Trade copy ea - page 13


again you are correct but...

There are at this moment a lot of signal providing services on line . There are Sp`s that you have never heard about , and they are making money . Maybe ... maybe not .... also now adays we have the big copypastepips BS going around and Bob Iaicino trading rooms etc ... From that 1000000Sp`s out there, 100 are good , are making profits . Well that 100 will want to join in ..because of the mentality and because they want to make a point . There are no strings atached ...

Hell, i have subscribed in september to .... pros were trading there yes .... well i took the 197 $ subscriptioned , and lost 47 $ in a month following theyre signals . It was good i started using the signals with a small amount for the lot size, otherwise, it would have ruined me . Then , i understood why past performance is not a good indicator of future performance. And what hurt me the most , were not the 47 lost following the service, but the 197 $ which i had to pay for using the service....

well in this case , in what i want to do , you will pay if profitable, and that`s it ... money talks as you said... and there are that 5% of the traders which trade good . I am a trader myself , but i am trying to combine a lot of strategies and sometimes i get a DD that makes you cry , but still , i have a monthly profit of at least 10 % of the initial deposit... So im not that bad , even by myself... But by followinf somebody else as well, i could have a better monthly return , hell, maybe i learn as well something from the guy ...


I am very sorry

I am very sorry if my words bothered anybody . I will stop posting about this, apparently it is a bad idea to be open minded this days ... Im sorry for the trouble, if any..


Hi mihai27,

Can you please speak with tomhliles using PM?



if i may ask ,

is there any way of changing the comment value of trade copy ea. If i would copy from more than one sender , to be able to see from which sender the trade came. Thank you.


the comment is the name of the ea, rename the ea

if i may ask , is there any way of changing the comment value of trade copy ea. If i would copy from more than one sender , to be able to see from which sender the trade came. Thank you.

Thank you

Thank you very much for you're help.


if i can bother

at the settings for the new trade copy , i set the lots value to 1.5 , still the ea is copying with lot value 0.11 , actually whatever value i put there, it will just make trades with lot value 0.11 . Any suggestions please ?

as well i have the copy senders risk turned off. Thank you


Just for information:

Trading simulators, signal/trades copiers, text copiers, signal senders/receivers, spy traders and so on:

- Signal Transmitter/Receiver: tool to send/receive text messages between MT4 instances; the tool is on this post; most recent version is on this post; 64bit version of TradeSwitch.DLL for server operating systems is on this post.

- Trades/Signals senders/receivers between 2 or more Metatraders: good public thread with many software programms.

- SignalSender and Signal Recerver: the tools to send and receive the trading signals via internet and forex-tsd calendar.

- trading simulator and backtester if manual systems/indicators is here.

- good trading simulator coded by Quantem: public thread.

- simple trading simulator with detailed explanation is on this page (elite section).

- trade copy ea - this thread.

- TradeDuplicator EA is on this thread.


Thank you

thank you very much for you`re help .


this setting overrides all lot settings


whith this setting true

the trade uses lots that put the same % at risk as the sender did

making it possible for you to even copy martingale

heres how to use lots of 11

first set this to false


second set this to 0 to turn off money management

extern double risk=1;//to use lots, set risk to 0

finally set the desired lots

extern double lots=11;