RAS moderators announcement, reports and problems - page 63


It was same case: Virus attack.


When I woke up in the morning so everything was restored already. I checked elite section signals ...

But as I see - many signals were activated so if any vendor see his suspended signal to be active - please report. Some trades were closed for buyers (I see it for the clones), but not for all the buyers. For some of them only.

Currently 2 programmers are working now because OS were damaged as well so they restored it now. And they are creating some kind of measures to prevent this situation in the future.

It is what I know.


What a disaster. This couldn't have happened at a worse time for TriggerFX subscribers.


All the per-signal website-based lot multiplier values have also gotten wiped out and reset to 1


Holy crap Atlan,

Wheres the sympathy to all the subs who lost hundreds if not thousands of dollars?

Thats pretty cold of you to state all this. Sure, not a lot of us trade standard lots or can trade for ourselves.... its why these sites where created to help. where is RAS communication thru all of this... its been the members who have voiced the problems first.

I'm sure we all understand how badly a virus attack can damage a system. Thanks anyways for the simpleton discription of what happens... sheesh you sound like a know-it-all.

Thats a poor way to run a business... I don't think we're askin much, just better communication.


Hard to rally behind a service that does not report or reply to its customers on a timely basis. I do agree that RAS has potential but there are somethings they can improve right away... some not... like reputation... already people are in other forums diss-crediting this site.

What to improve?

1) service communication!!

2) Adequate redundancy (you mentioned)

3) Improve RAS latency... there are programs out there that are better. I can't mention any here.

4) Improve accounting practices.. ie more detailed payment statements, and quicker payment

5) Have mandatory vendor contact availability

6) Have more accurate description of each Vendor's signal.. ie if they say will trade max 5 open trades.... then i don't want to see 6 etc....


As for supporting the ones who work hard to make it happen... well its their job, they get paid to do it. It'd be different if this was free. sure I'll cheer then.

As far as how much i've made here is irrelevant. What about all the new subs that just got on and have made nothing but losses?

Yes there is always tomorrow.... I will agree with you on that... thats the beauty of forex... there is always an equal opportunity to make pips the next day.


Its laudable what you guys are trying to achieve, but in my past few months as a subscriber to JanusTrading's excellent signals, all that has come from the RAS side is poor executions, mismanagement, ineffective or nonexistent communication (when I asked ND why subscribers weren't notified of important items by email, he answered that "well nobody checks their email"....LOL).

I will decide in the next few days as the dust settles, but alas I think it's adios to me as a subscriber.

It would be very useful for the RAS folks to get onto this forum and communicate with subscribers directly, and relay to them what happened, and to listen to the subscribers, and maybe something valuable could be learned.

WE need to rally behind RAS. I don't mean to sound cold-hearted. Simpleton? It would never happen if you know how to protect yourself.

Poor way to run? By all means, show us how you could do better, I say sincerely. Heartfelt criticism is better than gold.

I, as you, really want to trade in real LOTS, 100,000.00.

As Data said, I STRONGLY SUGGEST, get into my server, where everyone has to get a palm scan, a Federal Building, and never again let this happen, and sleep well.

MetaTrader vDedicated Server

I don't claim to know all, but, in my discussions with the owner, this just would never happen. And with redundancy, in 20 minutes, a custom disc would restore it. If there is anything less...

No, I do not dismiss hard-won earnings lightly.

Just call and get in, now, today, and end it all forever. This will never be a problem again. I questioned the senior tech often, and he just laughed.

No matter how many questions I slammed him with, he just kept laughing.

MetaTrader vDedicated Server

All I am saying is, we have been educated, so, now, apply the lesson, support the ones who work so hard to make it happen. You lost some? How much have you made here?

Wake up tommorow, and, "We'll make more."

I am not affiliated with, supported by or associated with RAS by any means whatsoever.


When I PAY for a service I expect it TO WORK. And when I pay $150 for a SUPA DUPA SIGNAL #1135, you can bet how GOOD I expect it to work. But it was nothing but a CRAPY CHEAT which cost me $5,000. Period.

This has nothing to do with FOREX.

I hope RAS and all it's stuff go to hell!

PS. Don't understand how anyone can defend this bunch of scammers.



I quote from your post:

Do you realize how quickly and easily a site like this can be destroyed? AND, like the upset confuser owner screamed:


I ask you: "Do you realize how easy it is to destroy a 'little bug' like a subscriber - like me?"

I hope RAS gets the same treatment and will be crashed like a bug! The same what they did to me. WHERE IS FPFTRADE and their retard trader(s) who like to cash in for ruining other people? I want my money back from those criminals. I did exactly the investment they advised. I lost exactly what they lost on their RAS log. But they tell ME I was OVELEVERAGED! - No, wait, NEWDIGITAL tells me I was overleveraged!

Again: hope this BS site with all their scum bags will be crashed like a bug. I will do all I can to achieve it!

I'm recovering slowly, but you'll bet it's not thanks to RAS!! It's because of mey own efforts I do on the REAL forex market!

and Forex...

Where else can a little guy take 1,000 and let traders turn it into a LOT. If you can't afford to lose it, don't.

I do not speak for RAS, don't even know their names.

I get email in hours. I have watched the money grow.

And some go.

You sound the most able to prevent this again.

Like the lady who owns the ice cream store at the mall said,

"If the economy did crash, tomorrow morning, we'd just come back and make some more."

I am hoping RAS will implement iron clad protection, as suggested well, and tell us what that is.

A detailed explanation just gives hackers more doors.

It's a battle. Get back up again, knowing the inherent goodness of those who are really trying will get us there.

Traders who burn us for a quick subscription dollar are out there, traitors.

I am looking forward to moving the multiplier to 1.

What will we do then if this happens? Losses of 50,000 seem not so bad if you have real capital. Withdraw often.

Sorry to say this, but you are an idiot (Naybe you should reread the post from bprinsloo?????). People lost money due to no fault of their own. I also lost money, thanks to RAS.

Seems like I might have to move to a different provider. Maybe Forex Online Trading Systems. Autotrade Forex Signals by specialists, Manual Forex Trading, plus rewarding Forex Introducing Broker Program.