Artificial Intelligence - page 7


I fell asleep..I am flat and there was trading...

Bal= $3,440.93 (started 3 days ago at $3,140.36) Profit $300.57

I really like getting flat, so that I can gloat and bask in the glory of profits. The AIMMSmartEntry™ (an opening 1Hr. Candlestick) and the time in the trade can be interesting to watch. As the AIMMTradeBasket™ goes on, the risk appears, even if it is working currently. This is an "always in" system which introduces a lot of risk. I have no reason to test the AIMMFlatPeriod™ until we can see some more losing trades.

Today is Friday. I want to stay flat and there may not be time to complete this next AIMMTradeBasket™ and its AIMMEarlyTP™, but for testing purposes, I will allow it.

Perhaps an input could be coded for NoFridayEntries as a "true" or "false" input. (this is only requested as a personal trading preference of mine and not a result of curve fitting)

I really need some "not normal. market conditions" and a few tempestuous NFP's under my belt. There simply cannot be any magic here...I have been trading too long to believe that. I need to see the drawdown soon...or I will not trade this, as it is too good to be true, thus far.. But hey...its only been 3 day's.

I hope you are finding this Journal as enjoyable as I have. But please understand that you should not trade this with anything other than monopoly money...why? I do not know, but I do not want the responsability when you blow up your account.




we gotta' talk...

This thread has nearly 1000 views in 1 day. What have I stumbled upon?

Is this method as powerful as my imagination is telling me?...are the entries really this good in combination with my MM and how I present it and trade it...Go ahead be honest and tell me the truth...this can't be true?...

I am getting some PM's that I really do not know how to answer...I need more time. Your fib improvement was implemented and it is working...I have not compared it to the defaults and never looked back.

I do not get excited anymore at my age, but I feel like I am sitting on a pot of water, that is ready to boil over.


An AIMMTradeBasket™ just went on at the top of the hour:Short 1.2 AUD/NZD

Long 0.5 GBP/JPY

Short1.0 USD/CAD

Long0.7 EUR/CHF

AIMMEarlyTP™ = 1.5% ($52.00) Note: a weekend carry will reduce this to 0.5% for the Sunday Open.


AIMMEarlyTP™ Guide1.5% (2:00am to Noon est)

1.0% (Noon to 17:00 est)

0.5% (17:00 to 2:00am est)

i like the no friday idea.

Let me recap the benefits of the AIMM (Artificial Intelligence with Money Managment) system:

  • Defined SL's
  • Defined TP's
  • Basket Trading with Diversity & Global Balanced Currency Exposure
  • Balanced Volatility Exposures with Traffic Reductions
  • Total Portfolio Money Management with Individual Pair Safeguards
  • Automation with Good Entries
  • Less than one day trade duration in an "always in" methodology, with short flat periods & occassional weekend breaks.
  • Experienced Head Trader with Great Support, but he really needs to sleep.
  • Low Drawdown with a Good Yield
  • Three Possible Combo Pair Presentations
  • 24hr. Trading that works under all market conditions
  • No Martingale, Gridding, Long Carry Exposures, Positive Interest Differential Schemes or Pyramiding & Averaging Down


Terms to remember:AIMMTradeBasket™







nubika...this is a boiling potof water we are sitting on....if this continues...

keep us informed and Thank You, for putting your time into this controversial project. (when other traders ask me what I am testing currently, I do not tell them about AIMM)

nubika, Please excuse the immaturity that I display with all the catch phrases and such...I am trying to keep things interesting for all, but I can understand that a researcher/trader such as yourself does not really need the fluff.

I will check out Emily v.15..Thanks..I have an open Demo waiting, as I just canned another project, named 100pips v.31....(now that was an odd one, to say the least)

by the way...I again want to thank lepiricus for the EA that he shared. It can be used to basket trade many systems and is a stand alone solution. I do not necessarily agree with EC, that the lepricus MM needs to be hardcoded into this EA, unless I take it commercial. (unless EC needs to call upon it for hidden reasons that he is working on and will share later) My need to not have to go into charts for Global Variables is understood but, I find separating MM into a EUR/USD chart that globally controls the basket, forces me to watch the EUR/USD...hehe...(that pair seems to control the entire Currency market)

..for me to take AIMM commercial, I would need to make some changes so that I can explain to the developer of this EA that I made it my own. I do not plaguerize. If it works in its present form and no further changes are made (other than EC's most excellent fib numbers for the levelsin the code)...then we can just trade it ourselves here and make money from trading. But....EC may be on to something really wonderful and I am curious as to his work and its progress...meanwhile our work in this thread continues...

everybody... (nearly 2k views) I know you are biting your tongues and tieing your fingers behind your back and not posting. Thank You for not posting....There is a method to this madness to force everybody to be on the same page, eventhough it may be a little slow for you. We need to stay with the organization of thought and pattern or foster the "think outside of the box" environment if we are to arrive at a unique approach. I hope that you folks find this thread as interesting as I do. Thank You for your endulgence and I am learning much here and will hang around for a bit using the "fuelof interesting ideas" to keep me going.


P.S. Also three-pair baskets, AIMMMiniBasket™ can become rather lucritive and there are many more combinations available. There can be many traders trading this on many pair and it should work equally as well.

P.P.S. This thread is so important, I am considering to to take each post and print it out for a three ring binder to review and organize. I really do silly things and Wifey (20 years of marriage) over the years has made a rule in our house. I can no longer tape things on the walls or the furniture...and I can no longer use post-it notes at my desk...This is a long story...don't ask

P.S. Bill Gates and his now Microsoft VP went to Harvard together...didn't graduate...Now Bill Gates realized that he needed infrastructure, if his idea was to work...the solitary trades of an independent trader such as myself, needs infrastructure to be able to grab the excess out of the ever-changing market as soon as possible before stopped. The way the market works finds the inefficiences and adapting systems are far too powerful, but need infrastructure and fast volume, before discovered and need to adapt differently. The question becomes how much money do you want to make and how long does it take?

