Traders joking, the beginning - page 319


Few years back I was visiting one FOREX forum often...There was few problems though...When I registered with them I made a mistake about my geographical location...So at around 11am when I am @ work...I would go to that site...and they had this idiotic service acknowledging the time of the would say"Pava...shouldn't you be sleeping right now?"...and since I am not the type who likes to argue...I would go to sleep immediately...until around 2pm...people who work with me told me that I am snoring...

President Obama is giving the NSA new guidelines on gathering data on American citizens. He says the NSA can no longer violate anyone's constitutionally protected right to privacy. That, of course, will be Target's job.
President Obama announced today that America's No. 1 domestic terrorist has been apprehended. They finally arrested Justin Bieber, ladies and gentlemen. He is in custody. We don’t have to live in fear anymore.


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Justin Bieber was arrested in Miami Beach on a DUI. He was also busted for resisting arrest and drag racing. Justin was clocked going 60 miles an hour in a Lamborghini. Wow, 60 miles an hour in a Lamborghini? Hey Justin, it’s called second gear. Try it sometime.
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio is facing criticism after this latest snowstorm because wealthy neighborhoods got their streets plowed after poor neighborhoods. Rich people called in to complain and said, “This is outrageous! If I weren’t in Bermuda right now, I'd come down there.”


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teach your children well.... CryptoKids� America's Future Codemakers & Codebreakers

"We’re the CryptoKids® and we love cryptology.

What’s cryptology? Cryptology is making and breaking codes. It’s so cool. We make codes so we can send secret messages to our friends. And we try to figure out what other people are writing about by breaking their codes. It’s a lot of fun.

On this site, you can learn all about codes and ciphers, play lots of games and activities, and get to know each of us - Crypto Cat®, Decipher Dog®, Rosetta Stone®, Slate®, Joules™, T.Top®, CyberTwins™ Cy and Cyndi, and, of course, our leader CSS Sam®.

You can also learn about the National Security Agency/Central Security Service - they’re America’s real codemakers and codebreakers. Our Nation’s leaders and warfighters count on the technology and information they get from NSA/CSS to get their jobs done. Without NSA/CSS, they wouldn’t be able to talk to one another without the bad guys listening and they wouldn’t be able to figure out what the bad guys were planning.

We hope you have lots of fun learning about cryptology and NSA/CSS. You might be part of the next generation of America’s codemakers and codebreakers."