Traders joking, the beginning - page 644



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Bernie Sanders was here on Tuesday and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is here tonight. They're an interesting pair because they're still competing with each other, but eventually we know they're going to team up to stop the deranged billionaire who wants to take over the world.

Which if you think about it is basically the plot to "Batman vs. Superman," the movie. They spoiled it without giving an alert.

Donald Trump is furious over an ad featuring a nude photo of Melania. Trump's mostly furious because it's the first time he's seen Melania naked in years.


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People on Wall Street are worried about the negative effects of a Donald Trump presidency. Also worried, people on every street. All the streets.


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With marijuana becoming legal in so many places these days, they’re really looking into how it can effect people who use it. And one new study says smoking marijuana regularly can lead to antisocial behaviors at work and even lying to get a job. Then stoners said, "You lost me at 'work,' and RE-lost me at 'get a job.'"


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A study that took almost 40 years shows that regularly smoking marijuana can make people worse at their jobs. When asked how they knew that, researchers said, “Cuz that study was only supposed to take two years, man!