Nicely put ES....I find your thread rather appealing...Think I will take a closer gander; some really interesting stuff....

I have five computers, Five 19" LCD's, 2 ISP's...and I can dedicate one other full time trader with my direct supervision all times, along with myself to this. What do we need? Can we train and supply the algorithm on the trading computer with the data and optimizations it needs simultaniosly?

Pretty sweet set up.....



I have five computers, Five 19" LCD's, 2 ISP's...and I can dedicate one other full time trader with my direct supervision at all times, along with myself to this. What do we need? I am a former CTA and Licensed with the CFTC as such, and all I must do is pay my registration fee at the NFA to reactivate and make some disclosure doc's. PFG has a great managed account program with PAMM to "block trade" several accounts at once. Can we train and supply the algorithm on the trading computer with the data and optimizations it needs simultaniosly?

Late Edit: I just got your PM EC TY

Folks Let's keep developing here on our end. EC is on board and motivated and committed. When we are ready there will be two choices. You can use this open source information here on the Static AIMM™ system...and you can get a discount by PMing me here next year when we get the LivingAIMM™ system developed and tested. Stay tuned for an announcement .

Meanwhile the work continues here in this thread and Good Trading to You.


P.S. The goals and the benefits of the Living AIMM™ will be to accomplish a shorter trade durationfor the money management to work. The Living AIMM™ system will just be an add-onto the existing system here and will not be mandatory or required to make a consistent profit. These are my dreams folks and I hope that our testing is successful here in this thread. I will tell you that there are some brilliant folks walking this earth and I feel that I am hooked up with the best. Thank you for your time and now back to work!

P.P.S. Wo wo...slow down folks do not PM with requests for a discount...We must first prove that this works for gawds sakes...Every programmer should have an ElectricSavant...sheesh this is a Full Time Job.

it can be done but need to run a seperate terminal for optimizatioin. this is a very smart system very good.


Please contact me by PM next week when you have attempted any Heuristic programming approaches and dymnamic updating variables training from price action.

If you can master this...this is the commercial componet that will take this thread to subscription only for the open source or to a commercial website that I have.

EC, I suggest that we combine our efforts in this research in the backgroundand I will continue to present here the static version for all to have and use freely with open source. The version that I will share will be profitable and all can become billionaires is my dreams...but the advanced componet will be my chance to author something special to the trading community. Folks you can surly understand that and not deny me that opportunity?

Folks do not feel slighted or left out. Its just that the work EC is doing is not for the public and not ready for primetime and it will be my gateway into offering an enhancement that is really special to an already working system to "goose it" into greater more efficient profits and "time in the trade" risk profiles.

You must allow me to be your Satsang, but at the same time you can get a motive to resolve in your mind why I am reaching out to grow. I have recieved many PM's (my inbox has filled up twice now and I had to delete them) asking why do I do this?


P.S. Bill Gates and his now Microsoft VP went to Harvard together...didn't graduate...Now Bill Gates realized that he needed infrastructure, if his idea was to work...the solitary trades of an independent trader such as myself, needs infrastructure to be able to grab the excess out of the ever-changing market as soon as possible before stopped. The way the market works is it finds the inefficiences and adapting systems are far too powerful for it, but need infrastructure and fast volume, before discovered and need to adapt differently. The question becomes how much money do you want to make and how long does it take?

yes ES thats why i say i want to make systems, inteligent systems that are complete in them selves.

im a slow learner too, you just have to be patient with yourself. if u make slow but steady progress your already winning just like trading. right.

so ES you have enhanced my ideas for this system, and thank you.

maybe in a week we should have a "complete" system. thats the plan. lets make it happen!

4 accelerators, set apart in intervals of bars, on the same time frame.

then a "weight" (a variable) is assigned to each accelerator. it determines which accelerator of the 4 has more weight, or more importance. also the weights determine the relationships between the accelerators are they tight or loose? . the equation looks like this..

(a1 * x1) + (a2 * x2) + (a3 * x3) + (a4 * x4)

except the AI EA was only optimized one time. and then distributed like that.

that doesnt really qualify as artificial intelligence.
it can be done but need to run a seperate terminal for optimizatioin. this is a very smart system very good.


glad your here, I really need your help to take a look at this. Please read this whole thread cover to cover and glance at it time to time as you know my late edit habits.

This seems to get rather serious now...but please go slower everybody. I want to have some fun.


Nicely put ES....I find your thread rather appealing...Think I will take a closer gander; some really interesting stuff.... Pretty sweet set up.....

Can we train and supply the algorithm on the trading computer with the data and optimizations it needs simultaniosly?


Yep, as long as your running it on a computer that is fairly new. No more than 2 years old. There should be no problems at all. But, I suggest that this computer is not used for anything else, other than trading and optimizing. Very important to NOT use it to browse the internet, or check email.

Have it just be a streamlined verson of the operating system, your trading platform and optimizer. The operating system will have to be tweaked manualy to remove all the uneeded clutter. Thats all, keep it clean and simple, have a firewall, and your all set to offer pro services.

If you can afford it I would recommend a computer with a quadcore processor. Or a just a core duo would be great too.


glad your here, I really need your help to take a look at this. Please read this whole thread cover to cover and glance at it time to time as you know my late edit habits.


No problemo, looking forward to it. Let me get up to speed on your project here and maybe there is something I can offer to your project....