Artificial Intelligence - page 6


Ok. I removed the lepiricus and installed this one. Why do the creators of these EA's not include a percent choice to calculate on the balance or equity field? Surely to put a multiplier to read the balance or equity field in a little routine in the code cannot be that big of a hindrace and seems like a natural need for a trader..the code is out there & possible folks

Anyways readers here is what the input screen looks like and Thanks Doc..These are baby steps towards the evolution of AIMM™, and I like it.

EquityTraget: 18 this represents my actual setting for the Sunday open, which I had to manually calculate as 0.5% of my equity rounded up

CloseAllNow: false

CloseProfitableTradesOnly: false

ProfitableTradeAmount: 1.0 what is this decimal? Is it connected to the answer in the field directly above?

ClosePendingOnly: false

UseAlerts: false Is this what I think it is and how can I use it?


I need a percent field to read a choice of Balance or Equity

I need three BeginTimes to enter for three different percentages.

and of course Please.

Hi Gang,

Count me in on the testing! I've set the EA on the required group and set the weightings as suggested as well.

Here's an EA much like CloseAll-PL but with a couple of bells and whistles.

Ok so let me see...

I made red some questionable terms...

first red: when you report equity you mean the profit columnactually.

second red: when you report amount you mean the profit columnactually and this user input is in dollars and centslike 20.00...3.00...etc...can you use negative numbers there? you report it only trades when this user defined number inputted is exceeded...when? only when the field directly above it, named "ClosedProfitableTradesOnly", is true right?

doc...Thanks for you help, please reply. we are presenting to a global audience here. reduce all things to "plain speak"...


EquityTarget = 25; // closes all orders once Equity hits this $ amount

CloseAllNow = false; // closes all orders now

CloseProfitableTradesOnly = false; // closes only profitable trades

ProftableTradeAmount = 1; // Only trades above this amount close out

ClosePendingOnly = false; // closes pending orders only

UseAlerts = false;

This is taken from the code inside.. Hope that helps. As for an actual percentage we may have to wait just a little while longer.

to clarify what this contributer means:

I can open up a fifth chart..and run his download that he shared (I will leave its background black, which is different from the midnight blue that I use in my charts within demo accounts to remind me what they are and they are not live hehe).

The reason the fifth chart is needed is that two EA's cannot run at once on one chart. Since the automation that I need can run independently of the other four pair it can remain outside of the four pair that I use in this AIMM™ EA. Actually, this could be used for coding the global variables and be that chart designated for that part of the development of this 2-EA AIMM™ system and the future modifcations to the EA could be separated and contained there.

This fifth black chart will remind me that it is there to merely function as an AIMMEarlyTP™. I find that to organize from the beginning when testing several EA's, indicators and theories saves a lot of time and confusion for me the trader/researcher. (keep a written journal and update it each morning with your cup of Java)

Thank you lepiricus, I will test this solution.


ES, I'm not a coder but you can use this EA in the meanwhile, you simply attach it to a random chart and input what $ amount you want it to close all trades and it closes all trades once the input profit is reached then the AI EA will re-start. You can easily figure up 2% of your balance in your head even. It won't automate it but should save you considerable screen time. You would simply have to update the 2% input as your balance goes up

Perfect answer Doc, Thank You so much for your complete and thourough testing BEFORE the report and the eventual manual that I will write for using this simple input screen you shared.

Also Doc, Thank you for posting the preliminary link to the downloadable mq4 file of this to download into the appropriate MT4 EA folder.

You attitude and aspirations are perfect for this thread and Thank you again.

Both new & experienced traders/researchers/coders can gain from this threads presentation.

So to recap:

You are working on four questions and will provide a report on: (please reply to this post when answering as I have no idea where we will be at that time)

1) The first input field named, EquityTarget, reads the profit column and uses a non decimal round number without the cents..or which column does it read??

2) Is dollars and cents used in the input for ProfitableTradeAmount or does it use the "round non-decimal format", discussed in question #1?

3)Is the profitable trade amount made active with CloseProfitableTradesOnly?

4) Can negative numbers be used in ProfitableTradeAmount?

After your work is completed we will need to deliniate with hash marks // text from the eventual completed manual (Don't worry I am an accomplished writer and I can write it) to enable a new user looking at the input screen to see a short instruction and/or explanation. These comments will also act as separators for the catagories to be broken up into logical, intuitive order, obviously CloseProfitableTrades & ProfitableTradeAmount when you discover they are linked, will be in its own "two-input catagory".


