Janus Trading Signals on RAS - page 4


Janus Trading website and systems

Hi Janus,

I am looking forward to the website you mentioned earlier today. I am still a novice trader and willing to learn from the masters. You made an interesting remark about TriggerFX and your other systems and I can recall an earlier post where you list your system in order of preference. On that list TriggerFX was almost last or second last. I will definitely relook the list and maybe subscibe to one of the others. For me the risk of mixing different systems on the same trading account is too great and I will have to wait a while longer.

I have a few questions on the lotsize setting and equity stops:

1. I am trading TriggerFX on a mini account with equity roughly $3000. The minimum lotsize available in my MT4 is 0.1. Will this lotsize be a too high a risk?

2. How will the accrued profits % be applied to determine the equity stops? Surely each subsrcibing trader's equity will differ?

3. I have analysed a previously posted file with your trading systems performance. I have attached the file with the changes. I have used a hypothetical $2000 equity on the TriggerFX stats and noticed that there was one instance which would have totally wiped out the account. Is this a valid way to look at the performance and the inherent risks of the TriggerFX system? With my lot size of 0.1 mentioned above, one pip equites to one dollar.

As always I will appreciate your feedback and please bear with me if my questions seems strange. I am still a novice who has learned a lot through the hard and "expensive" way and would not like to repeat mistakes made in the past.



Trade Leverage


very important thing is, what we at Janus Trading refer to is :

Trade Leverage

In practical traders terms it reflects the position size(total possible) versus the account equity.

Very simple example is the Positiontrader GBP-USD, which always trades 1 standard lot in a 35 000USD account, or 0.1 in a 3500 USD account.

Easy to see that Trade Leverage is slightly below 3.

Now it is different in TriggerFX, since Trade Leverage can vary with the maximum total positions opened.

Having explained the equity stop in the reference account, trading 0.01 lots means, that if a subscriber trades instead 0.1 lots, he raises Trade Leverage by 10 times using equal account equity.

If he trades also with less equity, i.e. 3000USD instead of 10 000USD, he raises trade leverage another time by 3 times.

A standard account trading 0.1 lots with only 3000USD equity would cause in case of equity stop triggered a loss of 2500USD( 250USD with 0.01 x 10).

Good example, that even a great system can blow accounts, if improper Money Management is used.

For very good reasons, the TriggerFX system description in RAS 515 is very clear about minimum equity and equity stop value. It is all there in writing!



looking forward to your website. please let us know when its ready by posting to this thread.



Trade leverage

Thank you Janus, I think I got the message loud and clear. Obviously my challenge is to get a micro account which will allow me to trade 0.01 lots sizes and increments thereof. In a previous post you made mention of so called bucket Forex shops like Alpari, InterbankFX etc. What exactly did you mean by this statement? Are these brokers inferior and if so who can you then recommend that will match the requirements of your Rentasignal systems?

I ask this because my current broker does not provide micro accounts on MT4 and therefore I need to get another broker. I thought Alpari UK might be an option but after reading your comments about the bucket shops I am not so sure anymore.

Maybe if you can put this in perspective it will become a bit more clear to me.




Janus Trading Group categorizes FX Brokers into:

-Brokers with dealing desks

-Brokers with Straight Through Processing

-Brokers, who claim to be, but in reality are not STP

1.All Brokers, which do not require a 2 step order routine have a dealing desk and take the position against the client.

Easy speaking, the broker makes money, if the client loses.

All brokers offering less than 0.1 standard account trade size as minimum and all brokers which have mini, micro accounts are usually in that category.

Big brokers in this category are InterbankFX, Alpari and many more.

A client is exposed to requotes, missed trades and large slippage.

Please note, that the Demo accounts of these Brokers do not represent Live trading execution, while quotes appear the same.

Since FX is not traded at an official exchange, "market price" is the price the broker quotes. This might not be the same price other brokers quote.

Stop hunting, taking out buy+sell stops are frequently happening.

These Brokers make a lot of money by legitimatly "stealing" their clients money.

2.These brokers have a pool of liquidity providers, usually banks, and pass the orders straight through and make their money from commissions.

MB Trading(Beta stage) and PFG Best, Avail Trading Group,Broco Investor, FXCM(with certain account types only) and Activetrades(scalper feed) are in that category

3.This is the grey area, where a broker is officially straight through processing, but the brokers own dealing desk is included in the liquidity providers and takes a position against the client at times.

Depending on the system, a trader wishes to trade, the "Broker" effect on results might or might not be a factor.

If i state, that TriggerFX is not execution critical, that simply means, that it can be traded with any broker, since the performance effect of order execution is very small.

Same for Positiontrader GBP-USD and SwingTrader EUR-USD.

