Trade copy ea - page 6

in post 43, theres a zip file with everything

but my antivirus blocked download and install it!

avast.png  25 kb

there is no virus

the scripts use httpget to download csv files

i use microsoft security essentials, its never detected a virus

the file name is

not metatrader-4

maybe something has hijacked ur browser?

nowhere in the zip file is the number 4 in any file name

here is the link to the directory where all the same file are

you can try to dl them one at a time n see exactly which file it is

but my antivirus blocked download and install it!

its probably because these files connect to the internet to dl other files

youl have to figure out how to allow it


Hi Tom,

How to configure it to locally copy trades between one master and many slaves accounts?



hmm, not sure if this will work

install all the slaves in c\metatrader folder

then edit the code in trade copy to point to them

extern bool local_mode=true;

extern string master="C:\\metatrader\\trade_sender\\experts\\files\\";

extern string slave="C:\\metatrader\\trade_copy\\experts\\files\\";


nah, youd have to edit and create alot of vbs files for each one

or setup a server and dont use local mode


I have installed server

Address to master account csv file http://localhost/tc_trades.csv

Server works correctly. I see this file in my web browser on my PC

On slave account I had set



slave="C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\MetaTrader - One Financial\experts\files\"

other is default

the expert don't copy trades on slave account

What's wrong?




heres how it works

if local_mode=true;

the ea will simply copy files from here


and write them here


if local_mode=false;

the ea will use internet to grab the files

the ea has this code in several places



that code runs the vbs scripts that must be in folder


to edit the address, you must edit the vbs files, not the ea

here is the first few lines in the script called get_trades.vbs

[CODE]On Error Resume Next

currentDirectory = left(WScript.ScriptFullName,(Len(WScript.ScriptFullName))-(len(WScript.ScriptName)))

HTTPDownload "", currentDirectory+"\trade_copy\experts\files"

basically the script gets its currenty directory

it then copies a file from

thats where youl put localhost

the scripts puts the file in current directy \trade_copy\experts\files

so, the importance of installing mt4 in c:\metatrader\trade_copy

is a must, unless you edit all them codes

bottom line

edit the address in the folling files




also these vbs files can be launched if you click them

click on dl_trade_copier.vbs

itl dl the latest version and put it in current directy \trade_copy\experts\


if using local mode, the vbs files arent needed

in first slave

leave default

extern bool local_mode=true;

extern string master="C:\\metatrader\\trade_sender\\experts\\files\\";

extern string slave="C:\\metatrader\\trade_copy\\experts\\files\\";

then copy more slaves

extern bool local_mode=true;

extern string master="C:\\metatrader\\trade_sender\\experts\\files\\";

extern string slave="C:\\metatrader\\trade_copy2\\experts\\files\\";

extern bool local_mode=true;

extern string master="C:\\metatrader\\trade_sender\\experts\\files\\";

extern string slave="C:\\metatrader\\trade_copy3\\experts\\files\\";

extern bool local_mode=true;

extern string master="C:\\metatrader\\trade_sender\\experts\\files\\";

extern string slave="C:\\metatrader\\trade_copy4\\experts\\files\\";


you can put about any directory when using local mode, there is a limit on characters though in mq4, i think 64


i'm very new to this. i read from the 1st post till end but still not working.... this must be a silly question. do i have to rename all the folder to Metatrader or i just put the ea into expert and did i need to create a file name Trade_copy in expert folder? sorry again for this silly question.