Ras id:31495 cash cow - page 14


re download

It doesn't works...

I think the demo SERVER name you posted it's incorrect (cannot find it in the menu list of available server), so, please, check again then copy and past the name here exactly.



try to re download the platform from here:

Forex Trading Software Comparison | FXDD



please follow this stradegy for the next two weeks.

please use broker that allow hedging ,for USA citizen i recomand FXDD malta.

server:FXDD-MT4 Demo Server - FXDD




It doesn't works...

I think the demo SERVER name you posted it's incorrect (cannot find it in the menu list of available server), so, please, check again then copy and past the name here exactly.



EDIT: Ok, downloaded from your posted link below, now it works well, thank you.



I would suggest that you use a live account instead of a demo account.

It shows that you are sincere and serious about growing equity for your customers.

From what I see in your posts so far, you do not seem to care about growing equity for your buyers. You only say 15% drawdown is ok and making a huge loss is ok. It is very common with most vendors in RAS.

I would suggest that you share the same pain with your customers so that we know you are serious about your equity.

There are a lot of vendors in RAS who are only interested in just getting subscribers but are not interested growing the equity, most open demo accounts and don't care about their buyers. I hope you are not like them.

As for RentaSignal,

Considering the many problems in RAS, the misleading equity curves in the seller accounts and the huge amount of losses incurred to RAS buyers, I wouldn't be surprised to see legal action being taken against RAS. Please fix the system as fast and quickly as possible, our patience is growing thin.



i will not respond here any more before the two weeks end,

i need to Concentrate on my trades i am sorry.




I would suggest that you use a live account instead of a demo account.

It shows that you are sincere and serious about growing equity for your customers.

From what I see in your posts so far, you do not seem to care about growing equity for your buyers. You only say 15% drawdown is ok and making a huge loss is ok. It is very common with most vendors in RAS.

I would suggest that you share the same pain with your customers so that we know you are serious about your equity.

There are a lot of vendors in RAS who are only interested in just getting subscribers but are not interested growing the equity, most open demo accounts and don't care about their buyers. I hope you are not like them.

lets calm down

hey NG and for all,

please lets calm down all and evaluate the signals for the next two weeks,

NG i am really appreciate your patiance with all of us and sorry that you

catching hitt from unpleasant pepole,

please lets try to evaluate my signals and see if we can bebefit from them,

best regards


Good business you started ...

You are making money and I am making shit from your subscribers for free the second day already?!!!

I am suggesting to you to go to live support for explanation. Otherwise, as one of your people said

If you can not control your aggreessive subscribers spreaded their aggression internationally so - go away from this forum. I am not big boss in RAS but I am still moderator here and it is my section.

If not - I will ban you permanently from the forum.


There are some people which are spreaded their aggression internationally telling that "it is our national mentality". I had enough such PMs in past and email messages in past (before RAS and so on). They can not do it inside their country. They prefer to do it internationally enjoying the situation and telling that "it is our national menality". It is not national mentality. It is criminalized mentality. But when you catch them for their inadequate international actions so they can easy tell that it is because you (I, you, anyone) are not a reprecentative of their nationality having different mentality.


Control your subcrubers in anyway, or go away.

This discusion was started because of you: you changed the broker with open trades.

two weeks

Hi Tal,

I am a subscriber, I don't understand what I have to do now.

Do I have to wait two weeks like all the others that follow this thread?

Do you know if I can freeze the subscription for this period?

As I already told I can't PM you, so please contact me to better explain what you think to do for your subcribers.




It is your responsibility sorry.

You know that no one moderator here is receiving any money/payment for RAS/from RAS/for elite/from elite or whatsoever related with RAS.

As you see - I am not talking about money ...

Control your subscribers, speak with them, co-operate or whetsoever with them, and so on. And do not turn your personal responsibility to the other side.

hey NG and for all,

please lets calm down all and evaluate the signals for the next two weeks,

NG i am really appreciate your patiance with all of us and sorry that you

catching hitt from unpleasant pepole,

please lets try to evaluate my signals and see if we can bebefit from them,

best regards

Hi Tal,

I am a subscriber, I don't understand what I have to do now.

Do I have to wait two weeks like all the others that follow this thread?

Do you know if I can freeze the subscription for this period?

As I already told I can't PM you, so please contact me to better explain what you think to do for your subcribers.



Hi janus64,

His signal is active.

As I know

Hi janus64,

His signal is active.

As I know

Hi Newdigital,

I know that my signal is active; but I would like to know if Tal is confident with the system and continue to trade.

Or if there are two weeks of test as it seems from the post about FXDD demo account.

