Traders joking, the beginning - page 694

Those are amazing houses.
There’s a rumor that one in 10 Europeans is conceived in an Ikea bed. So people putting together Ikea furniture are at least using one tool correctly.

A letter written by George Washington in 1786 is going on sale for $35,000. The letter is to a friend and says, “Don’t tell anyone, but I was born in Kenya.”


 "Obama brightens a room just by leaving it. I heard that he once asked a staffer at the UN why people there took an instant dislike to him & was told, "It saves time." People have been known to commit suicide by scaling the summit of Obama's ego, and then leaping all the way down to his I.Q."

It was reported today that due to his role in the Bridge-gate scandal, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie could face impeachment. When he heard that, Christie said, "MMM, peach, mint."

A White House email account was hacked and a lot of their information was leaked yesterday. They're saying the information was stolen from the Gmail account of a low-level staffer. Then Joe Biden was like, "Technically, my title is vice president."

New data finds that more Americans are bringing their own lunch to work every day. As evidenced by the inside of your break room microwave that looks like a triple homicide just took place.