Traders joking, the beginning - page 637



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A photo has emerged from the 1960s of Bernie Sanders getting arrested during a civil rights protest. Meanwhile, another photo emerged from the '60s that shows Donald Trump’s wife, Melania, not being born yet.
Reverend Al Sharpton called Donald Trump the "white Don King." Today, Sharpton apologized and said, "I’m sorry, I meant the orange Don King."


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Just a few months ago, people were furious that Starbucks removed Christmas imagery from their cups, and last year, customers got angry that pumpkin spice didn't contain any actual pumpkin. I think the real problem here is that drinking that much caffeine every day turns you into a [whiner].
Lego has announced that to “mirror the world we live in today” the company will be adding working mom, handicapped, and stay-at-home dad figurines. Just a side note, the handicapped Lego figurine became disabled after he stepped on a Lego barefoot.


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NASA said this week it has received a record high number of 18,000 applications for their astronaut training program. NASA said it shows a growing interest in space exploration. Then people said, “Nah, we just wanna get off the planet before this election.”
Hasbro announced they are making a new version of Monopoly to appeal to a younger generation. That means it won't come with any cash, so you'll have to borrow some from your parents' Monopoly set.


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