Ras id:31495 cash cow - page 8


Use English language please.


sorry about that

Use English language please.

sorry about that would not happen again,




sorrY// for language ..


Thanks for the reply


I wanted an email with more explanation and wonder how long it is using this EA.

I know that strategy is based on the T101, but how long are you using?

and thou doest in your real account? or just demo?





sorrY// for language ..


Thanks for the reply


I wanted an email with more explanation and wonder how long it is using this EA.

I know that strategy is based on the T101, but how long are you using?

and thou doest in your real account? or just demo?



hello my friend,

i am using that strategy for 3 months,the account that i transmit to RAS is a demo account,but i am trading live on PAMM account with the same strategy for the last 3 months,with very nice profits and low DD.




Ok Tal

thank you for your reply.

I'll follow a few more days your account, and then do the registration.

You only serves its customers through here or have some email or Skype we can talk better?

thank you, and keep up the good work.



Ok Tal

thank you for your reply.

I'll follow a few more days your account, and then do the registration.

You only serves its customers through here or have some email or Skype we can talk better?

thank you, and keep up the good work.

hello beadelta,

i don't have problem to serve you as well ,even you are not customer yet.

i will email you sir,

please be patiance with me i am getting hundreds emails a day,

and i still need to trade and work on more systems,

i know you want to know a lot a bout the system,i will explain in details in the future.

best regards


hello beadelta,

i don't have problem to serve you as well ,even you are not customer yet.

i will email you sir,

please be patiance with me i am getting hundreds emails a day,

and i still need to trade and work on more systems,

i know you want to know a lot a bout the system,i will explain in details in the future.

best regards


ok Tal ,

thank you and have a nice day .


hello my friend,

i am using that strategy for 3 months,the account that i transmit to RAS is a demo account,but i am trading live on PAMM account with the same strategy for the last 3 months,with very nice profits and low DD.



So why you can't show the statement. I asked several times and you said you do not have any longer track record. Now you say something different.

This is what you said to me in post #6:

hello deviator,

i don't have longer track record then what you see on RAS,

keep in mind that it took me long period of time to develop this system which is based on T101 but with a lot of improvment,

please keep follow my performance here at RAS.

best regrads


So, were you lying to me? If so, why? You could say "I have longer record but I will not show you"...

I guess you are going to come up with another "excuse"...


on PAMM account there is account #'s

So why you can't show the statement. I asked several times and you said you do not have any longer track record. Now you say something different.

This is what you said to me in post #6:

So, were you lying to me? If so, why? You could say "I have longer record but I will not show you"...

I guess you are going to come up with another "excuse"...

it's wasn't sound good i will not show you,

on pamm account there is account #'s you can choose to belive me or not.



it's wasn't sound good i will not show you,

on pamm account there is account #'s you can choose to belive me or not.



Look, I do not really care if you have longer record or not, or you have pamm or not.

You just said earlier you only have what is at RAS, now you say you have traded it for 3 months already... so you either lied earlier or now...

take care!