Janus Trading Signals on RAS - page 8

Dear Janus,

Is TriggerFX available with hedging capabilities, which can be used with UK brokers?

How was the system traded before the non-hedging rule?


I might be wrong but from what i noticed its performance is much better after hedging rules were enforced.


Thanks for the update Janus. I am getting significantly different results on my IBFX live account. I see your statement showes over $300 in profit. I am trading exactly the same lot sizes and I lost $370 in the same time period.

Thats more than $670 dollar differential mostly from trades that broke even on RAS but hit Stop loss on my platform. Also I am not able to hedge which will change results slightly but I am seeing significant differences.


IBFX Broker


InterbankFX(IBFX) is known for beeing one of the worst brokers of all MT4 brokers with respect to performance, execution and data feed.

We are strongly suggesting to refrain from using their services and like to add, that InterbankFX trades with a dealing desk against client positions.

That in consequence means, that if a client makes money IBFX loses own money.

In order to avoid that, IBFX applies any measures to have the client close a trade with a loss.

A well known gadget IBFX plays are multiple requotes, so a trader can not exit a trade.

Even having said that, any open orders in RAS should be closed in subscriber accounts immeadiatly after they are closed in the system vendors account.

So how can trades hit a SL, unless additional problems exist?

I suggest to recheck :

-latency time


-internet downtimes at night

if you are not using a stable VPS to trade.

Home PC`s and retail internet connections are not suitable for FX trading and will most likely result in losses.



RAS service out!


as of monday 21st september, there is a problem with the RAS service.

Not only my signals, but ALL SIGNALS are set to "suspended".

Please note, that this is a RAS problem! not a Janus Trading problem.

So far no harm has been done and open trades in TriggerFX and positiontrader GBP-USD are running fine.

MOVE SL/BE to ENTRY on GBP-USD position in RAS system 513.



Janus, thanks for your input, do you have a preferred broker for those in the US?


All TriggerFX closed out via EA?

Hi Janus,

As of early this morning all my TriggerFX open trades were automatically closed with a massive loss. Is this due to the upcoming FOMC event later today or is it due to the ongoing Rentasignal stability issues?


Hi Janus,

As of early this morning all my TriggerFX open trades were automatically closed with a massive loss. Is this due to the upcoming FOMC event later today or is it due to the ongoing Rentasignal stability issues?


MT4 Stats - Share your MetaTrader 4 Statements with the world Nothing appeared to be closed at a loss. Im not testing Triggerfx right now but few others im testing closed all their positions today and yesterday i think. I think its RAS being buggy lately.


Massive Losses

All open positions in RAS including TriggerFX have been closed with massive losses due to problem in RAS website. How does RAS plan to compensate for this?

Dear Janus, it is hightime you opened your website and start running the signals on your server to avoid all these problems.


400 pip loss on trigger.