EventLog class so limited. I had to reinvent the wheel, making my own EventLog class that support database.


Alright everyone! I've just finished half of FXFisherman Client. Next, I have to write the logics for it, so be patient.