My Chartpattern systems are very execution critical.

Janus Trading Group also offers a proprietary EA, called P1, which can only be traded with STP brokers. This EA is not for sale and can only be traded with a special monthly subscription agreement at certain brokers at CNS server center in San Diego and NYC. The EA is only suitable for accounts >5000USD, because of the minimum lotsize of 0.1 standard lots with our recommended brokers.

MT4 stats of live (not Demo accounts) are available upon request via PM.



Please Advise

Thanks for the kind words, FXsimpleSignals, but i am just wondering, why TriggerFX has so many followers, since it is a very nice and profitable system, but by far not my most profitable one I posted at RAS............lol.

Maybe some traders like to check some of my other systems, which offer at almost same risk, even better profits and equity curves.

Please note, that i will not raise any prices on all my systems for 12 months.


Dear Janus,

Can you tell us which of your other systems fall in this category. I am sure many of the TriggerFX subscribers would like to subscribe to this signal also.


Members and subscribers,

i know, that many subscribers way overleverage TriggerFX in real accounts!

I like to point out the method of the equity stop.

Take the reference account posted under the system description as the benchmark for acrued profits.

MT4 Stats - Share your MetaTrader 4 Statements with the world

588USD right now(10th July).

So the equity stop sits at 250USD which is a little less than 50% .

This number will get adjusted and posted weekly from now on at the system description page RAS 515

Obviously this number will stay constant after a certain time and amount of profits as a fixed amount(=1000USD)

No worry that you could lose half of all acrued profits over time.



If I had started today and I had a profit of 5.61 $, what would be my equity stop ?




Equity Stop

Under the system description at the Rentasignal website, RAS ID 515 TriggerFX, one can read the weekly equity stop:

July 10th: 250 USD

That is why i stated earlier, that in the beginning a new subscriber risks a rather small percentage of the equity, since only a small profit is acrued.

For that stop to equal profits you need about 3 weeks , trading 0.01 lots in a Standard account.


Under the system description at the Rentasignal website, RAS ID 515 TriggerFX, one can read the weekly equity stop:

July 10th: 250 USD

That is why i stated earlier, that in the beginning a new subscriber risks a rather small percentage of the equity, since only a small profit is acrued.

For that stop to equal profits you need about 3 weeks , trading 0.01 lots in a Standard account.


okay, now I have it completely understood. And I would exactly know how it works if i would sign in, no open questions; very important (for me) !

Thanks again




Janus Trading Group categorizes FX Brokers into:

-Brokers with dealing desks

-Brokers with Straight Through Processing

-Brokers, who claim to be, but in reality are not STP

1.All Brokers, which do not require a 2 step order routine have a dealing desk and take the position against the client.

Easy speaking, the broker makes money, if the client loses.

All brokers offering less than 0.1 standard account trade size as minimum and all brokers which have mini, micro accounts are usually in that category.

Big brokers in this category are InterbankFX, Alpari and many more.

A client is exposed to requotes, missed trades and large slippage.

Please note, that the Demo accounts of these Brokers do not represent Live trading execution, while quotes appear the same.

Since FX is not traded at an official exchange, "market price" is the price the broker quotes. This might not be the same price other brokers quote.

Stop hunting, taking out buy+sell stops are frequently happening.

These Brokers make a lot of money by legitimatly "stealing" their clients money.

2.These brokers have a pool of liquidity providers, usually banks, and pass the orders straight through and make their money from commissions.

MB Trading(Beta stage) and PFG Best, Avail Trading Group,Broco Investor, FXCM(with certain account types only) and Activetrades(scalper feed) are in that category

3.This is the grey area, where a broker is officially straight through processing, but the brokers own dealing desk is included in the liquidity providers and takes a position against the client at times.

Depending on the system, a trader wishes to trade, the "Broker" effect on results might or might not be a factor.

If i state, that TriggerFX is not execution critical, that simply means, that it can be traded with any broker, since the performance effect of order execution is very small.

Same for Positiontrader GBP-USD and SwingTrader EUR-USD.

My Chartpattern systems are very execution critical.

Janus Trading Group also offers a proprietary EA, called P1, which can only be traded with STP brokers. This EA is not for sale and can only be traded with a special monthly subscription agreement at certain brokers at CNS server center in San Diego and NYC. The EA is only suitable for accounts >5000USD, because of the minimum lotsize of 0.1 standard lots with our recommended brokers.

MT4 stats of live (not Demo accounts) are available upon request via PM.


Dear Janus,

Thank you very much for the detailed clarification on brokers. I have read in some of the forums that brokers can close down the account or simply refuse to allow the account to trade if the account is in profit. Can this sort of situation occur as TriggerFX generates profits.
