RAS moderators announcement, reports and problems - page 65


hi, there is something wrong with my signal ID 532 and 1036 Statistics !

please see the pic below :

the total USD is 5309.98, but the summary P/L is 25162.68 !

the total pips and total USD only show the result of this week !

what happened to the calculationh ?

statics.jpg  78 kb

Yevell, you just wake up? RAS was hacked, everything is messed up.


thanks for telling me about that ! I do not know about that !

Yevell, you just wake up? RAS was hacked, everything is messed up.
chk56-- If you don't like it here, feel free to leave. There are adults here that still want to conduct business. Surely there is something constructive you can be doing

Hi Mr. adult,

Thank you for giving me permission to leave Mr. adult, but I have been thinking, that perhaps I don't need it. Perhaps I can decide for myself when I'm leaving. For the moment I like this place, I feel confortable here, in the company of so many smart adults who are trying to conduct their business, and, yes, you're right, I should be doing something constructive. So let's go ahead:

What exactly is your business?

Let me guess: scamming? Cheating? Are you maybe one of those signal vendors who make good money selling junk signals to ruin other people?

Or are you one of those smart talking people, who try to intimidate others on this forum with their sophisticated techie jargon to hide their complete ignorance or greed for selling some signal or worthless EA ('Elite' section lke)?

Or are you really one of those innocent souls who thinks FOREX GAMBLING is a business? - In that case I suggest you to read the thread of signal vendor 'Farhad'. He's one of the very few on this forum who has the balls to tell the truth.

Or go to the blog of 'Verbtheory', who gives an excellent insight about the nature and intrincancies of the Forex market. Forex is a business for banks and institutions, who let the crowds in, to provide them with the iquidity they need on a regular basis for some of their operations. The crowd mainly loses, due to it's ignorance, thus providing the necessary liquidity.

If you are smart and learn how the big players think, you can 'piggyback' on them and make some money. But this takes a lot of learning, years of experience and practice and talent. That's why - you guessed it - there are signal services for those who want or need some money, but have no experience. These signals are supposed be generated by 'experienced' traders. Can you perceive the irony, Mr. adult?

Maybe you win some money. Yes, I said 'win' not 'earn', because forex is pure gambling for the crowd, for those who for any reason don't like to be seen as gamblers. There is nothing wrong about being a gambler. But there are rules for every game. Forex is no exception. And you know what used to happen to those smart people who tried to cheat (scam) other players on those mythic Poker rounds in the 'Far West': Players didn't like it at all, and used to pull out their guns...

Maybe it's time for you to grow up.


Yet, YOU are the only one going on and on about YOUR losses, and blaming everyone BUT YOURSELF. If you realize that you are just gambling maybe it's time for YOU to grow up and accept that.

I am not a signal seller, I am a signal buyer, so your assumptions again make you like a fool.

Welcome to my ignore list, no need to respond to me anymore, as I certainly won't to you. RAS should ban you, but wait, you are still paying for signals through them, so they can't be all that bad, can they...

Now go to your Mommy and in her lap



I don't care if you read this, but maybe others do and have a good time.

1. If you are a buyer, I wonder why you are so upset against me, when I'm trying to defend a buyer's interests. It's not about MY losses, it's about SCAM, which affects everyone. Maybe you are not aware of this little detail.

And of course I blame myself for being so foolish to believe that an expensive signal listed the 2nd most popular on the RAS site with impressive statistics, should perform well. Trust me, I feel like a fool.

If I thought this was only MY problem, I would have risen a support ticket. But I posted on a public forum, to warn others and to put those *** under the public light. A little pressure is good. I don't know if I had something to do with it, but it worked. The signal dissappeared from the map, and then there was a misterious crash of the site. Maybe everybody is a little more cautious now.

2. I'm paying a vendor that suits me, not RAS. If this vendor leaves RAS (which he announced he probably would do, if problems with RAS service continue, and he's not the only one), I will follow him to a (hopefully) more professional signal service site. Till then, I'm stucked to RAS.

If in the meanwhile RAS service improves, they will be welcome. It's just business, nothing personal.

Why do you want them to ban me? Are you getting payed for that? What are your benefits? Do they know, you want to take a paying customer away from them?

3. What's this strange obsession of everybody with my Mom? My Mom couldn't help me, nor you, even if she was alive, she never ever had nothing to do with RAS, so how could she help me? - There is something insane in those comments. I hope this doesn't reflect the average personality of the users here, because that would really make me scared!

4. It's amusing to see how different Forex sites rival with each other. For example: Don Steinitz is treated more or less as the devil in person on several sites. When you go to Steinitz oriented sites, they talk about the TSD forum as being 'nothing but a bunch of scammers'. Really amusing. I don't know Steinitz, nor did I try one of his systems, but given the latest events, I'm inclined to believe more and more, there might be a piece of truth in their afirmations.

Greetings go out to you Spencer36

I know, I know, you didn' read it ;-)


Updates? What's the word?

Any updates with RAS? Anything we should know? This no communication thing is not good


I don't care if you read this, but maybe others do and have a good time.

1. If you are a buyer, I wonder why you are so upset against me, when I'm trying to defend a buyer's interests. It's not about MY losses, it's about SCAM, which affects everyone. Maybe you are not aware of this little detail.

And of course I blame myself for being so foolish to believe that an expensive signal listed the 2nd most popular on the RAS site with impressive statistics, should perform well. Trust me, I feel like a fool.

If I thought this was only MY problem, I would have risen a support ticket. But I posted on a public forum, to warn others and to put those *** under the public light. A little pressure is good. I don't know if I had something to do with it, but it worked. The signal dissappeared from the map, and then there was a misterious crash of the site. Maybe everybody is a little more cautious now.

2. I'm paying a vendor that suits me, not RAS. If this vendor leaves RAS (which he announced he probably would do, if problems with RAS service continue, and he's not the only one), I will follow him to a (hopefully) more professional signal service site. Till then, I'm stucked to RAS.

If in the meanwhile RAS service improves, they will be welcome. It's just business, nothing personal.

Why do you want them to ban me? Are you getting payed for that? What are your benefits? Do they know, you want to take a paying customer away from them?

3. What's this strange obsession of everybody with my Mom? My Mom couldn't help me, nor you, even if she was alive, she never ever had nothing to do with RAS, so how could she help me? - There is something insane in those comments. I hope this doesn't reflect the average personality of the users here, because that would really make me scared!

4. It's amusing to see how different Forex sites rival with each other. For example: Don Steinitz is treated more or less as the devil in person on several sites. When you go to Steinitz oriented sites, they talk about the TSD forum as being 'nothing but a bunch of scammers'. Really amusing. I don't know Steinitz, nor did I try one of his systems, but given the latest events, I'm inclined to believe more and more, there might be a piece of truth in their afirmations.

Greetings go out to you Spencer36

I know, I know, you didn' read it ;-)

You need to get a Life, or grow up. We all accepted our losses and have moved on. Let it rest...Its over and done with...


No kidding,

I've emailed ras support a few times in the past week, still no reply.

Any updates with RAS? Anything we should know? This no communication thing is not good

Last updates were 12 days ago here: https://www.mql5.com/en/forum/179175/page39

And some suggestion (which I resent to the developers) was here: https://www.mql5.com/en/forum/179175/page42