Janus Trading Signals on RAS - page 10




we all know already that you have an agenda.

I can post in the thread about our systems and in public forums whatever i like and find appropriate.

Commenting on my previous post simply shows, that you have absolutly no knowledge about trading and that per se disqualifies you of commenting.

Simply go back under your stone and stop once and for all your comments without any substance.

How do you know, that i am not qualified to teach other traders?



Trading systems and Misconceptions


unfortunatly the RAS founders make no difference between trading systems and gambling.

In the past few days a very interesting discussion has started about certain systems and i , on behalf of Janus Trading, like to take the opportunity to point out some of our concerns about some strategies:

1.Several systems on RAS are trading pure or hybrid Martingale strategies and publish returns of 100% per month. While this appears on the first look very promising, there is an often overlooked risk.

All of these systems risk 100% of traders capital and trade with way overleveraged positions, which will cause margin calls on very small movements.

Even, if a system has a 50% equity stop, you are still exposed losing 50% of your trading capital.

The only difference to the 100% exposure right from the beginning is, that you can have the equity stop triggered 2x in a row.

There are systems offered on this website, which deliberatly mislead traders about the actual risk.

If you invest 10 000USD and are willing to risk 5000USD, than there is no assurance, that you will not lose 2x in a row your 5000USD risk money.

Lesson 1:

A trader, who loses almost all of his trading capital is out of business.

Strategies, which already expose traders capital to that risk, put a trader already at the edge.

2.Unfortunatly the statistics page of the RAS website is so bad, that anybody can simply alter timeperiods in the system graph or put different minimum equity on it and have a very profitable system "look" as a losing one.

Lesson 2:

When checking systems, please look at the "start date" and the "total USD" in the very right column first. Than you already know, whether a system has made money or not and during what timeperiod


There seems to be a total misunderstanding between 2 very important words:

1.Account leverage


1.Account leverage is the amount of margin your broker requires to open and maintain a position.

For a 100 000Currency unit position, you usually need 1000CU to open and maintain this position.

Account leverage is 1:100

This number has absolutly nothing to do with:


This number is the relation between account equity and the size of your total positions open.

If you have 1000 USD in your trading account and trade 0.01 lots(standard account), your tradeleverage is 1, because you are trading exactly the amount of equity , that you have in your account.

Trading 0.1 lots(standard account) puts you already on a 10:1 tradeleverage, since you are trading a position, which is 10x higher, than your account equity.

A solid risk management never uses a tradeleverage of more than 10:1 on small accounts and never more than 4:1 on large accounts.

Any tradeleverage, which is beyond 10:1 is highly dangerous and exposes your account to an unacceptable risk.

Now let`s look at some details:

TriggerFX=RAS ID 515

Mt4 stats here:

MT4 Stats - Share your MetaTrader 4 Statements with the world

System description here:

TriggerFX | Rent a Signal

This system trades 0.01 lots on a 10 000USD account and had as maximum 9 active orders(positions) open in its history.

What does that mean?

9x 0.01(1000)= 9000 is a tradeleverage<1=ultralow risk

RAS website states the maximum drawdown at 380USD, which equals 3.8% of the total equity of 10 000USD.

On the other hand, the statistics at RAS post a total profit in a little over 6 months of 1330 USD, or 13.3% of 10 000USD in equity


-System has a 6+month track record

-System is profitable

-System has very low tradeleverage

-System had very low Drawdown

Conclusion= Very Low Risk

Now let`s modify the system and multiply the tradeleverage by factor 10 with the very same account equity:

-Account equity= 10 000USD

-Tradeleverage max: 9x 0.1(10 000USD)=90 000USD=9

-Drawdown= 3800 USD= 38% of account equity

-Profit= 13 300 USD= 133% of account equity

While profits appear great, the Drawdown is unacceptable, but more important is the tradeleverage factor way too high(9).

This would turn the original TriggerFX system into a very scary adventure and expose traders capital beyond acceptable levels.


Very High Risk

Unfortunatly many subscribers to RAS are not seeking consistant systems, but rather the become rich quick ones.

Please note, that RAS EA allows any subscriber to chose own risk appetite:

-If you are a gambler, you can trade TriggerFX with 10x higher Lotsize factor

-If you are a serious trader, you simply leave the lotsize factor at 1

A system, delivering 13.3% return in 6 months with a Drawdown of <4% is reagarded as outstanding in the real investment world.

Please keep that always in mind, when you chose your personal trading system.


More about our company can be found:



How do you know, that i am not qualified to teach other traders?


Because you are a losing trader.