P.S. there is no hurry, thourougness and presentation is most important.

Hi ES, unfortunately I didn't write this EA nor have I really tested it much before. Over the course of the next couple of days allow me the opportunity to find out. I will report back.


Review material:

I can install/drag/run this download, shared by Doc into the EA folder of a fifth chart I will leave its background black, which is different from the midnight blue that I use in my charts within demo accounts to remind me what they are and they are not live hehe.

The reason the fifth chart is needed is that two EA's cannot run at once on one chart. Since the automation that I need can run independently of the other four pair it can remain outside of the four pair that I use in this AIMM™ complete trading system being developed in this open source project thus far. Actually, this could be used for coding the global variables and be that chart designated for that part of the development of this 2-EA AIMM™ system and the future modifcations to the EA could be separated and contained there. For security reasonsin the future I prefer a two EA design, so that when I take this public and commercial, I have a clever way to stop hacking.

This fifth black chart will also remind the user that it is there to merely function as an AIMMEarlyTP™. I find that to organize from the beginning when testing several EA's, indicators and theories saves a lot of time and confusion for me the trader/researcher. Keep a written Journal and update it each morning with your cup of Java


Good... at least its not entirly the blind leading the blind hehe.

..folks this is not ready for prime time and let me trade it live first ok? deal?...but I am not near that yet..

Remember only trade with money that you can lose and will not miss. AGAIN I am trading THIS with Monoply money for now.

This current basket got up to 1.5% and dropped and now is returning...stay tuned for an exit.


P.S. I am getting overwhelmed with PM's. Slow down folks...let this simmer. There are many ways to trade profitably and consistently...the Holy Grail is to find YOUR way. I cannot understand the "hunger" out here...230 views to this thread in just a few hours...sheeshh..I am not a vendor ok? I am a trader sharing his boring days and nights of execution with others.

oh i see good idea thx


I have coined some terms thing I will be doing is charging for this

If you do not like to wait for 1hr. bars to form after AIMMEarlyTP™...just open and close the platform...I think that should do it...I prefer the wait between signals get fresh EA intepretations. the way I have installed change #2 and this is all going far too fastfor my liking. (but I am not sorry as I got what I wanted...can I go now?...sheesh...guess I am a ThreadSitter...fellah's as you learn what this EA does...gawd...keep it simple)

lepiricus, I put up a EUR/USD chart and installed your EA...I entered 67 for the $3,341.33 balance, cause I cannot be glued to the screen.

lepiricus...your EA is very valuable to me and the other systems that I can use it on are more than the fingers in my nose


P.S. folks...some of you may want to just enter one AIMMSmartEntry™ once per day during the open of London and/or the US. I can imagine that this thread will give a code for those of you that want the next trade to observe an open at a certain time instead of the formation of the next 1hr. candlestick bar. During my testing I am on 24/6, but volatility is our friend especially with AIMMWeighting

P.P.S. I need one of you to watch the EUR/USD and compare it to the Ebb and the Flow of your basket....and report any correlation of movement....then I need one of you to watch the US Dow or the S & P to find any correlation...please volunteer on this thread.


Are you ready for this?..

This is the AIMMSmartEntry™





Have you noticed this is a mirror of what we just got out of...I only was flat for 17 minutes as the exit got out then. Other times the exit may occur earlier in a 1hr. candlestick and the AIMMFlatPeriod™ may give time for price to change and we may not always get mirrors.

Interesting...You know with all four pair showing plus's and minuses...we really cannot be this particular full portfolio position will still allow the minus to now give us plus if they continue in their direction...


"AIMM" high and fly like eagles, traders


Another profitable Portfolio Exit Ladies and Gentleman. We are in a AIMMFlatPeriod™awaiting AIMMSmartEntry™.

Again, The flat period is a work-in-progress and for now the open of the one hour bar signals the EA to put on the trades. You can also get right in if You close and restart MT4 (this is actually a bug that needs to be fixed...but what the heck let's use it to our advantage)

Here was the profit:USD/CAD -$9.45

AUD/NZD +$11.93

EUR/CHF -$1.67

GBP/JPY +$39.78

New AIMMEarlyTP™ is $18.00 (0.5%)