Artificial Intelligence - page 8


I have an Intel Pentium Core Duo that is 2 months old will that do? (HP a1640n) How many do you need? I can go pick up a couple more in a heartbeat..

When this goes commercial we will need two at least both running on separate ISP's or T1 lines...I have cable and DSL..thus far. But in case one goes down the other must take over. I have a gasoline powered generator for the trading room also.

So...I bring to the table 24 hour monitoring by experienced traders and redundency too...


Yep, as long as your running it on a computer that is fairly new. no more than 2 or 3 years old. there should be no problems at all. but i would suggest that this computer is not used for anything other than trading and optimizing. and very important to not use it to browse the internet, or check email. Have it just be a streamlined verson of the operating system your trading platform and optimizer. the operating system would have to be tweaked manualy to remove all the uneeded clutter. thats all, keep it clean and simple, have a firewall, and your all set to offer pro services.
I have an Intel Pentium Core Duo that is 2 months old will that do? (HP a1640n) How many do you need? I can go pick up a couple more in a heartbeat.. when this goes commercial we will need two atleast both running on separte ISP's or T1 lines...I have cable and dsl..thus far.

yes thats enough to get started ES.

I would recommend a dual wan router, and then hook up one or more computers to the router. Dual wan means that it can support 2 internet connections, if one ever goes down the second one kicks in, with out a hitch. Your computer wont even notice it. if u want more safety u could get a tripple wan router. i think u can get started fine with dsl, cable and a dual wan router tho, you already, got a good computer.


ok...I will go get one now or back soon. I wanted to go to MicroCenters big walk-in store here anyways and I have looked at three dual wan routers 6 months ago. Can't make up my mind which one to get.

I will report here with MicroCenters choices. Meanwhile you guys can go research this online here:

Micro Center Online | the center of .computer shopping


yes thats enough to get started ES. I would recommend a dual wan router, and then hook up one or more computers to the router. Dual wan means that it can support 2 internet connections, if one ever goes down the second one kicks in, with out a hitch. Your computer wont even notice it. if u want more safety u could get a tripple wan router. i think u can get started fine with dsl, cable and a dual wan router tho, you already, got a good computer.
ok...I will go get one now or back soon. I wanted to go to MicroCenters big walk-in store here anyways and I have looked at three dual wan routers 6 months ago. Can't make up my mind which one to get.

I will report here with MicroCenters choices. Meanwhile you guys can go research this online here:

Micro Center Online | the center of .computer shopping


EC I have the D-Link DI-LB604 Dual Wan router.. try to avoid it, I have not had the greatest experience with it.

I too have servers running the new Intel Quad Core CPU's so I hope I can be of some help in the testing of this system.



I bought and am going to try this NetGear fvs124G 4GB LAN & Dual WAN Port Switch. I can test it for 30 days and return it if I want. I bought it at the MicroCenter wailk-In Store (it is huge).

$215.43 w/tax.

...when I was there I snuck into the computer department...Don't tell Wifey. I talked to the saleman there and he could get me a deal on the HP Pavillion A6120N....$620.96 plus tax..with Vista..Intel Core Duo monitor...It was fun! But I will wait, I guess.

comments...the store is only 2 blocks away its easy to return...


....I have looked at three dual wan routers.........

And if your electricity goes down, you have a micro atomic power station in your flat - everything for forex!

The problem with double or triple WAN is actually power breakdowns - when ALL internet connections via Cable or xDSL go down. Sattelite+ADSL(xDSL? Cable as an alternative to this point)+Cell-Phone internet = better variant. There is always good old phone call to close positions if you think the world economy collapses

Besides, if you have several internet connections on one PC, your PC is smart enough to choose one or use several at the same time even without the help of super-router. Don't buy stuff because its advertised. Don't buy stuff you don't need. Save money for forex


you got a good deal, the multiple wan routers have come down in price alot.

i have the first dual wan router that came out to market. but its crap compared to what is available now.


ES this is an excellent thread. I have a few ideas I will elaborate on tommorrow. I am just a little anhibriated and need to take care of business if you know what I mean...LOL.....

And if your electricity goes down, you have a micro atomic power station in your flat - everything for forex!

The problem with double or triple WAN is actually power breakdowns - when ALL internet connections via Cable or xDSL go down. Sattelite+ADSL(xDSL? Cable as an alternative to this point)+Cell-Phone internet = better variant. There is always good old phone call to close positions if you think the world economy collapses

Besides, if you have several internet connections on one PC, your PC is smart enough to choose one or use several at the same time even without the help of super-router. Don't buy stuff because its advertised. Don't buy stuff you don't need. Save money for forex

shinigami u love being a contrarian dont you. i disagree i rather buy a dual wan router then go out buy multiple nics, then install them. Then find latest drivers. Then pay a couple hundred bucks on software then spend hours configuring a proxy server asigning ip addresses ect.. Then having to reconfigure the rest of the software on the system to now use the proxy server. and then in the end you give up system resourses. thats just not a professional setup, we are trying to come up with complete professional systems and setups here.

and have u not heard of solar panels shignami? lol jk