Here they are: "maximum platinum pro trader"

MaximumEUR-USD | Rent a Signal

PlatinumTrader | Rent a Signal

Pro Trader| Rent a Signal




i have never said anywhere, that all of our systems are making x% at present, which does not mean, that in 12 months from now, you will see a very different result(and you will).

Please refrain from posting nonsense.

You have not understood the concept of trading at all.

What is your agenda? Anything new!

Still out there trying to mislead other people?




From all the systems we offer there are good ones and ones, which currently look bad. I have no problem with anybody, who likes to point that out.

Yes, three systems are on RAS, which currently are in a negative performance and we still stand behind these systems, because they have a very different time horizon and objective.

If you like to just focus on these, fine.

I am very glad to discuss them in detail.

Let`s look at RAS 567 here:

Janus Pro Trader | Rent a Signal

This particular system is a grid trading system for AUD-CAD and it brings all the associated risks of any Grid trading system with it.

AUD-CAD is a nice pair for a grid strategy, but current market is not great for it, no doubt. So the system triggers its protection features, which result in losing trades and drawdown.

Unlike your comments, that is risk management, but it works only, if you have a proven system!

But where is the point?

Offering a system on RAS, which is not profitable right now presents a problem?

All of the three systems had already a very nice performance a few months ago and will resume that rather sooner than later.

More important is, that everybody can read about all features and stops in the system description.

More important, the actual numbers must be seen in relation to the used equity. Unfortunatly the RAS website does not allow the system vendor to lock the statistics equity number and all graphs show 1000USD.

Certainly i am getting your point, that all our systems must be trash, if 3 are negative at the moment.

Thanks for your detailed analysis and comments.

I could well understand, if any of you had subscribed to these particular systems and had made a comment, but that is not the case at all.

Usually my potential subscribers ask me via E-mail about the specific risks and my/our recommendations, since a few weeks also directly in our trading forum.

I personally would appreaciate an extensive third party analysis of all of our systems, so that potential subscribers can make their decisions based on actual subscriber reviews or a good third party analysis and reviews.

This forum has nothing like that!

What happens here is the following:

-A serious system vendor presents a system or makes general comments

Next thing we see is that certain and always the same forum members start a personal attack or simply post statistics trying to discredit the system vendor.

These fellows are not even taking the time to read system descriptions. I call them the "copy&paste" section.

Great, i really like it.

Maybe the RAS and TSD founders are happy with that and believe, that this is the way to attract serious traders to this forum and RAS service.

For easy overview, i am attaching the full list of systems from Janus Trading listed on RAS. Please note, that there are systems, which have not traded at all and systems, which are inactive with no orders in it. Systems with orders, but shown as inactive are undergoing approval right now.

Hope this helps the "copy&paste" members with their reviews.


@mrtools: You can do much better, than that! Waiting for a good analysis from your end.



you know my very conservative approach to trading.

This particular system was opened for subscribers 2 weeks ago! on request by a third party.

Before nobody could subscribe and here is the reason:

1.The original system trades in several live accounts with MBT and PFG Best.

Unfortunatly, neither MBT, nor PFG Best offer reliable or suitable DEMO accounts, which we could use for RAS service.

2.Under no circumstances we/i would transmit RAS signals from a client/managed account, due to very high security concerns we do have with RAS in general.

3.Only option to "show" this system, not for actual subscribers, but for interested traders among our clients was to put it on a Broco Investor Demo account.

The particular pair AUD-CAD has just 1 problem with Broco Demo accounts, which is spiking during sunday market opening. This has already triggered 2x the PROFIT closure, but actual trades closed than on the spike up and show a loss in the stats of RAS.

4.In all honesty ALL client accounts are down right now between 8-15%, which does not represent a problem, since every single trader received an extensive briefing about possible risks of this very system and its risk of triggering the equity stop.

Also all of the clients trading this system with real money trade other systems, more than offsetting the current DD.

No subscriber(1) of this system in RAS has lost money.

I also agree, that RAS service is still a baby and that it is at the very early stages. Whether it will grow or not will depend upon the quality of signals offered and the number of actual paying subscribers, which is still very low. As long as the owners of RAS and Forex-TSD show no serious concerns about quality of their service and adress issues properly, RAS is just a nice way to create a public track record.

Too many honest subscribers have lost money, because of RAS deficencies and not because of bad signals.

I still remember the day a few weeks ago, when RAS was hacked, servers down, all subscriber signals went to "unsubscribed" and positions simply closed in all accounts. As long as this can happen and nobody seriously is concerned on the RAS owner site, RAS is just another attempt to attract people to FX trading using buggy technology.



!!make your own decision not my job and none of my business!!


!!make your own decision not my job and none of my business!!


bprinsloo is right! period.