Traders joking, the beginning - page 706


A chemist, an engineer and an economist are stranded on a deserted island. They carry with them some canned food but have no ordinary means of opening the cans. The chemist suggests gathering some wood and starting a fire and then holding the cans over the heat, counting on the expanding contents to burst open the cans. The engineer thinks it would be better to try smashing the cans open with some of the rocks lying around. The economist begins, "Assume we had a can opener..."

A tech blogger in California used a weather balloon to drop an iPhone from the edge of space, at 100,000 feet in the air, to see what would happen — and still, somehow the phone landed in the guy’s toilet.
We tried democracy, I think we proved we’re not mature enough to handle it, we can’t do this. Let’s go back to only caring about pet videos.
A tech blogger in California used a weather balloon to drop an iPhone from the edge of space, at 100,000 feet in the air, to see what would happen — and still, somehow the phone landed in the guy’s toilet.
Better that than doing the same with a Samsung phone...

Hi all,
Hope you are well and enjoying this post-election day. Here is one joke that I read today:

Why is Donald Trump always seen with Melania? Because all his other wives support Hillary.

Can’t wait to see the final results of the elections :) Successful Wednesday :)

We tried democracy, I think we proved we’re not mature enough to handle it, we can’t do this. Let’s go back to only caring about pet videos.
True. We Love Russia videos are also quiet repetitive but funny.
I don't need a Valentine.

I need 8 million dollars and a faster metabolism.

How does Donald Trump plan on deporting 12 million illegal immigrants?
Juan by Juan.

Last night Donald Trump reached out and grabbed America by the . . . Virginia.