Current Status - page 5


Hello all,

It's been a while now since I started programming on FXFisherman Server's Central Processor. I can't believe that this stage takes much time to finish. However, now I am actively working on it. Hope it will be finished soon.

Good Luck,


Great to hear. This will be a great thing to have when it is done. I appreate all your work.



I'm glad to announce that over half of fxfisherman server's central processor has been implemented. Well, I can't take any screenshot right now, since the GUI is not finished yet.



Good news,

So whats missing now? (grossly)


Good question! User Interface, Events Logging Component, and a little work on connecting modules are missing.

In contrast, works completed are Systems handler, Signals handler, Price Feeds handler, and Clients handler. It was very challenging to have multiple price feeds and multiple trading systems working concurrently.


Dear all,

I'd like announce that FXFisherman Server is now finished after a long work. Wow I couldn't imagine that it've taken so much time to create a server thing.

Ok, next step I'm going to write FXFisherman Client which takes 2 stages.


Here is a screenshot of Systems Control Panel.



You may laugh because FXFisherman Server is like a buttons farm; you see buttons everywhere. :biggrin:


seems very clean



The app looks great. I bet you are a great programer. Can't wait to try it with a client.
