Current Status - page 12


svirk, stability and consistent profit is always my goal. Thanks for your interest.


Well scorpion let me start with saying it takes a great heart to spend so much time to collect charity donations! (although I think you also like the programming challange)

How (much) are you going to charge for the use of the system? You widen the spread? Take a certain percentage of the profits?

Who does the trading? The server of the client? I hope the client because if the server is down people loose money because for example their trailing stops aren't updated anymore. In a chat people are always nice and ready to donate. But in real life people kill for a dime.

svirk no code of the system but I have a picture of the system complete with some FX fishermen


TraderSeven, I ll try to answer your questions, and if i`m wrong Scorpion will correct me. So , we had a lot of discussion at the start about all theese questions, and i would suggest to run through the Charity thread , wich is quite large , but it will answer some of your questions. As far as i remember, we didn`t agreed on some certain percent or some charity organisations, but everyone must be donating money , and the account deposits withdrawls will be collected by the server. As for the trading, The server will be sending out signals to the client at you PC, and the client will be connecting to the Metatrader Server and do the trading. This is the scheme if I remember correctly.


Thanks for the answers. I can say I've read every post on this board (in the sections I have access to) But is seems I overlooked things.

The server bases it signals on price data. Where does the server get that data?

From it's own server or from the client that gets it from it's broker.

I've seen EURUSD spread ranging from 2 to 6 pips. If the prices don't match exactly there will be problems.

I hope I don't sound to negative; but if I learned one thing from 2 decades in the market that you take the most negative view as a starting point. Trading money only comes easy in ads and dreams....


You got me with where the server takes data from . I am not quite sure, but i can assume that there will be a condition : that we must use the same broker as the server does. So there will be one only broker for all the fxfisherman clients and servers. But i may be wrong, Scorpion will clear this out. And Scorpion has developed a technique that reduses the spreads. It is also somewhere in the forum . But let`s just wait for him and let him clear all this.

Scorpion, you got PM`d .



I have just finished writing the Frequent Answers and Questions and Design of FXFisherman Server and Client. This may answer to most of your questions.

Good luck,



A little update: FXFisherman bot is yet a long way to go. The plan is to finish the beta bot by the end of September—I had expected May, but this was impossible

The main obstracle is the lack of high-quality ticks data. The R&D of systems cannot be done if I cannot beat this problem. Now I am considering Olsen's, but not sure about the quality--I wanted to ask if anyone has a complete or sample data, but Olsen's police always keep an eye on this forum, I guess.

The second main problem is computing power. Backtesting process of thousands combination requires enormous power—Vooch at M's forum also has this problem. One possible solution is to distribute units of processing to clusters of computers via LAN and internet. This is where Grid Computing Algorithm comes to consideration. Currently I'm up to Alchemi Grid, yet don't know how to make this practical for backtesting. I might need your help on this in the future.


Take all the time you need SCoripon, you know all of us will help you if u need it .


eh.... I'm not really understand, can't somebody tell in simple way please:sweatdrop

what is olsen's ? Is that now the oanda are using it? the analysis data?


Hey man,

Simple english heh? Ok, to sum everything up:

1. Fxfisherman bot might be finished by October.

2. I have some problem with ticks data for backtesting. I need high quality ticks from well-known providers such as Olsen.

3. I also need much more computing power to find the correct parameters for each system, so I find Alchemi relevant to my demand. I really want to make use of this technology.
