Trade copy ea - page 11



i have downloaded and installed the ea as per instructions . I am using it locally .

i start first the trade copyer terminal and i open let`s say 20 positions on whatever currencyes with the ea dissabled...

Now i start the second terminal, from trade sender , with the ea disabled as well , and i open 5 positions buy eur/usd .

I enable the ea on the trade sender, now i go to the trade copyer terminal and i enable the ea there as well , in a matter of seconds , all open positions are closed at whatever rate , and the positions from the trade sender are opened at market price .

Now when i tested it the second time , it closed everything apart from 4 positions which were opened from another ea and had a value at the comment ..... my guess is , it closes everything which does`nt have a comment... ore i dont get it . Please i would appreciate the help . Please try it yourself, Even now , i try to open a new trade on the trade copier , manually, and it closes it in a matter of 2 seconds.



i just opened a trade adding a comment to it , it did`nt matter, closed it as well , strange for me....

maybe the ea is tryig to reset a score between trade sender and trade copyer?


there is one possible reason that i can think of

if you are using a script to open trades, is it assighnining a magic number?

it could be that the magic number being used matches a ticket number from a closed trade in trade sender

its a 1 in a million chance of this happening, but is possible

i just opened a trade adding a comment to it , it did`nt matter, closed it as well , strange for me.... maybe the ea is tryig to reset a score between trade sender and trade copyer?

there is only two possible ways that trade copy can close a trade

1st way

trade sender has no trades open, it writes 1234567 to a file

trade copy closes all trades that have a order comment that matches the name of the ea, which is trade_copy

2nd way

trade sender creates a file with every order from its order history, all trades that have ever been opened and closed

when trade copy reads this file, it sees if there is a ticket number that matches a magic number of a open trade

when trade copy opens a trade, it gives it a magic number that matches a ticket number from the file, that trade sender made

in the 1st way, the order must have a comment that says "trade_copy"

unless youv renamed the ea, then it will be that

in the 2nd way, the trade must have a magic number that matches a number in a file

the file is located in


the file name is tc_history.csv

here is the code from the 1st way

if ( OrderType() == OP_SELL&&OrderComment()==WindowExpertName() ) {OrderClose[/CODE]

here is code from the 2nd way

[CODE]if (canclose&&type2==0&&OrderMagicNumber()==ticket){OrderClose

these are the only 2 codes in trade copy

now, could it be something else closing the trade?

is there some other ea running on that mt4

or even a diferent mt4 that is logged into the same account?


basically what im saying

if a trade has no magic number, and no order comment, it is impossible for trade copy to close the trade

unless your ea is corrupt from a bad download, it would be a miracle it worked at all if thats the case

only other possibility is

are you using a old version of trade_copy?

trade copy and trade sender must be the correct version

if you open the ea in editor, at the top, you should see a line like this


double version=6.4;[/CODE]


[CODE]double version=6.0;

the trades

the trades are done manually , yes it is another ea running but just on one pair , and actually , the trades taken by that ea are still open , only my manual trades get close all the time . and they are as well different brokers, one is 4 digits, second is 5 digits, and the ticket numbers are totally in different ranges .

can it have something to do with the ea trying to reach a balance between the two terminals?

if you use team viewer i could actually share with you the id and password and actually show you it is closing everithing .


that other ea may be the culprit

maybe you should let me take a look at its code

my email is

the trades are done manually , yes it is another ea running but just on one pair , and actually , the trades taken by that ea are still open , only my manual trades get close all the time . and they are as well different brokers, one is 4 digits, second is 5 digits, and the ticket numbers are totally in different ranges .

can it have something to do with the ea trying to reach a balance between the two terminals?

if you use team viewer i could actually share with you the id and password and actually show you it is closing everithing .

remove the other ea and see if they close



i removed everithing , no other charts are just oane for the trade copy ea .

The version i have is the last oane, i downloaded it 4 days ago from you`re website .



both trade sender and trade copyer are version 6.4