Martingale EA - page 95


Yes Wolfe, I change the computer (pc) (in the same network), every 12 hours, please explain why this is wrong? I run pipmaker EA without any single problem continiously (in the middle of a cycle) after changing pc's, for about four months now. If the magic number and settings are same, please explain your view on this.

Update: Yes wolfe, You are right, I should never changeover the trade cycle to another pc, that is bad I realise, because of the stored global variables I suppose, sorry for the annoyance , so that issue is being solved as well. Thanks.


hey sivach...have you been running pipmaker on a good setfile? can you share?..PM me...I notice you have run it for 4 months...did you find something that worked?



Hi ES, will pm within 1 hour.

hey sivach...have you been running pipmaker on a good setfile? can you share?..PM me...I notice you have run it for 4 months...did you find something that worked? ES


I think I know what kayvan was earlier posting about...

The candlesticks are formed with the ask line.

The kayvan rule buy 2 pips above the high of the candle and sell 2 pips below the low of the candle....VISUALLY


We buy on the ask and sell on the bid...and the high and the low of the candles are formed with the bid on MT4

wolfe can you go through your entire code and make sure that

bid is for the sells


ask is for the buys

then we can adjust the buy lag and the sell lag when we know for sure you got all the ducks in a row!

He is gonna' beat me...I just know it!



Here is winning on the M5...not a losing trade-set yet and I have seen 3.2 lotsize...Thank you, Last_Entry_Filter



How is your testing going? I think you will find the Last_Entry_Filter = true TOGETHER with the kayvan lag of 2 will "crack' the martingale market code. Just lookback 1 on the M5 cable.

Let's hope so...have you seen any progressions past 3.2?

What do you think about WFM?


Many thanks Wolf and ElectricSavant - I've been following this from the beginning. I've always believed that there was a way to incorporate Martingale in some way successfully. I hope this turns out to be just that. Will be testing with anticipation - Thanks again!


Can a public EA such as this be successful..can any public EA be successful?

Be Honest



Can a public EA such as this be successful..can any public EA be successful?

Be Honest


if any ea can be successful , don`t doubt. that it will be the public ea .

and it will be this ea . with effective changes that wolfe is going to manage

Hey guys...I just got the exit and I am up 3.3% in 24 hrs...using the Last_Entry_Filter = a WFM of 2bucks/50%. Pyramid=true w/doubling on the Cable M5 with a 2 lag kayvan.


P.S. He He we talk our own language here...I just re-read what I wrote...too funny, what the hell is a kayvan lag?

how do you work with last entry = true . i did`t see any success with this option in back test .

would you please explain a little about this option . how dose it act?