Martingale EA - page 91


you mean take some losses and let some winners run? then what would happen to the next progression? ...would it be halted and would we just carry the winners...for how long?


Can't we make it to close some (less profitable) of the trades when hit to maxtrades?

What I like about WFM verses a static TP...just now I am sitting on 8 bucks float...I have not exited yet...If it retraces to 4 bucks I get out with a better multiply this with several trades a day and you can see my point...

The only thing is long do I demo this before going live and do I have the balls to do it?

Also is doubling too aggressive...?

If I demo this for 1 month...2...3 ...4 months I guarantee you the nano-second I go live I will hit a maxtrade exit The question is not IF I hit a maxtrade exit of about a 300 buck loss...will i have time to build up profits to absorb it without going below the initial deposit?...if this is a true edge it should be a positive transaction...



To keep the hedge profitable, we could only close the winners and wait for the losers to become profitable.

So that when TFX wants to open a trade it would close the less profitable trade.

Just an idea, though..


would the new trade replace the lotsize or continue in progression? Hey I'm open-minded ...but in my opinion the WFM is working... so it does not need to be fixed...but additional options could be considered...but wolfe will beat you till you can no longer stand up...:) He is very violent with bloodpressure deviations.


To keep the hedge profitable, we could only close the winners and wait for the losers to become profitable.

So that when TFX wants to open a trade it would close the less profitable trade.

Just an idea, though..

The same idea was tried in some other EA's, but not successful, closing possitive trades and waiting for lossing trades to become possitive will not work always, and when it does not happen, it will hurt more. Simply, we are aiming for just a few amount of profit, and, we open several trades as a martingale, then we close the good ones and hang on with the bad ones, is it sound logical? We will be very much better off just open one trade and wait till it becomes possitive. It will never be painful than partially closing a martingale group. I think, no success will be achieved by that way. Just my opinion, we may have to find some other solution, I am sure a good solution to avoid build up trades will be found very soon.

To keep the hedge profitable, we could only close the winners and wait for the losers to become profitable.

So that when TFX wants to open a trade it would close the less profitable trade.

Just an idea, though..

Hello everyone,

I need to get caught up with all your posts.

I wanted to share my results so far. This is with Pyramid true, and LastEntryFilter true. The TS is set at $2, and 50%. 30m bars with 2bar look back. Both entry lags set to 4. No doubling, just simply 0.1 to start with 0.1 progression.

The maxtrade wouldn't have happened if it was a last entry filter setup, because obviously the trades were loaded unnecessarily both sides quickly, IMHO. So, with the last entry filter setup, reaching maxtrades may be less. Because, kayvan's method looks for breakouts - so last entry filter and pyramid are important.

I think close all maxtrades set to true can kill this system. The very nature of the system relies on eventually going positive. Maybe use small progressions?

I agree with sivach on the last entry filter. It GREATLY minimizes the amount of orders.


I think the modified trade progression illustrated a few posts up...would be enough...I am enjoying great success even with doubling using the Last_Entry_Filter set to "true".

By the way...I am floating 10 bucks plus just keeps falling very slowly without sharp retraces...Thank you market This is a time I wish I had a heavier progression with bigger tick increments. this rate I can afford a maxtrade exit now and then...not a problem...

Just take the losses with the wins and if the progression gets too high...get out of the kitchen...


All seems to work good so far. But I noticed, after restarting PC or MetaTrader platform, the previous trades are not properly recognised and trades not executed continuosly as supposed to be, maybe I am wrong here. This is a very important issue - if a shutdown, or changing pc (with the same preset file of course), in the middle of a cycle. For example, I have seen some other EAs do this flawlessly - eg: pipmaker. Please could someone test this and confirm, I think wolfe has a global solution for this matter.

Anyone else have this problem? I'll look into it.



That white text in the upper left corner is so useful...I use it was very good that you did that.