Traders joking, the beginning - page 701


How do you find a good small-cap fund manager?
Find a good large-cap fund manager, and wait.


The Austrian government announced on Monday that they will be tearing down the house where Adolf Hitler was born. There goes our Christmas plans.

The Austrian government said they won’t leave the lot vacant, which means “the house where Hitler was born” might soon be “the pilates studio where Hitler was born.”

The four most beautiful words in our common language: I told you so.
Of course, Hillary also had her moments. Here’s what she said about her tax plans: “We are going to go where the money is.” And she knows where the money is. It’s where she gives her speeches.

CNN named the winner hours before the debate began. They say it was Excedrin, for their tweet, “The possibility of a debate headache is high, be prepared with Excedrin.” Of course, after watching the debate, we know the real winner was NyQuil — “Sweet darkness of sleep, it’s your only escape.”

Q: What does Bill say to Hillary after sex?
A: Honey I'll be home in 20 minutes.