Infinity - page 12


Are the current 17 open positions still managed?

Hi Infinity,

the current 17 open positions look quite scary and i have almost 50% of my accound in floating drawdown state.

Can you please comment if you are still managing this account and the signal or should we step in and get out before the situation gets completely out of hand.

Your short feedback would be very much appreciated


Hi Infinity,

the current 17 open positions look quite scary and i have almost 50% of my accound in floating drawdown state.

Can you please comment if you are still managing this account and the signal or should we step in and get out before the situation gets completely out of hand.

Your short feedback would be very much appreciated


Im pretty sure he left the building. He's had over $20000 in open DD which proves he doesn't stick to his plan and will hold on to losses praying they come back. It doesn't matter how good his performance looked for very short period of time when his loss control is wait and pray. I don't believe that someone with 7 years of experience would have loss control of a noobie. I feel sorry for whomever is stuck with these floating losses.


Circling the drain .....

This signal started out with promise. low drawdowns, not too many open positions in the same direction. Now, its like (trying) reasoning with a mad man. Be a man and answer your blog !

Come on - 17 open positions in the same direction. I closed when we had a break 2 days ago. Still at a substatial loss. you may go on with running a loss at 550+ pips down on the worst position.

I have left the building - and I think the captain has left his demo account behind too.

Unless sir infinity wants to share his masterplan of world domination ?



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